Coming of the Guardians


This is the text described by Riley Crabb as the “the inspired ‘bible’ of the BSRF”: “An Interpretation of the Flying Saucers as Given from the Other Side of Life” Originally assembled by Meade Layne from the channelings of Ralph Holland and Mark Probert as part of the first BSRA investigations of the Ether Ship Mystery, and re-issued in its final form by Riley Crabb in 1978, the BSRF xerographic edition that remains available today.

Foreword, Introductory Remarks, The Etheric or “4-D” explanation of the Aeroforms — Biographical notes on the Communicators.

Communications from the Inner Circle — Mediumship of Mark Probert — The Inner Circle – Charles Lingford – Thos. A. Edison – Laotse – Lo Sun Yat – Professor Alfred Luntz – Ramond Natalli – Arakashi – Rama-Ka-Lao – The Yada di Shi’ite.

Communications received through Rolf Telano


Notes on the Mark Probert Mediumship

Chart of the Etheric Zones of Terra – As given to Dr. Gerald Light

Stapled: 50 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0016

Price: $19.95