Energy and Vortex: A Borderland Sciences Study Set

Geomagnetic Influences on the Atmosphere

by Dennis Klocek (from Jour. Borderland Research, 48:1, Jan-February 1992)

A central concept in meteorology is the vortex formation. The vortex lies as the primary image at the root of all weather phenomena. The question has often arisen, what is the significance of the vortex, what is its source? Both high and low pressure cells are vortices which move in opposite directions. The permanent areas of high and low pressure cells are vortices, as are the deep ocean currents which are thought to be the source of much of our weather activity. . .

. . . The insight that a factor could be found was initiated by an unusual book entitled Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, edited by David Childress. This book contains a depiction of the so-called Russian grid. The Russian grid is a crystalline web laid over the Earth and is said to reflect the geometry of the carbon atom. Russian research puts forward the idea that the points and lines of the world grid are the facets of the Earth crystal. Along these facets geomagnetic energies are transmitted and released.

A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes

by George W. Crile

Page 162

For if living organisms are energy transformers, it would seem logical that the primary role should be played by energy and the secondary by form and structure. This hypothesis does not contradict Darwin’s theory of pangenesis, but it offers a possible explanation to that theory. Darwin’s theory assumes that the cells of the organism each contribute a small gemmule larger that a chemical molecule but smaller than the smallest organism. To Darwin’s mind it was logical to conceive that each cell must make a hereditary contribution to the sex cell. According to our conception instead of contributing a particle of material to the sex cell, the cells of the body construct the elements in the sex cells at a distance by the specific energies of cells or cell groups, thus satisfying the logical requirements of Darwin’s pangenesis for the transportation of gemmules from somatic cell to sex cell. We may also logically assume that these specific energy units may lay dormant for generations, until other competing units, which dominate for a time, in turn allow them to dominate. The physical balance which determines which type of primary unit will predominate may depend on the energy of the synergistic units.

A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes
Price: $44.95

The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator

He Prefers Vitic to MWO

“Personally, while feeling the passage of the high tension flow from the antenna of the Multi-Wave Oscillator, I found no beneficial effect. On the other hand, the Associate with whom I obtained the MWO realized definite improvement. He has kept up the use and told me lately that he is feeling steadily better and lays the improvement to the use of the outfit. Some years ago I had frequent conferences (thru a medium) with one who was said to be Madam Blavatsky. During the course of these talks she dismissed the subject of electricity as of little value in comparison with a study of magnetism. That in the study of magnetism lay the secrets of many valuable matters. I am led to refer to this because I recently obtained relief, and apparent cure, from a troublesome irritable bladder by the use of a magnet. Other treatments had been of no value. I made no report of this until the fact was definite. The use of the magnet was experiments and came from the suggestions of a Chicago University specialist in the subject, related to me via various Biomagnetic reports and some correspondence.”

Associate A.N. Onymous,
Dixie, U.S.A.

This letter from an elderly associate was dated Sept. 3, 1964. It certainly provides an interesting and stimulating commentary on the material in the preceding pages of the Journal. Interestingly enough, we’ve had many reports of successful and continued relief of irritating bladder and prostate conditions from exposure to the MWO. In the Vitic Device we now have a borderland gadget that is far less troublesome to build and to operate. How effective it is remains to be proven.

The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Handbook
Price: $27.95

A Report of Radionic Research Project, 1953

In all the experiments, guinea pigs were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus. The control animals received no treatment, the treated animals being treated by Radionic techniques. Both groups were treated alike in all respects other than treatment. Treatment and control animals were kept in identical small cages for identical lengths of time. During the bi-daily treatment period, identical electrodes were attached to all animals, the electrodes on the controls not being attached to the source of energy.

*Not Available

The Ether-Vortex Concept

by Lindy Millard

The protons in the cores of material atoms do not move so easily as do the electrons, but tend to remain in fixed positions. The substances, from which electrons can be removed with the least effort, are called conductors. The remaining kinds of substance (materials) from which electrons can be dragged with greater electromotive force are resistors and insulators. The latter being unable to conduct electricity at all except under sufficiently high voltages. The robbing of electron from one end of a conductor (by chemical or other means) immediately shifts the electrical equilibrium of the entire wire.

The Ether-Vortex Concept
Price: $5.95

The Royal R. Rife Report

What has become of the Rife Microscope?

by Christopher Bird

With his instrument Rife was able to look at living organisms. What he say convinced him that germs could not be the cause, but the result of disease; that, depending on its state, the body could convert a harmless bacterium into a lethal pathogen; that such pathogens could be instantly killed, each by a specific frequency of light; and that cells, regarded as the irreducible building blocks of living matter, are actually composed of smaller cells, themselves made up of even smaller cells, this process continuing     with higher and higher magnification in a sixteen-step, stage-by-stage journey into the micro-beyond.

The Royal R. Rife Report
Price: $17.95