International Symposium On Wave Therapeutics

Interaction of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation with Living Systems

“Really important information is accessible to everybody, except to the army and government, which are preoccupied with their secret reports.”


Dr. A. Szent-Gyorgyi’s 1979 Proceedings of International Symposium of Wave Therapeutics, Interaction on Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation with Living Systems has turned up several copies that are now available.

“In 1928, the legendary Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi, then a student at the University of Cambridge (UK), extracted what he called “hexuronic acid” from the adrenal cortices of oxen. He and colleague Walter Norman Haworth later isolated the molecule from lemons and paprika. Szent-Györgyi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937; the same year, Haworth received the prize in chemistry.”

This is 276 pages of very dense information, equations, much of it very technical, some of it in french. Here is an example of what we might find useful:

“Lakhovsky’s therapeutic technique may be to some extent, the reflection of therapy performed by Priore’s generator. This apparatus, besides other, so far fully unidentified effects, generates a constant magnetic field in an intensity of about 1240 G and an electromagnetic field at 9.4 Ghz, modulated with a 17 MHz frequency.”

Introduction From The Editor

Our starting point is the vision of a sub-molecular biology, the foundation of which have been placed by the President of the Symposium.

This shift of perception in biology from the molecular to the sub-molecular level is highly significant. The search for an answer to a non-trivial and pertinent question, namely “what is life?” is moving the investigation into the domain of elementary particles (mainly electrons and protons), but also of photons that is, light of biological or artificial origin) , of electromagnetic waves, magnetic and other physical fields, as well as related concepts of solid state physics and quantum mechanics.

The obvious extension of this approach leads us to bio-electronics and a concept of physical plasma in living matter (or bioplasm), a fifth state of matter, specific to the living state, and its common denominator. These electronic processes are, next to biochemical transformations, a complimentary reality of life. Both processes are coupled, and therefore the description of life in terms of electron acceptors and donors, electromagnetic wave emitters and receivers, or photon exchange, open up a fascinating horizon for research on health and disease, on life and death. Apart from its obvious existence as a chemical substrate, living matter has a characteristic quality for perceiving and creating physical fields (or, more specifically, called physical bio-fields). This novel description of the living state leads to the conclusion that the structure devoid of physical bi-feilds is not alive.

The necessity of an interdisciplinary extension of these conclusions becomes obvious when we realize that this approach is both physical and informational, or cybernetic. Electromagnetic bio-information, biophoton emission, “trigger” effects of weak radiations, resonance effects obtained with milliwatts of power – these need not surprise us. Let us quote Szentz-Gyorgyi: “One of the relevant characteristics of matter is to receive and to process information”. In life, this information network processing is most remarkable, and we look forward to a future Symposium dedicated to such properties within an electromagnetic ecosystem, extending as far as information may be exchanged. We may foresee a time when transformations between health and illness will be described in terms of light, fields, frequencies, regulation and information, coherence.

In the meantime, we should be aware that the novelty of these statements is but relative, and the term of independent re-discovery may often be more appropriate. Sir William Crooks, the physicist who discovered cathode emission, had already speculated about a novel state in living systems. Forty years ago, William Koch, a medical doctor and chemist in New York, used glycolic acid/benzoquinone for cancer treatment, and these chemicals remind us very much of methylglyoxal and hydoxyquinones of Szent-Gyorgyi. The Popp-(Inyusin-Frohlich model of the cell as an oscillator was described by Georges Lakhovsky, a French, Russian-born engineer, who actively applied it in his multi-wave oscillator in Paris some fifty years ago. Finally, to name but a few: Harold S. Burr, professor of anatomy at the Yale University school of Medicine, experimentally studied electrical potentials and patterns in vivo over forty years ago, building the foundations of the electro-dynamic theory of life.

Rather than ask ourselves why are these matters only now gaining a slightly broader audience, let me tell you the following story.

When the celebrated pianist, Ignace Paderewski was touring the Western part of the United States at the end of the last century, he was often confronted with instruments of poor quality. On one occasion, he had to play a piano which could function only if a person kept constantly removing the hammers from the strings after each key was touched. Therefore, during the entire concert, a man with rolled up sleeves was very busy at the open back of the piano, operating with the speed of lightning, as fast as Paderewski was playing the keyboard. After the concert who do you think was encored and applauded by the listeners? Yes, you are right. The time of the pianist had not yet arrived.

-Zbigniew William Wolkowski

Universite Pierre et Marie Curie

Universite Paris-Val de Marne 

International Symposium of Wave Therapeutics

275 pages, spiral bound…………….$39.00