Inharmony: The Argument

The method I use to generate content is based on synchronicity. A person would have to be a genius to attempt to approach the Borderland Archive material in a linear way.  The problem with the randomness is that sometimes I don’t like the content or it is confusing or both.

If I don’t write it up things grind to a halt. It is like I am supposed to just flush it through the system. 

This material is pretty hard to bring together in a coherent form. It is like two different conversations at the same time with everyone talking over each other.

Ruth Drown is having an interesting conversation with Liboff Abraham R, Mcleod Bruce R and Smith Stephen D about harmony.

The scientists give a very technical example of how harmony is created in the radionic circuit as “a direct current offset resulting in a non-zero average magnetic field.” 

Ruth explains that “the disease energy is positive to the ground energy, but it is negative to the total body energy, being but a small part thereof. Therefore, it is that positive energy of the operator emanating from the tips of the fingers, coming in contact with the detector which causes a definite short in the passage of the disease energy”

For some reason Riley Crabb gives us a warning about “concentrating on the input of the senses” and introduces a sort of creepy black magick thread into the conversation. I guess he is reacting to the materialist vibes coming from the medical doctors? 

Scott Hill, almost in spite of Crabb, brings up the experiments of Dr. Koriniy in 1967 on rabbits.

On the heels of Crabbs’s portrayal of Gerald Light’s encounters with Gurdjieff in the 1930’s J.K.Huysman’s satanic Monsieur Durtal enters the stage to perform a routine that also has to do with the sense of smell. Odd.

The question of inharmony is again raised and we agree that it was “to be decided by experience rather than argument.”

Here are the excerpts:

Inharmony is the rock-botton cause of all disease, for the latter is unable to enter the body unless inharmony has taken hold. The individual has not yet learned the laws of Life. He has done certain things, year in, year out, and has struggled along, trying to make conditions yield to him, only to wear out his body and accomplish little or nothing, instead of letting go and trying to harmonize himself with the great fundamental laws.

Ruth Drown, The Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy, Los Angeles 1938

In another embodiment, a sinusoidal current is employed in the arc windings with a direct current offset resulting in a non-zero average magnetic field to achieve the required magnetic field along the predetermined axis that is therapeutically effective.

-Patent 5,437,600 Liboff Abraham R, Mcleod Bruce R, 

Smith Stephen D   1994. (A Case for Electro-Therapy, Selected U.S. Patents compiled by Peter A. Lindemann)

Beware that concentrating on the input of the senses can be dangerous; for it is one of the techniques of the Left Hand path – or at least Pagan Magick.  One of our Associates went to France when Gurdjieff had his school there at Fontainebleau, in the 1930’s. One of the things which amazed him was the rows and rows of spices and other exotic edibles which Gurdjieff kept around him all the time. He enjoyed making his students eat them, demanding that they concentrate on the feelings of the taste. There were exercises for concentrating on the other senses until they became developed to an abnormal degree. This is the opposite of what we are trying to do. To me this is the Left Hand Path, emphasizing the physical nature.

Associate, Gerald Light marveled at Gurdjief’s sudden changes in weight, even though the gure wasn’t particularly big or heavy. Light said, “When Gurdjieff was asleep two of us could lift him, but when he was awake and concentrating 12 of us couldn’t lift him! And at times when he was moving about and in deep concentration, and would absent-mindedly sit down, the chair would crash to splinters under him, making him angry”

Riley Hansard Crabb, Psychic Self Defense Part III, The Dweller on the Threshold.

“Perhaps the most dramatic biological effect of laser light is the stimulation of regeneration of tissue. In 1967 Dr. Koriniy and associates carried out experiments on rabbits using monochromatic polarized light for 6300-6400 A. Identical wounds were inflicted on both ears of a rabbit, and thus each rabbit served as its own control: one ear was radiated, one was not. Distinct physiological changes included the increase of neutrophyles, occurred on the test wound but not the control wound. In successive periods, the number of phagocytes began to increase, and the bacterial flora composed of diplo- and tetracocci almost entirely phagocytosized in the wound exodate. The wound which was irradiated with MRL also healed faster. The authors concluded that the effects were due to changing properties of the skin.”

Biophotons and Biophysical Effects of Ultra Weak EM Radiation by Scott Hill M.E.E. University of Copenhagen (International Symposium on Wave Therapeutics)

The principle of diagnosing with the Homo-Vibra Ray is that all positive energies flow toward the negative energies. Thus, the positive force in the human body flows toward the ground, as our instrument is grounded. In using the human energy as the force that carries the radio-active ethers from the body to the ground, we are not able to pick it up at the present time by any other than that which is equal in every way to the human energy — hence the reason for passing the hand over the detector to pick up the disease rate of vibration as it passes toward the ground. We find that the disease energy is positive to the ground energy, but it is negative to the total body energy, being but a small part thereof. Therefore, it is that positive energy of the operator emanating from the tips of the fingers, coming in contact with the detector which causes a definite short in the passage of the disease energy or vibration from any localized tissue, organ or gland of the body. Any one of these, being but a part of the great whole, naturally is negative to the total. Any other energy would be a different rate of vibration and would take us out of the law that “like attracts like”.

It has been difficult for the average physician to recognize the great vital life force which flows through everything in the universe, giving it its ownrate of vibration. When that rate of vibration changes, the substance recognized as a definite thing ceases to be that thing and becomes something else without ceasing to be a substance. Were commercial electricity used with this instrument, we would defeat our own purpose to the degree that we would waste the electric energy, for it would not find its own rate of vibration in the human body, and we would also obscure the flow of human energy to such a degree that the patient would receive only a portion of the treatment that he otherwise would receive were he to treat with his own energy unobscured.

He pushed her aside and began to stir the salad.

“How good it smells!” said Durtal, drinking in the incisive tang of the herring.

“Do you know what this perfume suggests? A basket funnelled fireplace, twigs of juniper snapping in it, in a ground-floor room opening onto a great harbour. It seems to me there is a sort of salt water halo around these little rings of gold and rusted iron. — Exquisite,” he said as he tasted the salad.

“We’ll make it again for you, Monsieur Durtal,” said Mme. Carhaix, “you are not hard to please” -La Bas (The Great Classic Of Satanism) J.K.Huysman’

“Matter may be regarded as the battle-ground on which two different types of spirituality fight each other.”

There is where we disagree again,” observed Narbu. “I always thought there was only one type of spirituality.”

“I think this is a question to be decided by experience rather than argument.” I said.

“We shall discuss this further in the Secret City,” he replied…

Secret City in the Valley of Mystery