Induction, Ether-Matter, and the Defective Dynamo

I am just going to ask for donations before anyone gets pissed off at the writing in this month’s newsletter. Borderland Sciences is so important and yet so fragile. Any support that you can give helps us carry this message into our 79th year.

I have created three eBay auctions that start out at $10.00 for the sets of the various books we draw the excerpts from. 

 I am not qualified to talk about Dollard’s materials yet when cleaning and arranging this is the set we find and thus must describe. 

Eric Dollard and J.J. Thomson join us but, as engineers can be, they are quite engrossed in a conversation that I am unable to comprehend, and they are not concerned whether I am able to connect the dots.

How does dielectricity play a role in establishing electric waves in a triple phase, producing “Inductive Acceptance – growth of an electric wave with no apparent supply of energy”, there by creating “bundles of a luminous discharge” in low pressure gas tubes?

J.J. Thomson clearly and bluntly says “The phosphorescence is due to the positive ray.” as if I should understand such a simple point.

I do know that the J.J. Thomson book is not in the current catalog and this item is going to be auctioned. It is one of the very last “rusty staples” antique copies from the old storage unit. This copy has unique yellow discolorations around the staples due to the acid in the paper. 

This is clearly a focused package from the inner circle meant for that rare Tesla researcher who still reads this email newsletter from Borderland Sciences…

But there is always something here for the rest of us, hints in the right direction?

“Then establishing electric waves in systems of angular division other than quadrantal, such as triple phase, produces a type of interference pattern between the natural form of the wave and the form imposed on it by the given system. This produces partial interchanges between the four fundamental characteristics of the natural electric wave producing unique products such as NON INDUCTIVE REACTANCE, that is, the storage of energy with no accompanying electrical field; or INDUCTIVE ACCEPTANCE, that is, growth of an electric wave with no apparent supply of energy. This would appear as a violation of the Law of Energy Conservation, however, these phenomena do occur in practical situations and are in need of theoretical explanation.”

Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Wave, Eric P. Dollard, Pg 50

“The positive rays were discovered by Goldstein in 1886. His apparatus is represented in Fig.1; the cathode K which stretched right across the tube was a metal plate through which a number of holes were drilled, the diameter of the holes being considerably less than the thickness of the plate; the axes of the holes were at right angles to the surface of the plate; the anode a saw at the end of the lower part of the tube. The pressure of the gas in the tube was so low that when the electrodes K and a were connected with the terminals of an induction coil and a discharge passed through the tube, the dark space below the cathode was well developed. Under these circumstances Goldstein found that slightly diverging bundles of a luminous discharge streamed through the holes in the cathode into the upper tube. The color of this light in these bundles depended on the kind of gas with which the tube was filled.”

“Many important properties of the positive rays can be easily demonstrated by the use of a tube like that shown in fig 2. For example when rays strike against the glass sides of the tube they make the glass phosphoresce. The phosphorescence produced by the positive rays is of a different color from that produced by the cathode rays and is in general not nearly so bright.”

“The phosphorescence due to the positive ray is a most valuable aid for studying the ways the rays are deflected by electric and magnetic forces, and it is important to find the substance which gives the brightest phosphorescence.”

Rays of Positive Electricity by Sir J.J. Thomson, 1913


The perception of capacitance as used today is wholly inadequate for the proper understanding of this effect. Steinmetz mentions that in his introductory book, “Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses”. To quote, “Unfortunately, to a large extent in dealing with dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electrostatic charge (electron) on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and the dielectric, and makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated.”


Steinmetz continues. “There is obviously no more sense in thinking  of the capacity current as current which charges the conductor with a greater quantity of electricity, than there is of speaking of the inductance voltage as charging the conductor with a quantity of magnetism. But the latter conception, together with the notion of a quantity of magnetism, etc, has vanished since Faraday’s representation of the magnetic field by lines of force.”

Introduction to Dielectric & Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings, Eric Dollard, 1982

Dayton Miller, Sir Oliver Lodge, J.J. Thomson and Baron Reichenbach are having a conversation about the ether and the five senses. 

Dayton Miller is talking with his hands waving furiously in the air describing revolutions, a complicated combination of translations and rotations of how three different axis are being translated through space in an unknown manner. I think he is drawing a parallel between the interferometer and the sense organs and their orientation in space.

J.J. Thomson, laughs at Dayton’s hands and makes a single gesture with his hands as if describing a vast field “… all mass is mass of ether; all momentum, momentum of the ether…”

Sir Oliver Lodge extends the idea of the unity of ether. He summarizes the ether-matter relationship to the senses, identifying matter as ether, or as “that modification of it which appeals to our senses as matter, and which for that reason engrosses our attention.”

Baron Reichenbach further extends the observation of the senses in their relation to the etheric. Reichenbach describes Odic light and shares with us his experience in the darkroom with the observation of a plant which after a few hours comes into full perception. He asks the question “Consequently, light must have been there for color as well as form to have been recognized. And whence came the light?”

In this conversation, they all agree that the luminous light of the plant was a direct experience of the etheric and the general consensus is that, as the subtle odic light manifests itself to our senses, it “engrosses our attention”  and it is thus a modification of ether. 

And here comes Dayton Miller making circles and loops in the air in front of him…

“The well-known motion of the solar system towards the constellation Hercules, with a velocity of 19 kilometers per second, is only a relative motion of the sun with regard to the group of nearby stars and it may give no information as to the motion of the group as a whole.” 

“The interferometer continually rotates in a horizontal place about a vertical axis at the latitude of the observatory. As the earth rotates on its axis, the axis of the interferometer extended may be considered as the generating element of a cone, the earth’s axis always pointing in the same direction in cosmic space. At the same time this system with rotations about three different axes is being translated through space in an unknown manner. It is presumed that the ether-drift interferometer will detect only that single component of the complicated combination of translations and rotations which at the instant lies in the optical plane of the interferometer: it gives the magnitude and direction of this one component.”

The Ether-Drift Experiment and Absolute Motion of the Earth, Dayton Miller, July 1933

“One more function is now being discovered: the ether is being found to constitute matter–an immensely interesting topic, on which there are many active workers at the present time. I will make a brief quote from Prof. Sir J.J. Thomson, where he summarizes the conclusion which we all see looming before us, though it has not yet been completely attained and would not by all be similarly expressed:- 

“The whole mass of any body is just the mass of ether surrounding the body which is carried along by the Faraday tubes associated with the atoms of the body. In Fact, all mass is mass of ether; all momentum, momentum of the ether; and all kinetic energy, kinetic energy of the ether. This view, it should be said, requires the density of the ether to be immensely greater than that of any known substance.” 

“Yes, far denser–so dense that matter by comparison is like gossamer, or a filmy imperceptible mist, or a milky way. Not unreal or unimportant–a cobweb is not unreal, nor to certain creatures it is unimportant, but it cannot be said to be massive or dense; and matter, even platinum, is not dense when compared with the ether. Not till last year, however, did I realize what the density of the ether must really be, compared with that modification of it which appeals to our senses as matter, and which for that reason engrosses our attention.”

The Ether of Space, Sir Oliver Lodge, 1909

“Take a good middling or a good high-sensitive into the dark, and along with him a cat, a bird, a butterfly, if it is to be had and a pot of flowers in bloom. After a couple of hours have gone by, you will hear strange stories. The flowers, so you will be told, will come forth out of the gloom and grow visible. First of all they will distinguish themselves from the black night of the general darkness in the form of a vaguely defined gray cloud. In this later on, clearer spots will be formed. These will finally separate from each other definable ; the individual blooms will become distinguishable; forms will become recognizable as the gradually grow clearer and clearer : and, on one occasion, when I had left a flower pot as I have described with the late Professor Endlicher, the celebrated botanist, who was a sensitive of medium power, he cried aloud with a shock of astonishment : “It is a blue flower–it is a gloxina!” It was in fact a gloxina speciosa, var. Coerulea, which he has seen in absolute darkness and recognized both as to shape and color.”

“Nothing can be seen in darkness without light.  Consequently, light must have been there for color as well as form to have been recognized. And whence came the light? It came from the plant itself: the plant was luminous! “

Reichenbach’s Letters on Od and Magnetism (1852), F.D. O’Byrne, 1925

Crabb shows up late with Richard Shaver and Charles Fort, who launch into some exp-politics that seem to rub this crowd of intellectuals the wrong way. Crabb tries to steer the conversation back to an awareness of our egos “mistakes and unredeemed creations” that “engrosses our attention.”

Leonard J Ravitz, not a huge fan of mystical language, is not having it and rebuttals with a mechanistic explanation of a “defective dynamo” that the ether-physics guys all seem to be more in resonance with.


“Shaver agrees with Charles Fort, “We are property,” This summary of Fortean conclusions, by the way, was given me by an Air Force officer in Honolulu a few years ago. I guess he had read Charles Fort as part of his briefing on Flying Saucers. Anyhow, this Air Force officer told me that Fort’s researches into the unusual had finally convinced him that we are the neglected property of a race of beings who came to this planet millions of years ago. These ancient visitors were interested in producing or trying to produce a superior race by selected cross breeding. The breeding went the other way. They got discouraged with the results and went off and left us – or left our remote forefathers. Then every once in a while they come back to pick up a few specimens to see how we’re getting along. The results are still discouraging, so they toss the specimens back into the pen and take off again!”

“Fort and Shaver do not seem to be alone in their conclusions that this planet is a sort of slum area of the solar system, with a choice collection of dead beats, bums, bindle-stiffs – and people like you and me. This picture is not very flattering to our egos, is it?”

The Reality of the Cavern World, Riley H. Crabb, 1960

“The student of the Mysteries should expect to meet the Dweller of the Threshold at this point of crossing over. It bars our way until our courage has been proved and the lessons of the lower wheel have developed the necessary courage and fortitude.”

“The Dweller is the synthesis of all those “mistakes and unredeemed creations” which we have pushed behind us as we grope through the murk of the lower worlds to the Light. It awaits us on the threshold of the New Life. “

Psychic Self-Defence Part III The Dweller on the Threshold, Riley H. Crabb, 1975

“On the other hand, some schizophrenics may come equipped with a ‘defective dynamo’ or such functionally deficient neocortical regulatory-integrative mechanism that they would show gross symptoms in infancy and childhood- intellectual, discriminatory functions never developing, developing slowly or becoming arrested at an early age.”

“By this theory, the essential distinction between manic-depressive states and so called psychoneurotic states and schizophrenia would be the more completely evolved, more functionally mature aspects of neocortical function in the non-schizophrenic behavior disorders.”

“All, however, would progress through space-time on electrocyclic variations conditioning state changes ranging from excitation to exhaustion. Moreover all maniacs, and most depressives would physiologically represent states of  excitation – in one, with the facilitation of response – in the other, with inhibition of response.”

History, Measurement, and Applicability of Periodic Changes in the Electromagnetic Field in Health and Disease, Leonard J. Ravitz, 1962

All this and more: