Etheric Radionics: The Ellipsoidal Return-Flow Field and Magneto-Optic Rotation

Gerry Vassilatos, Lindy Millard and Carl Krafft insisted on the long title for this Newsletter. They smile as if understanding that the joke is somehow at my expense. Whether the “General” or the particular one must attempt to retain their good humor.

When Gerry says we are going to ”examine the varieties of components” of “the primary tools of radionics” I was a bit skeptical because I had already flipped through Lindy Millards book and could not find a “stick”. It’s all math. 

I did a little internet research on Lindy Millard and sure as sh*t, in the Journal of Borderland Research, I find Lindy laying out the groundwork of the radionic device, “A series resonant circuit includes a resistor, a coil, and a capacitor – sometimes only the later two – and these parts are connected in a series”, like Gerry was saying.

Krafft, in rare form, goes deep about consciousness and the “electrical interlinking on the different parts of the nervous system by circulating the ether currents through which electrical impulses can be transmitted from one region to another.”

The Ether-Vortex Concept is a difficult read and I was again shocked when Lindy was able to describe in vivid detail the workings of the coils in the device, “In a helical coil of wire carrying a steady current, it is possible for the electric field to have curl, within the coil.”

What I think a lot of people don’t realize is that the electric current in a Ruth Drown device comes from a galvanic current generated from the silver foot plates and the tin block that goes to the diaphragm. While these are micro-currents we can get a glimpse at the etheric mechanics that are in action and realize that we are not using electro-mechanical forces or even frequency generation but subtle modifications of Organismic Vril conductivity.

The conversation is short and dense. I am sure most of the Borderland Scientists who read this will appreciate the candor of the Inner Circle this month. 

Organismic Vril conductivity is symmetry-specific. The body requires specific orientation for eidetic transactions. Vril eidetic World transactions determine radionic rates and auric phenomena. Radionic rates are Vril World eidetic nodes. Subjective experiments are verified via a consortium of participants. Systemologies are subjectively agreed consortia. 

Vril Maps

We will examine the varieties of components which appeared throughout the course of telegraphy: later to become the primary tools of radionics. Rheostats, coils (inductors), capacitors, and the other components will be examined with special regard to the Vril primary function of each. 

Vril II: Vril Telegraphy, Gerry Vassilatos,1992

A series resonant circuit includes a resistor, a coil, and a capacitor – sometimes only the later two – and these parts are connected in a series. Now if these parts have suitable value ratings, the series resonant circuit made from them will resonantly conduct through itself and frequency of fluctuating current we choose. This circuit is “equivalent to” a weighted spring. In this case, the capacitor and the spring play similar roles, but the coil and the iron weight seem to cater to the low frequencies, thus playing a complementary role.

The cerebral cortex is also characterized by the extreme complexity of the proteinaceous chemical structures of the synapses which contain all the memory records of sensory impulses. The complexity of the cortex must be at least as great as the complexity of consciousness itself because although consciousness probably has its origin in the sentience of the subatomic particles, it owes its complex pattern of action to the structural complexity of the cortex. The actual complexity of the cortex is really much greater than the complexity than the complexity of our consciousness because our consciousness must always be within the limits of our comprehension whereas the cerebral cortex is almost inconceivable complex in its histological structure alone, and its chemical complexity is thousands of times greater than its histological complexity.

The feelings of an animal organism are complex not only in their intrinsic nature but also in their spatial distribution. Although the intrinsic nature of our sensations is determined by the conditions in the cerebral cortex, the sensations themselves may be in remote parts of the body, but only in those parts which are reached by our sensory nerves. Inert structures may be integral parts of the body but are not in functional unification with the central nervous system. Such functional unification can only consist of direct electrical interlinking on the different parts of the nervous system by circulating the ether currents through which electrical impulses can be transmitted from one region to another.

Consciousness involves not only the electrochemical pulsations along the nerve fibers and synapses but also indirectly the activities of the atoms and subatomic particles that are associated with such pulsations. If these subatomic particles are vortices in the ether, then we have an adequate mechanistic basis for mind and consciousness.

The Ether and its Vortices Carl Frederick Krafft, 1955

The hydromechanical interaction which causes the field of the electro-static attraction is of a different character. What leads to a mechanistic explanation of the attraction between unlike electric charges, is a concept of etheric circulation – flow in closed circuits. According to Krafft’s theory , the proton’s source-squirt and the electron’s influx, and the ellipsoidal return-flow field (set up by the equatorial zones of each particle) consisting of the electron’s equatorial source and the proton’s influx.

Krafft has called this ellipsoidal return-flow field the generator of the “magnetic” field of a current-carrying wire, but on this minor point I differ with Assoc. Krafft. In the atomic structure of the wire there are return-flow ellipsoids like the one schematically shown enormously enlarged in Fig. 5. The field that is generated by these ellipsoids is not only an ether-velocity field, but is the field which most engineering professors (f) consider to be identified by electric field-intense vectors E. The direction of these vectors is the same as for the longitudinal flow which Krafft (g) seems to have identified as the wire’s “magnetic” field, but he should have called this longitudinal field “electric” instead. The magnetic vector-field should still be regarded as a family of closed curves which are concentric with the end-view cross section of the wire and are everywhere perpendicular to the direction of the current. In a helical coil of wire carrying a steady current, it is possible for the electric field to have curl, within the coil. This “curl E” can be zero if the magnitude E is directly proportional to distance from the geometric axis of the coil (but only as far as the radius of the windings), as if the ether within the coil were rotating like a rigid wheel. In the solenoid or wire coil of a polarimeter, the field of the curl E can actually twist a ray of polarized light, an effect which is called “magneto-optic rotation”.

The Ether-Vortex Concept, by Lindy Millard, 1956