The Etheric Physics Archive represents over 77 years of investigation and publishing by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF). Featuring primarily Carl F. Krafft who was a major contributor to Meade Layne’s Round Robin in the 1940’s. Theories of the ether have been championed and expounded on by the likes of Sir Oliver Lodge, Dayton C. Miller, and Carl F. Krafft… and perhaps you?
- Dayton C. Miller, “The Ether-Drift Experiment and the Determination of the Absolute Motion of the Earth”
- Sir Oliver Lodge, “The Ether of Space”
- Lindy Millard, “Ether-Vortex Concept”
- Guenther Wachsmuth, “The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man”
- C.F. Krafft, “The Ether and its Vortices”
- C.F. Krafft, “Glimpses of the Unseen World”
- C.F. Krafft, “The Structure of the Atom”
- C.F. Krafft, “Ether And Matter”
- C.F. Krafft, “The Mechanistic Autonomy of Nature”
- C.F. Krafft, “Can Science Explain Life?”
- C.F. Krafft, “Spirazines”
- C.F. Krafft, “Articles from the Scientific Press”
The Ether-Drift Experiment and the Determination of the Absolute Motion of the Earth
by Dayton C. Miller
If you think that the ether has been scientifically disproved you haven’t read this material yet! Miller’s experiments foreshadow Wilhelm Reich’s discovery of the Orgone – and confirms it!
Stapled: 40 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0032
Price: $12.95
The Ether of Space
by Sir Oliver Lodge
Why does orthodox science refuse to consider the existence of an invisible ether? Among other serious experimenters, Lodge worked tirelessly to prove the reality of the ether. You can share his keen insights into the elusive but ever present ethereal spaces here. With illustrations describing the various experiments.
Stapled: 180 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0033
Price: $19.95
Ether-Vortex Concept
by Lindy Millard
In more enlightened quarters the ether has never gone out of fashion. The extraordinary science of ether physics explains the four forces that comprise our universe. Millard begins with the Four Creative Forces of Lemuria, and carries on into Gravitational, Electric, Magnetic, and Fields of Optical Radiation-Pressure.
Stapled: 15 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0035
Price: $9.95
The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man
by Guenther Wachsmuth

Essential reading for understanding the nature and workings of energy and matter. Includes: New Theory of Motion; Organic and Inorganic World; Etheric Formative Forces; Breathing Process of the Earth Organism; Circulatory Process of the Earth Organism; Rotation of the Earth; Etheric Currents in the Earth Organism; Gravitation and Terrestrial Magnetism; The Sun; The Planets and their Spheres; The Interior of the Earth; Ontogenetic Origin and Disappearance of Substance; New Theory of Light & Color; Tone; The Dissolution of Radioactivity; Shape-Building Forces and Archetypal Forms in Nature; Etheric Formative Forces & the Art of Healing.
Spiral Bound: 250 pp
Product Code: B0118
Price: $27.95
The Ether and its Vortices
by Carl Frederick Krafft
Outside the stagnant channels of “mainstream” science, leading research is now showing the vortex to be a vital key in understanding the subatomic level of nature. This comprehensive book is Krafft’s masterwork covering: The Hydro-mechanical Ether, Subatomic Vortices, The New Vortex Atoms, Radioactivity and Atomic Fission, the Nuclear Theory Disproved, and more.
Stapled: 66 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0031
Price: $14.95
Glimpses of the Unseen World
by Carl Frederick Krafft
One of Borderland’s trailblazing writers from the 1950’s, physicist and ether researcher Krafft swept the cobwebs from many minds in the early days with his progressive articles. Here is a selection of his best including: The Antiquity of the Ether Concept; The Existence of an Ether; Further Evidence of an Ether; and Anti-Gravity and Saucer Propulsion.
Stapled: 22 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0042
Price: $10.95
The Structure of the Atom
by Carl Frederick Krafft
Here is the theory, based on observation and astute insight, that the atom is a vortexian structure, rather than the “swarm of flies” type of atom conceived through high energy electrical experiments. Also included is an Alternative Explanation for the Red Shift, and the Constitution of the Sun and Stars.
Stapled: 36 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0078
Price: $14.95
Ether And Matter
by Carl Frederick Krafft
Price: $14.95
CONTENTS INCLUDE: The hypothesis of Hydromechanical Ether, Classic versus Einsteinian Relativity, The Red Shift, Gravitation, The Constitution of the Sun and Stars, Electromagnetism, Theories of Atomic Structure, Introduction to the Vortex Atom, Vortex Atom Structures, The Heavier Elements, and Living Matter.
Language: English
Product Code: B0464
Price: $14.95
The Mechanistic Autonomy of Nature
by Carl Frederick Krafft
CONTENTS INCLUDE: Rationalism v. Supernaturalism, The Ultimate Groundwork of Nature, The Uniqueness of Life Processes, Protoplasmic Chemistry, Spirazines, The Cause of Life, Living Matter, Cell-Division and Hereditiy, Ontogenetic Development and Heredity, Mentality and Consciousness.
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Product Code: B0465
Can Science Explain Life?
by Carl Frederick Krafft
CONTENTS INCLUDE: The Chemical Basis for Life, Spirazines, Protoplasmic Structure, Mentality and Self-Consciousness, The Nature of Physical Reality.
Stapled: 94 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0466
Price: $12.95
by Carl Frederick Krafft
A Type of Chemical Structure Bearing Upon the Constitution of Protiens and the cause of Life
CONTENTS INCLUDE: The Chemical Basis for Life, Spirazine Structure, The Linking of Spirazine, The Simplest Form of Life, The Cause of Cell Division, The Self Conscious Mind.
Stapled: 34 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0467
Price: $12.95
Articles from the Scientific Press
by Carl Frederick Krafft
A selection of articles from the late 1930s, including: The New Vortex Mechanics, Protein Chemical Structure, Single-Strand Six Sided Polypeptide Spiral.
Language: English
Product Code: B0468
Price: $9.95