Clearing Obscurations

“If this were true in small ways already discovered, it is true in all ways not yet discovered, because we know the laws of Life are true and immutable”

-Ruth Drown

The Inner Circle, after months, have assembled fairly suddenly and have provided us an interesting glimpse into how polarity plays a role in clearing obscurations and creating harmony to increase vitality.

Ruth Drown orients us to Infinite Light and tears into the mechanistic approach to energy and then Mr. Inyushin introduces us to an interconnected  image of the body as a giant crystal with a complex zonal structure. 

Riley Crabb, points out that problems arise when blockages of energy creates a swamp in the emotional system.

Eric Dollard points out that once the energy starts to overflow, there is still modulation of one wave by another wave.

What I see to see here is that in spite of the apparent conflict there is the opportunity to create vitality, that where “one melody is combined with itself delayed by a given number of divisions of the measure, produces harmony by interference with itself.” 

 Reichenbach and Mesmer clarify that the blockages are overcome by this harmony by interference in the manner of magnetic passes where “at every spot of the human body on which a hand was laid or moved in unlike Odic pairing, a rise in vitality took place.”

Dollard reflecting on the process observes “It may be concluded that materials called electric conductors might best be called electric obstructors and serve not to conduct electro-magnetism but serve to reflect it back on itself.”

Crabb sums things up when he reports on L.E. Eeman’s research shows that “different parts of the body are positive and negative in relation to each other and current can flow between them.”

Life as Energy

The new physics is attempting to explain energy as the bombardment of electrical particles which float in space and to deny any knowledge as to their origin, or that they have origin except relatively speaking; namely, that the ethers are filled with them. When we feel anything, they say, it is the bumping into electrical particles, all physical phenomena can be explained from the relative position of an imaginary observer. 

The interesting thing is there is always the necessary use of the imagination of the observer or a theory that if such and such were true, than so and so would of necessity have to be true, following someone’s law which had been accepted by sciences for a certain number of years as means of measuring or deducting results. All these laws are admitted to be relative and not immutable.


Now out of this Infinite Light comes the reduction into energy, then liquid, and lastly form and substance. If the same laws be followed, these of necessity must be only one-half the cycle.

Following the laws just mentioned, form on this earth is subject to energy and light, or which it is a part. If this were true in small ways already discovered, it is true in all ways not yet discovered, because we know the laws of Life are true and immutable, and it is only form which changes, or shall we say that only what can be discerned by the five senses is  that which changes form of condition. 

Excerpt from The Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy, 1938

Resonance, Biostimulation and The Problem of Bioplasm

In 1967 we first published a sketch of the concept of bioplasm, in which we propounded the concept of the possible existence of a plasmic state in the living organism. It follows that the bioplasm in the conditions of biological space, in contrast to inorganic plasm, possesses a high degree of order.

Our conceptions developed independently of the works of Polish researchers who published similar ideas a possible plasmic state (Sediak, 1967,1970)

We assume that the living organism should be conceived as a giant crystal with a complex zonal structure on different levels of organization. We shall endeavor to investigate the cell as the basic element of the bioplasmic structure of the living organism. 

Excerpted from V.M. Inyushin, Chairman, Department of Biophysics, Kazgosuniversitat, Alma Ata, USSR. International Symposium on Wave Therapeutics, 1979


Three Basic Drives of Life

These three drives are: 1. The urge for self-preservation, This must be first. 2. The urge for self-reproduction. 3. The social instinct.

The trouble with these three main springs of existence is that they can be blocked. When there is a blockage of anyone or two of these basic instincts then you try to adjust as best you can. But energy will overflow in other directions. We might say that it creates a swamp in the emotional system. In that swamp harmful bacteria can breed and there’s trouble.

The science of life is studying these three basic instincts and how they are expressed on various levels of consciousness–other than the obvious ones. 

Excerpt from Psychic Self-Defense Part 1 Riley Hansard Crabb. 1972


Producing Harmony by Interference

This multiplication, or modulation, of one wave by another wave of the same number of divisions produces what may be called canonic electric waves, after the process in music where one melody is combined with itself delayed by a given number of divisions of the measure, producing harmony by interference with itself. This process is the underlying principle behind the synchronous condenser, hysteresis motor, and parametric amplifier. The means for producing this phenomena is called synchronous parameter variation, and is the principle behind what is often called “free energy” which hence is quite possible if not certain. More on this will be given in Part III on Hysteresis. 

Excerpt from Symbolic Representation of the Generalize Electric Wave, Eric Dollard, 1985

Mesmerism- The Mesmeric Pass and The Doctors

From this luminous phenomenon, as well as from the sense of coolness produced, you clearly recognize the fact that the person making the passes causes as excitation that must be called an important one: for the od radiating blue light effects, in a way altogether peculiar to itself, as excitation upon the subject of the od with red light, unlike working unlike.

And as the human body is a receptacle strongly charged with od, while the odic matter is powerfully connected with its inmost depths, the fact of odic passes being able to penetrate deeply into the physical and mental economy of the subject is intelligible.

…I have in general found it to be a certain fact that at every spot of the human body on which a hand was laid or moved in unlike odic pairing, a rise in vitality took place, and not a mere superficial rise, but one which penetrated deeply into the internal organs.

Excerpted from Reichenbach’s Letters on Od and Magnetism, 1852

I was reading a copy of How Do You Sleep by L.E. Eeman. I found an old copy in the odds and ends back stock but I think it did not make it into the online catalog. 

It has an odd little back section called “Books to Read”. A  whole world of Mesmerism and Radiesthesia. One sort of jumped out, literally caused me to have a vivid dream-like series of images.

Margret Goldsmith enters the office. She is holding a file that is marked Simpkin Marshall Ltd. 3/6 nett.

I examine the file and it contains her book on Mesmer.

She is demanding $40.00 which does not seem like  a lot of money but I am flat broke, and I am not inclined to buy a book and no one has stolen it and put it on the web for free.

“Franz Anton Mesmer: the history of an idea”

Dawn Moutrey says “This biography of Mesmer seeks to link his ideas and practices with modern psychotherapy. It traces the history of mesmeric techniques from ancient times, through Mesmer himself, the work on hypnotism by James Braid, and then even connecting it to the early work of Sigmund Freud.” 

She also translated Erich Kästner’s Emil and the Detectives for the first UK edition.  I recommend watching the film on You Tube. 

The Character of Aethereous Space

If an electric current is conveying electro-magnetic energy as previously discussed it is found that a force or pressure is exerted upon the circuit material. This pressure tends to repel opposing parts of the circuit material and cause the circuit to expand. The quantity of this pressure in the space bounded by the circuit is called the magneto-motive force of the circuit.

It can therefore be seen that conducting materials serve as the walls of a container holding magnetic pressure. If the conducting material is in the so called superconducting state and the ends of the circuit are shorted the electric current will hold this magneto-motive pressure indefinitely, in analogy with compressed air stored in a tank. In order for this to be the result of electron flow requires that this flow be in perpetual motion, an unlikely proposition.

It may be concluded that materials called electric conductors might best be called electric obstructors and serve not to conduct electro-magnetism but serve to reflect it back on itself. The flow of electro-magnetism is conducted by the aethereous space bound  by the obstructing material.

The character of this aethereous space is represented by its inductance L and its capacitance C. Since pure space is considered a perfect insulator by atomic theory, is it not ironic that it offers the least resistance to the flow of electro-magnetism? It is then the insulators that are the true conductors of electricity.

-Eric P. Dollard, Transmission of Electricity

September-October 1987,

Journal of Borderland Research


Camped in a Veritable Cemetery

Here are a few choice quotes from the later part of Roeric’s travel diary: “Like black spiders with long legs are hidden the black tents of the Tibetians, stretching out with long ropes…We camp in the middle of a marshy plain overgrown with thin, prickly weeds. On the horizon is a lake and dead mountains. I call them dead because this is a veritable cemetery. Long ago these were great mountains, perhaps rivals of Everest; now they are eroded and crumbled into small stones. The deep valley became filled, forming a hill of 15,000 feet, open to the most brutal winds. Before reaching the most significant sites, before the heavenly Himalayas one falls into horrible marshes. The horses are slipping and stumbling among the ugly clumps. There is not a bird, not an animal…

Excerpt from Secret City in the Valley of Mystery, Riley Crabb.


Pragmatic Proof of Mana

You can prove the existence of ths vitality, this mana, this prana by the use of Eeman Screens; for your vitality, your ectoplasm, has polarity. It flows, from positive to negative, just like an electric current. Is this the Animal Magnetism of Dr. Mesmer in the 18th Century, or the Odic Force of Baron von Reichenbach in Germany in the 19th Century? Probably.

In testing thousands of people over a period of many years, Englishman L.E. Eeman proved that different parts of the body are positive and negative in relation to each other and current can flow between them. Is it an electrical current? No. not as the engineer knows electricity, the measurable kid, flowing along metal wires. Perhaps it’s even the “skin effect” of electrostatic energy, or something even higher yet!

Anyhow, it works. Apparently these external circuits go around buried completely in the subconscious and re-establish the circulation of blocked vitality or mana. Any metal screen will do, copper, bronze, monel, aluminum, black iron wire.

Excerprt from Psychic Surgery in the Phillippines (and in Brazil) Bible Hahuna Healers in Hawaii New Age Therapy in California, by Nelson Decker, D.C. and Riley Hansard Crabb, D.Msc., 1966