Category Archives: BSRF

Organo-Electric Force, Ether-Drift and Eidetic Communication

It is actually easier to read on the auction site:

We are flipping pages and getting no signal but tune-in suddenly when we hear an almost familiar phrase,

“…from passive perturbatory qualities of organo-electric force…”

But, things become more clear as R.W. Raymound in 1883 smugly finishes his thought, 

“A whole library of learned rubbish about it which remains to us furnishes jargon for charlatans, marvelous tales for fools, and amusement for antiquarians; otherwise it is only fit to constitute part of Mr. Caxton’s “History of Human error.””

-The Divining Rod

R.W. and Gerry do not get along and one suspects that R.W. was trying to bait Gerry with his criticism knowing full-well that Gerry is a huge proponent of “organo-electricity”. A bit defensive yes, but I think what follows is a pointed counter from Gerry who paints his Telegraphic hackers as the brave heroes of the information age.

“Telegraphy was a dangerous profession. Telegraphic hackers flooded train stations and cities in search of work. Telegraphers sought to the main cities and lived in hostels and boarding houses awaiting employment. Their quiet profession bore all the secretivness of the medieval guilds. Woman were also hired as telegraphers.”

“Telegraphers south safe lighting-proof distances from their stations during storms. Lightning shots rang through exchange terminals from receiving blocks even during windy dry seasons. Inertial detritus built up in these lines when Vril surges spontaneously discharges from the lines to space.”

The empirical designs and efficacious use of specific components was developed throughout telegraphic history. Such components proved effective because of their fundamental Vril conductivity. Systems are Vril conductive long before detrital spaces are artificially applies to them.”

“Entuning these eidetic points best enables the transactions of eidetic content among communicants.”

Vril Volume II Vril Telegraphy

We should then slightly alter the text here because when Lakhovsky starts to speak to Gerry and Mr. Raymound. When he says “this current” he means “this current of organismic electricity” and then reveals the secret of inverse polarity of the electro-static discharge.

“The laws of induction which determine the direction of this current, and we shall not insist any further. But a new fact becomes readily apparent. This current, supplementary to the primary current, charges in its turn the  capacity which has just been discharged, only with an inverse polarity. All the energy of the discharge, which was transformed into electromagnetic energy, that is to say energy of motion, has been transformed again into electro-static energy, that is to say potential energy, in order to charge the capacity in the inverse direction.”

“We now have a set of conditions similar to those at the beginning of the experiment; the condenser will be discharged afresh into the spiral, then recharged a third time with the identical polarity as the primary polarity.”

“The phenomenon will proceed on these lines until the complete exhaustion of the electric energy brought into play.”

The Secret of Life

I am not sure what Dayton Miller is trying to tell us. 

The idea of the Ether-Drift does not fit into any of the comprehension I have of the ether. 

I feel that the ether is at rest but not in space, that the ether actually defines what we would call space.

Nothing on the Borderland of Science plays the name game like the Ether. One almost needs to define their terms from the outset when dealing with the Etheric.

 “The general acceptance of the theory that light consists of wave motion in a luminiferous ether made it necessary to determine the essential properties of the either which will enable it to transmit the waves of light and to account for optical phenomena in general.Theories of the ether are intimately associated with theories of the structure of matter and these are among the most fundamental in the whole domain of physical science. The ether was presumed to fill all space, even that occupied by the material bodies and yet to allow all bodies to move through it with apparent perfect freedom. The question of whether the ether is carried along my moving bodies such as the earth has been considered since the early days of the wave theory. The discovery of the aberration of light, in 1728, was soon followed by an explanation according to the then accepted corpuscular theory of light. The effect was attributed to a simple composition of the velocity of light with the velocity of earth in its orbit. Fresnel proposed an explanation based on the wave theory, which has been generally accepted, which presumes first that the ether is a rest in free space; and, second, that the “ether density” is different in different substances and that the velocity or propagation of light in any substance varies inversely to the square root of the ether density. These two hypothesis give a complete and satisfactory explanation of the aberration; the second is considered to have been proved by the experiments of Fizeau and Michelson and Morley on the velocity of light moving media’ the first hypothesis, that on an ether at rest in space, has always been in doubt.” 

The Ether-Drift Experiment, Dayton C, Miller

Reizen’s Electric Spark Telegraph.

In 1794, according to Voigt’s Magazine, vol. 9, p. 1, Reizen made use of the electric spark for telegraphic purposes. His plan was based upon the phenomenon which is observed when the electric fluid of a common machine is interrupted in its circuit by breaks in the wire, exhibiting at the interrupted portions of the circuit a bright spark. The spark thus rendered visible in its passage he appears to have employed in this manner.

Figure 34 is a representation of the table upon which were arranged the letters of the alphabet, twenty-six in number. Each letter is represented by strips of tin foil, passing from left to right, and right to left, alternately, over a space of an inch square upon a glass table. Such parts of the tin foil are cut out, as will represent a particular letter. Thus, it will be seen that the letter A is represented by those portions of the tin foil which have been taken out, and the remaining portions answer as the conductor. P and N represent the positive and negative ends of the strips, as they pass through the table and reappear, one on each side of the small dot at A. Those two lines which have a dot between, are the ends of the negative and positive wire belonging to one of the letters. Now if a spark from a charged receiver is sent through the wires belonging to letter A, that letter will present a bright and luminous appearance of the form of the letter A. “As the passage of the electric fluid through a perfect conductor is unattended with light, and as the light or spark appears only where imperfect conductors are thrown in its way, hence the appearance of the light at those interrupted points of the tin foil; the glass upon which the conductors are pasted, being an imperfect conductor. The instant the discharge is made through the wire, the spark is seen simultaneously at each of the interruptions, or breaks, of the tin foil, constituting the letter, and the whole letter [Pg 123] is rendered visible at once.” This table is placed at one station, and the electrical machine at the other, with 72 wires enclosed in a glass tube connecting the two stations. He could have operated with equal efficiency by using 37 wires having one wire for a common communicating wire, or with 36 wires by substituting the ground for his common wire. It does not appear that it was ever tested to any extent.

Vril II

What is the role of this organic electricity in communication?

We even see that the energetic exchange described in clairvoyant visions of spiritual creatures demonstrates “a virility and force and an air of definite masculine about his being…a continuous flow of the auric emanations” in their eidetic communication with the visionary. 

“A Crimson Nature-Deva At Close Quarters”

“From Groffrey Hodson’s Fairies at Work and Play

Seen clairvoyantly by him in the Lake District, England, June 1922.”

“After a scramble of several hundred feet up a rocky glen we turned out to one side, on to the open fell where it faces a huge crag. Immediately on reaching the open we became aware, with startling suddenness, of the presence of a great -nature deva, who appeared to be partly in the hillside.

“My first impression was of a huge, brilliant crimson, bat-like thing, which fixed a pair of burning eyes upon me. The form was not concentrated into the true human shape, but was somehow spread out like a bat with a human face and eyes, and with wings outstretched over the mountainside. As soon as it felt itself to be observed it flashed into its proper shape, as if to confront us, fixed its piercing eyes upon us, and then sank into the hillside and disappeared. When first seen its aura must have covered several hundred feet of space, but in the later appearance , in which it again showed itself, the actual form was probably ten to twelve feet high.The auric flow was exceedingly beautiful and swept back behind the body in wing-like sheets, extending from the top of the head down to the feet, and reaching backwards and outwards in graceful curves and flowing lines. The colours were darker than any of those I have yet seen in this type of being – a dark rich blue that was the background of the auric colorings- with lighter blue, gold, pink, and leaf green also showing. In some parts the colours appeared almost like a peacock’s feathers, in fact the aura was not unlike a glorified peacock’s tail in effect.

“There was a virility and force and an air of definite masculine about his being. A continuous flow of the auric emanations caused ripples and waves to chase one another through the aura, suggesting colored draperies in a very high wind. The central form and the central portion of the aura were of a rich crimson, and the body actually flowing with this colour. He appeared to me “in charge” of that part of the landscape; to have undertaken its evolution, as it were–and his powerful vibrations were distinctly to be felt and must have a quickening effect upon the animal, vegetable and mineral and fairy life within his sphere of influence. This is the clearest vision I have ever had, and coming, as it did , quite unexpectedly, it carried with it  powerful conviction to me. My physical body thrilled for hours afterwards with the force of the contact and rapport established between us.

The Invisible Reality Behind Appearances Part I

Search engine results seem to be broken. We are getting no traffic and no business. It’s almost like the 1950’s and someone with their fingers on the buttons is trying to minimize the reach of the Borderland Sciences. Misinformation-labeled censorship?  

If we could get everyone to click on the links and drive some traffic to the website we might be able to engage the algorithm to get our pages back on the search results.

If anyone has a blog or a website I would be interested in exchanging links.

Etheric Radionics: The Ellipsoidal Return-Flow Field and Magneto-Optic Rotation

Gerry Vassilatos, Lindy Millard and Carl Krafft insisted on the long title for this Newsletter. They smile as if understanding that the joke is somehow at my expense. Whether the “General” or the particular one must attempt to retain their good humor.

When Gerry says we are going to ”examine the varieties of components” of “the primary tools of radionics” I was a bit skeptical because I had already flipped through Lindy Millards book and could not find a “stick”. It’s all math. 

I did a little internet research on Lindy Millard and sure as sh*t, in the Journal of Borderland Research, I find Lindy laying out the groundwork of the radionic device, “A series resonant circuit includes a resistor, a coil, and a capacitor – sometimes only the later two – and these parts are connected in a series”, like Gerry was saying.

Krafft, in rare form, goes deep about consciousness and the “electrical interlinking on the different parts of the nervous system by circulating the ether currents through which electrical impulses can be transmitted from one region to another.”

The Ether-Vortex Concept is a difficult read and I was again shocked when Lindy was able to describe in vivid detail the workings of the coils in the device, “In a helical coil of wire carrying a steady current, it is possible for the electric field to have curl, within the coil.”

What I think a lot of people don’t realize is that the electric current in a Ruth Drown device comes from a galvanic current generated from the silver foot plates and the tin block that goes to the diaphragm. While these are micro-currents we can get a glimpse at the etheric mechanics that are in action and realize that we are not using electro-mechanical forces or even frequency generation but subtle modifications of Organismic Vril conductivity.

The conversation is short and dense. I am sure most of the Borderland Scientists who read this will appreciate the candor of the Inner Circle this month. 

Organismic Vril conductivity is symmetry-specific. The body requires specific orientation for eidetic transactions. Vril eidetic World transactions determine radionic rates and auric phenomena. Radionic rates are Vril World eidetic nodes. Subjective experiments are verified via a consortium of participants. Systemologies are subjectively agreed consortia. 

Vril Maps

We will examine the varieties of components which appeared throughout the course of telegraphy: later to become the primary tools of radionics. Rheostats, coils (inductors), capacitors, and the other components will be examined with special regard to the Vril primary function of each. 

Vril II: Vril Telegraphy, Gerry Vassilatos,1992

A series resonant circuit includes a resistor, a coil, and a capacitor – sometimes only the later two – and these parts are connected in a series. Now if these parts have suitable value ratings, the series resonant circuit made from them will resonantly conduct through itself and frequency of fluctuating current we choose. This circuit is “equivalent to” a weighted spring. In this case, the capacitor and the spring play similar roles, but the coil and the iron weight seem to cater to the low frequencies, thus playing a complementary role.

The cerebral cortex is also characterized by the extreme complexity of the proteinaceous chemical structures of the synapses which contain all the memory records of sensory impulses. The complexity of the cortex must be at least as great as the complexity of consciousness itself because although consciousness probably has its origin in the sentience of the subatomic particles, it owes its complex pattern of action to the structural complexity of the cortex. The actual complexity of the cortex is really much greater than the complexity than the complexity of our consciousness because our consciousness must always be within the limits of our comprehension whereas the cerebral cortex is almost inconceivable complex in its histological structure alone, and its chemical complexity is thousands of times greater than its histological complexity.

The feelings of an animal organism are complex not only in their intrinsic nature but also in their spatial distribution. Although the intrinsic nature of our sensations is determined by the conditions in the cerebral cortex, the sensations themselves may be in remote parts of the body, but only in those parts which are reached by our sensory nerves. Inert structures may be integral parts of the body but are not in functional unification with the central nervous system. Such functional unification can only consist of direct electrical interlinking on the different parts of the nervous system by circulating the ether currents through which electrical impulses can be transmitted from one region to another.

Consciousness involves not only the electrochemical pulsations along the nerve fibers and synapses but also indirectly the activities of the atoms and subatomic particles that are associated with such pulsations. If these subatomic particles are vortices in the ether, then we have an adequate mechanistic basis for mind and consciousness.

The Ether and its Vortices Carl Frederick Krafft, 1955

The hydromechanical interaction which causes the field of the electro-static attraction is of a different character. What leads to a mechanistic explanation of the attraction between unlike electric charges, is a concept of etheric circulation – flow in closed circuits. According to Krafft’s theory , the proton’s source-squirt and the electron’s influx, and the ellipsoidal return-flow field (set up by the equatorial zones of each particle) consisting of the electron’s equatorial source and the proton’s influx.

Krafft has called this ellipsoidal return-flow field the generator of the “magnetic” field of a current-carrying wire, but on this minor point I differ with Assoc. Krafft. In the atomic structure of the wire there are return-flow ellipsoids like the one schematically shown enormously enlarged in Fig. 5. The field that is generated by these ellipsoids is not only an ether-velocity field, but is the field which most engineering professors (f) consider to be identified by electric field-intense vectors E. The direction of these vectors is the same as for the longitudinal flow which Krafft (g) seems to have identified as the wire’s “magnetic” field, but he should have called this longitudinal field “electric” instead. The magnetic vector-field should still be regarded as a family of closed curves which are concentric with the end-view cross section of the wire and are everywhere perpendicular to the direction of the current. In a helical coil of wire carrying a steady current, it is possible for the electric field to have curl, within the coil. This “curl E” can be zero if the magnitude E is directly proportional to distance from the geometric axis of the coil (but only as far as the radius of the windings), as if the ether within the coil were rotating like a rigid wheel. In the solenoid or wire coil of a polarimeter, the field of the curl E can actually twist a ray of polarized light, an effect which is called “magneto-optic rotation”.

The Ether-Vortex Concept, by Lindy Millard, 1956

Trygono Igneo of Ether Physics

Carl Krafft came into the office with such urgency this month. Somehow I found myself psychically embroiled in a Hollywood murder mystery in 1934 where a parapsychologist from Harvard “fell” to his death. Carl insisted that I help him before I could move forward with the newsletter. I had to write it up to satisfy everyone involved. I have added it at the end of the newsletter as it is a bit unusual.

Carl and Gerry Vassilatos just go really deep when we get started, so let’s get started…there is no easy way to break into the conversation.

“There has been much philosophical argument over whether the external world really exists, and whether the expression “physical reality” has any meaning. If we adopt the idealist view of Bishop Berkeley and Immanuel Kant that matter does not exist an an objective reality but only as a product of the mind, then the primary purpose of theoretical physics should be to study mental processes rather than physical phenomena so as to ascertain the clearest and most satisfactory symbolic representations of the facts of nature by means of mathematical formulas and equations.”

“The writer takes the materialist view for granted and in the present book will proceed with the assumption that the external objective world really exists. The vortex atom structures herein presented purport to be at least approximately true representations of what actually exists in nature, and not merely convenient symbolic fiction. This is more than can be conscientiously claimed for the Rutherford-Bohr atom.”

“The fourth chapter in which mind and consciousness are discussed will probably not meet the approval of the religionist who would prefer to have everything that is of a spiritual nature remain shrouded in mystery and enveloped in the atmosphere of supernaturalism so that it can use used more effectively to overawe a credulous and bewildered public”

“Nature is psychical as well as physical, and during the process of evolution psychical development takes place simultaneously with physical development. It could not be otherwise because the psychical is the subjective aspect of that of which the physical is the objective aspect. And the one is just as real as the other. Both are attributes of nature, and more specifically of the ether.”

-The Ether and its Vortives,  Carl Frederic Kraff, 1955

“8.1. Vril and World”

“We must first begin with an examination of sentient experience. Technological systems exist in a world, suffused by consciousness. Sentient experience is not simply an encounter with inertial matter. It is never adequately described by mere vector analysis, the science of our time. Experience is a suffusion, a communion with the world, The sensuo-conscious portions of our world-experience far outportion the physical expression, evidencing the far greater conscious content of the world.”

“Mind experiments begin our qualitative science. We first must realize the world-permeating nature of our supposed individual consciousness by simple personal experiment. In the absence of academic derision or invasive opinion, we must begin again to exercise our own immediate awareness and subjective perception. Only through re-evaluation of world reality can we hope to reach deeper personal communion with the world in its most fundamental nature.”

“Few ever imagine that subjective perception, so often derided and rejected, represents an immediate access with the world in its DEEPEST foundation. Consciousness does not have the boundaries so widely  distributed in the inertial-physical part of our world experience. Consciousness reveals a strange “distribution”. Its mysterious external sources are revealed when we begin to test the environment with our own experience; with our minds.”

“There are space-permeating axes, along which thoughts seem to flow with great frequency. These axes may be mapped with great precision. Contrary to opinion they remain fixed in time. They are not fabrications or “suggestions”. Artists and scholars know the difficulty they experience when working in specific locations. These locations require excessive familiarity with cognitive processes also know that certain positions in a given place allow a greater degree of intellectual freedom than others. Indeed, there are space-permeating axes in which ease of thought, of ideational flow, is impossible. 

Vril Compendium VIII, Vril and Ground Radio, Gerry Vassilatos 

That was pretty heavy and not much commentary is needed.

Moving forward, I riffel the stack of books on the desk that have “fallen off the shelf” and an old original print Journal of Borderland Research is in the pile. I open it up and in rushes Dorotheos C.E. Cody, D.D. (Hon.)  more than ready to engage in the conversation. 

There is a lot of math so if you find this interesting the link will take you to the article. If you want to get this issue along with the Krafft material that is available in the catalog send me an email and I will have a copy printed out. 

“Physicists, having discarded Ether theories, are attempting to explain the inner workings of nature. But as we have seen, this has resulted in dismal failure. For in the process of searching for explanations they have, for no other reason than sheer prejudice, discarded those very explanations.”

“As we probe more deeply into the secrets of the universe we will- as demonstrated by the likes of H. Fricke, O.C. Hilgenberg and C.F. Krafft – return to the concept of the Ether.”

“And having done so, we’ll realize that the theories we’ve opted for in place of the Ether, if they are correct, are inseparably related to the Ether.”

“One such example is Albert Einstein’s theory of Relativity. Originally formulated in response to the negative results of the Michelson-Morley experiments (1887-91), this theory sought to explain various phenomena in the universe.”

“But what if offered was simply a branch of kinematics applied to bodies moving at high velocity. It stated for example, that length contracts to a given amount when the body moves at a velocity near the speed of light. It offered no explanation as to WHY this occurs. Yet it is ONLY on the basis of Ether dynamics that an explanation of this phenomenon of contraction can be afforded. And Ether Dynamics applied to other facets of relativity, such as increase in inertial mass, can explain these in a reasonable way as well.”


It is a fundamental postulate in Relativity Theory that length contracts in direction of the motion of the body by a quantity.

L=L / l-(vA2/cA2)

Where v = velocity of moving body

c = 3 x 10A8 m/sec

Lo = Initial (rest) length

Let us imagine a ruler 1 meter in length

moving at velocity v.

In the above formula, let Lo be the length

of the ruler (1 m) and v, the velocity of the

ruler, will vary from 1 /3 c to 2/3 c. It is moving

in direction D.

At 1/3 the speed of light (1/3 c = 1×10 A8

m/sec), the length has contracted to

0.9428090416 m.

We no w accelerate the ruler from 1 /3 c to

2/3 c.

At 2/3 the speed of light (2/3=2xlOA 8

m/sec), the ruler has now contracted to a

length of 0.7453559425 m. Finally we decel-

erate the ruler to 1/3 c and the ruler has again

the length of 0.942809416 m.

The ruler will contract to the given values EVERY TIME regardless of what the

ruler is composed of (plastic, wood, or Steel); Chemical and physical properties of the ruler are irrelevant.

Yet the behavior of the ruler (apparent change in length), when accelerated and decelerated implies elasticity of some substance. But is this substance the moving body itself, or something which surrounds the body?

To determine which, let us reconstruct a “thought experiment” performed by physicists some years ago. The kinematics of this experiment is simple:

Let us imagine two reference frames:

K which is stationary.

K’ which is moving at velocity v.

If a ruler 1 m in length is placed along the

x’ axis in K’, it is shortened when viewed from

If the ruler is place along the x axis in k it

is shortened when viewed from K’, and not

shortened when viewed from K

E.W. Stark had really been holding his own this year by providing great insights. If you do not have a copy of his short but powerful book on dowsing this is a great refresher read. 

Stark’s ideas are brilliantly complimented by our most distinguished guest, Harold Saxton Burr, whom I have read so much about but never had the privilege to read him till this month.

I think both Stark and Burr are giving us examples of “ether dynamics applied to other facets of relativity” in ways that further the ideas about consciousness that Gerry and Carl were laying out. 

This scene is Stark talking to the physicists and when he mentions Burr, Burr leans forward as if he was sitting on the other side of Stark the whole time. Burr points out that “each neuron is in itself a living organism” and that “Even the simplest protoplasmic system can be stimulated by changes” really brings out the qualities of the facets of relativity and how they are affected by the ether dynamics and a deep consciousness or matrix mind. 

“The numerous energies that stimulate the human body include sound, light, feeling, taste, smell, and electricity in various forms. No human being has ever seen an electron, yet electricity seems to be the chief carrier of the forces that have major impact on us. Because electricity lends itself to detection by measurement of the right-angle phenomenon – that is, its induction field characteristic- we can construct mechanisms that show us those effects which our five senses are unable to detect. Research into these fields has spawned many labels in recent years, including auras and the L-fields of Drs. Harold Burr and Leonard Ravitz of Yale University, which shows the presence of an electrodynamic mold or matrix surrounding every living thing. Similarly, Clive Baxter’s use of the polygraph with plants offers concrete evidence that all life forms have primary perceptive abilities, and Rev. Franklin Lochr has demonstrated the effects of human thoughts and prayers on seedlings. “

-A History of Dowsing and Energy Relationships, E.W. Stark, 1978

“Behavior is the reaction of a living system to the co-ordinated and integrated stimuli resulting from changes in the physical and chemical environments. In the case of man, at least, to the physical factors of the environment must be added because an idea is just as valid a stimulus to the nervous system as a kick in the teeth.”

“As ideas are – or induce – emotions which evoke energy in the nervous system, electro-metric studies of this phenomenon seem relevant to the study of human behavior, even if they offer no hope of improving it. At least we may be able to learn a little about how the machine works, even if we cannot understand how the driving ideas originate.”

“The results of many years of study have tended to emphasize certain rather stereotyped activities. As a result, the electrical circuit analogies tended to lead investigators away from the basic fact that each neurone is in itself a living organism. These electrical circuit analogies, partly inspired by the modern computer, are derivable directly from the fundamental property of protoplasm, and more particularly, from the all-or-one response of a nerve cell.”

“Even the simplest protoplasmic system can be stimulated by changes in the physical, chemical, and ideological environment, can transmit these effects through its substance, can coordinate, correlate and integrate all the varieties of stimuli and can, as a result, make that adjustment necessary for the continued existence of the system. The behavior of even the simplest organism is parodic in that it ‘functions in accordance with its inherent design’.(King, 1945) One of the greatest difficulties in assaying behavior lies in its complexity, in the lack of objective measurement and in a very great influence of the subjective.”

– Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life, Harold Saxton Burr, 1972

Mira Louise comes in ranting and almost gets excluded from the conversation but when I considered what she was saying after C.G.Carus entered into the parlor I realized that she is pointing out the negative side of the heroic people that C.G. Carus will describe. 

C.G. Carus was discovered with a riffle of the book The Diving Rod, A History of Water Witching. It has an amazing historical bibliography. (Of course you can get a pdf but if you want to avoid the Arimanic Deception you will have a funky small print original from Borderland Sciences.)

I tracked down a copy of Carus’s Lebensmagnetismus-Magie mentioned in the bibliography and made a terrible machine translation. He describes in his book humans with access to higher genius. Like those Vassilatos describes, that few that do “imagine that subjective perception, so often derided and rejected, represents an immediate access with the world in its DEEPEST foundation.”

We can’t hold Mira Louis back another second…

“…the field of Color Therapy has not been neglected or ignored. From the very beginning it has been feared. 

“I must not be forgotten, however , that swotting up the names and uses of some of the 12,000 drugs that a medical student is required to do would dull the sensitivities of an Einstein. Consequently, the science of color or anything that comes with the range of Extra Sensory Perception will always be beyond the scope of a medical mans understanding. What we do not understand we fear. Moreover, as it is apparent the FEAR is the motivating force behind the trumped-up charges, the faked evidence, and the fabulous fines, it is just as apparent that no one in the world of Drugs and Druggery will ever realize that that which is suppressed merely becomes more powerful.”

“This applies to one’s opponents as well as the action of drugs. Therefore, every hour a student spends drug-swotting, plus the strong coffee, the benzedrine, and other pep drugs that are used to flog the nervous system into activity, unfits him for the recognition of this unbending principle of the Law of Healing. With this in mind, we realize that the student – and the finished product of the system – is not to blame for his lack of apperception, that is, the power by which sensory impulses are received and appreciated. The finished product of such a blind alley system will be fear ridden to the finger-tips.”

“At first, it is fear of the un-understandable, then, when the failure-to-cure closes in upon him, frustration and fear of the unattainable takes complete control. But most destructive of all, and one which has manipulating the political strings to legalize cold-blooded premeditated murder.”

In Search of New Horizons of Color, Art, Music and Song Mira Louise,

1854. CARUS, C. G., Lebensmagnetismus-Magie [Vital magnetism magic]: Die Gegenwart, vol. 10, Berlin.

Carus, C.G. on Sailing…

Es liegt dann mehr in dem Bedürfniß der Zeit, daß der Trieb des bewußten Geisteslebens solcher Seele nunmehr nach dieser oder jener Richtung sich hinwendet, während eigentlich auch für alle andere genugsamer Nahrungssaft vorhanden war, und im mer dies Unbewußte durch dasjenige Moment sich von allen andern unterschied, durch welches überhaupt (f. v. S. 12) das Magische charakterisirt wird, nämlich durch seine Macht das ihm eben vorgesteckte Ziel auf kürzerm und mehr directem Wege zu erreichen, als irgendein anderes Bewußtes oder Unbewußtes es vermag. Man erzählt von dem berühmten Seefahrer und Entdecker Cook, daß im heftigen Sturme, wenn plögliche Windstöße Segelwerk und Taue verwirrt hatten, er beim Heraustreten aufs Verdeck immer sogleich beim ersten Blick wußte, wo es noththat, wo zugegriffen, angezogen, nachgelassen oder eingerefft werden mußte, und in dieser Weise wird die Gattung des magisch wirfenden Geistes, von welcher wir hier handelten, mehr oder weniger immer und überall, im Großen wie im Kleinen, sich bethätigen.

It is then more a matter of the need of the time that the impulse of the conscious spiritual life of such a soul now turns in this or that direction, while in fact there was sufficient nourishment for all the others, and this unconscious always differed from all the others by that moment by which the magical is generally characterized (f. v. p. 12), namely by its power to reach the goal set before it by a shorter and more direct path than any other conscious or unconscious can do. It is said of the famous seafarer and explorer Cook that in a violent storm, when sudden gusts of wind had confused the sails and ropes, when he stepped out onto the deck he always knew at first glance where it was necessary, where to grab, pull, let go or reef, and in this way the type of magically throwing spirit, of which we are dealing here, will be active more or less always and everywhere, on a large and small scale.,+C.G.+%C3%9Cber+Lebensmagnetismus&printsec=frontcover

Verily we must confess that the world in those days was already big with those great commotions, labouring to be delivered of them, and did bring forth painful, worthy men, who brake with all force through darkness and barbarism, and left us who succeeded to follow them. Assuredly they have been the uppermost point in Trygono Igneo, whose flame now should be more and more brighter, and shall undoubtedly give to the world the last light. 

-Fama Fraternitas
Please help us keep the Lamp lit…

Leonard T. Troland did not kill himself.

Conspiracy murder in 1934? If Ruth Drown was not dragged into this mess I would not be reporting this curious circumstance. I have no beef with the OPs in Harvard and my only intention is to clear Ruth’s name.

I don’t often get psychic impressions. I work with synchronicity and the brunt of my process is in interpretation. I see the FNORDS. 

I picked up the copy of Ether and its Vortices by Carl Krafft to create content for the newsletter. The newsletter seems to be the only contact we have had with customers in two months. There is something so terribly wrong with the search engine/web site relationship that we have been reduced to no more than 30 visitors a day to the website and no one can afford to buy this lavish expensive xerox copy. Who needs a physical book when you can find the material free, hey it’s probably stolen, but at least it’s free. 

The document in my hand is remarkably classic looking. I admire the fonts and layout of many of these old texts. One of the precious things about the Borderland Archive is the preservation of the original impression of the text. Somehow, these texts have a stable temporal quality. I suggest that our collection resists the various changes in the timeline we seem to experience more frequently in modern times (i.e. Clown World Inversion). 

As I was gazing at the shiny black ink on red cardstock of the artifact I can feel Krafft’s presence which would not be unusual but I also “hear” Krafft’s voice suggest that I turn to the second to the last page. 

I find the bibliography is all german physics books. I have a flash to the intense scientific cultural tensions between the German physicists and the western world. While most western physics were positivist there were still some in the west who were not going to close the door on the more idealist approach. Krafft had the attention of deep networks not always friendly.

The Occult tension I flash on is harder to describe. There are dark ancient Satanic elements in Hollywood that had been transplanted from Germany since before World War I and it has deep roots in the entertainment industry, human trafficking, and international intelligence services.

As I scan the bibliography I find one title in English, “Mystery of the Mind” by Leonard T. Troland. I have never heard of this book or gentleman so I do a quick google search only to discover that he died prematurely from fainting while getting his picture taken on the side of a cliff…

This is a headline from a 1934 newspaper.

So Carl Krafft has come into the office and fairly quickly and directly pointed me to the mysterious death of a scientist from Harvard…???

Clearly he was pushed, but why?

Troland was the inventor of the technicolor process and he was about to obtain control of some very important patents.

Troland was a psychiatrist at Harvard but at the time it was acceptable for him to do parapsychology research. 

The newspaper mentions that Troland was in Hollywood recuperating from a nervous breakdown he had had in Boston.

It being 2024 it is painfully obvious what happened in 1934. A group of Harvard psychiatrists were working on the combination of psychedelic compounds (primarily psilocybin) and projecting color films in an effort to program consciousness. The Acid Test was not invented by the Grateful Dead but has been a long standing practice by shady groups operating on the fringes of consciousness. I have heard of the Hells Angels doing a similar practice, maybe it was called a Mud Test, where you overdose a suspicious person to see how they react. 

Troland failed the test.

He was not willing to participate in the next level of MInd Control.

The psychic stains from this event are remarkable in the way that Hollywood is exposed as being such direct participants with the Harvard psychiatrists. 

Manipulation of the mind was going to be Big Business and indeed our entire culture has been hypnotized in multi generational warfare coming out of Hollywood. Degeneration disguised as liberation. 

Who pushed him? The Newspaper article mentions that the person taking the photograph was his companion R.D. Eaton.

Eaton? Google gives me the Ziegfeld Follies almost immediately. Doris Eaton, the last of the Ziegeld Follies girls. All the Eaton children were involved in the Follies at some point, Doris having used fake papers to enable her to dance before she was of legal age… 

The CIA website had an article about a famous spy who worked for the Ziegfeld follies and also an article about an Austrian-Hungary aristocrat intelligence agent who invested heavily in the Follies.

Was Doris Eaton an early intelligence agent who was tasked with pushing Tollard to his death? 

The story would have been just another tale that I spin on the phone to anyone who will listen to me and indeed one of my closest associates was enduring the tale when he introduced a piece of evidence that caused me a great deal of turmoil.

In 1996, a Boston artist produced “a file” based on his own investigation of Tollard’s Mind Physics. 

This artist claimed that his father had come into possession of Tollards personal notes after his death in Hollywood and was tasked with getting them into the archives at Harvard.

It is this claim of first hand knowledge of private papers that makes his next claims so troubling.

The file goes on to narrate how when Trollard arrived in Hollywood he was doing research at Mt. Wilson observatory where he happened to meet our Ruth Drown. The narrative says they both hit it off by being interested in physic investigations. As initially charming as the idea was, the artist had described a scandal because they were both married and were going to get a divorce but Ruth, being pregnant from her husband, had broken things off with Tollard that night during one of their hikes outside the observatory.

Ruth asked for a picture and Tollard in a fit of despair walked off backwards to his death…

I smell a rat. The artist in 1996 is just beginning to do research that will result in his use of radionic, psionics, and psychotronics in his diagramatic paintings. Is it possible that he discovered Ruth Drown from Borderland Sciences and was compelled to create this narrative? Likely. 

But it smells worse than that. 

The artist has some works that deal with Time Travel as well.

Why would a Boston artist frame Ruth Drown in 1996 as being implicated in the death of Trolland in 1943?

The bizarre answer is because Krafft entered into the office at Borderland Sciences in late June of 2024 and exposed how the murder of Troland was directly related to some of the earliest research work that would result in MKULTRA.

As I struggle with this narrative it was only made worse when I was literally jumped by out of body spooks. I think they were actually ghosts not remote actors, like poltergeists who do not give up their sinister agency work. I experienced such a foul mood and swamping that I went back to bed during the day. I struggled in a fitful sleep listening to a strange 1940’s version of the Childe Roland and the Black Tower. I am on the verge of defeat and yet it is challenging me to fight. I leap from my bed to fight. I check the time. I have a few minutes and I can get the task done. I pull on my pants only to discover that my wallet is gone. I search with explicit detail. My time is gone and the wallet does not manifest. I have been mugged. Fumes of ectoplasm pervade the emptiness.  

I feel like this is just a warning and that I really should not pursue writing about this event.

My biggest problem, that I tried to explain to some friends who have listened to my paranoid delusion and tell me just to drop the whole case, is that I am duty bound to clear Ruth’s Name.

Ghosts don’t understand fiction? 

I really don’t understand why the opposition would be so upset from me telling this tale about MKULTRA. We have all seen Clockwork Orange. We have all seen the Cabinet of Dr. Calagari. This is not news, it is an open secret. 

We have posted to our Facebook page the “tranquility chair” at Harvard exposed in this case and perhaps that was going too far?

Does it matter that Carl Krafft exposes the roots of this happening in Harvard in the 1930’s?

It is shocking that only 30 years later the psychedelic drug research is being done openly at Harvard?

Are the exopolitics regarding Venus the real issue at play? A headline recently asked if Venus was actually as hot as we thought it was. According to the Boston artist, Troland placed some images of Venus from his Mt. Wilson observations into Ruth Drown’s radio-vision and produced images of mobile plant creatures. 

We did just read a secret German document that explained how the Vril came to Earth from Venus…

Ruth Drown: Vril Radio Vision

I was feeling averse to trying to do this writing and especially to try to understand a Vril Compendium and Ruth Drown which is sitting on the top of the pile of books on my desk demanding to be heard. From experience I know if there is resistance to jump right into the weirdness and I grabbed the text and opened the page at random.

This was on March 20th, 2024.

“The January 1902 St Louis Post story created more interest in Stubblefield’s inventions. Two months later, he traveled to Washington D.C. for another public demonstration. On March 20th, 1902, aboard the steamer Bartholdi, of the Virgina bank of the Potomac, opposite Georgetown, Stubblefield sent wireless messages to receivers on shore.”

Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was a French sculptor and painter. He is best known for designing Liberty Enlightening the World, commonly known as the Statue of Liberty.

After days of struggle with Vril 7 I turned to the introduction to see what Gerry had to say and to try to get him to show me how to get the message.

“The conformity of any system with Vril energy determines the system’s success, Vril eidetic experience threads through material configurations. Vril threads self-articulate in the ground. Vril thread self-articulations represent mysterious Vril expressions with especial regard to place, position,m alignment,height, depth, and structure. Vril continuity is distal experience. Vril threads transact eidetic experiences, Vril threads are eidetic projections of eidetic worlds.”

“Vril energy is first detected through visceral responses (Galvani, Mesmer, Starr-White, Abrams), It is magnified in some instances by appropriate tuning mechanisms to yield its eidetic content (R.Drown).”

“Vril projections release Vril LIght into the inertial space. Vril  Light is pure Light. Galvanic metallo-configurations are mineral configurations of Vril Light. Special materials are Vril Light Stones. Vril Light is pure light. Vril Light does not require frictive actions to produce light.”

Vril Compendium Volume 7 Vril Dendric Ground Systems, 1992
Gerry Vassilatos

They say a picture is worth a thousand worlds. This image from Healing Triangle of Light has been sitting on my desk for days and days. I have spent  a good deal of time doing research on the properties of the inverse square but have found nothing constructive to say about it.

I am just going to let the last paragraph from Gerry really make this a confused point.

The inverse square seems to be related to the first law of thermodynamic energy and I have been struggling to demonstrate how on the Borderland of Science we somehow violate that first law on a regular basis. Is Vril Light subject to the idea that light varies as the inverse square of the distance?

Speaking of “Galvanic metallo-configurations” to “yield its eidetic content,“ Ruth Drown is eager to connect with Gerry Vassilatos. She presents us the rubbing plate!

In getting our reaction the timing must be right and not too fast, or the electrons ‘bunch up’. Giving a continuous reaction. When energy passes through condenser to upper plate, its polarity is changed and it meets flow of electrons being stimulated by finger, with finger stall, and the two short; even as the positive and negative energy in a light bulb come together and short, forming a lite.”

“We build up electrons of atoms in the cell and health ensues. Disease is the lack of, or too many electrons in the atoms of the cell, our instrument normalizes it. “

I am preserving the odd sentence structure from the original document although it seems like a typo.

I am not sure what Ruth Drown is trying to tell us with the example of the light bulb and the short circuit. I think there are some problems with the “copy” of this document but I am not sure what the problem is or when it happened. There is a clear error describing the light bulb and the short circuit but if we are talking about short circuits creating “light” we can see a ready example in the Tesla coil spark gap.

“…in the typical circuit, the spark gap’s short circuiting action prevents high-frequency oscillations from ‘backing up’ into the supply transformer.”

“A short circuit may lead to formation of an electric arc. The arc, a channel of hot ionized plasma, is highly conductive and can persist even after significant amounts of original material from the conductors has evaporated.”

I am the first to admit that I am nearly illiterate when it comes to electrical engineering but the use of similar language between Drown saying ‘bunch up’ and Wiki saying ‘backing up’ to describe this activity we assume we are observing is interesting. Does it mean anything? I will leave that up to you. It would not be the first time you quit the newsletter in disgust.

So…here we go, perhaps, the rubbing plate on a Ruth Drown device is like a spark gap. There will be a short circuit between the finger and the upper plate. Perhaps a form of “Vril Arc” is created in the dielectric space between the rubber and the conductor on the rubbing plate. Cool and non-frictive discharge?

Gerry has pointed out that..,

Galvanic metallo-configurations are mineral configurations of Vril Light.

Vril Light does not require frictive actions to produce light.

Dr. Mahlon Loomis has been brooding around here the entire time. I have never met a contact who was so unhelpful. We will let him take the stage…

“July 30, 1872”

“Be it known that I, Mahlon Loomis, dentist, of Washington, District of Columbia, have invested or discovered a new and improved mode of telegraphing and generating light, heat, and motive power.”

“The nature of my discovery consists in general terms of utilizing natural electricity and establishing a natural electric current or circuit for telegraphic and other purposes without the aid of wires, artificial batteries or cables to form such electrical circuits; and yet communicate from one continent of the globe to another. “

“To enable others skilled in electrical science to make use of my discovery. I will describe the arrangements and mode of operation. As in dispensing with the double wire (which was first used in telegraphing) and making use of one, substituting the earth instead of a wire to form one-half the circuit and the continuous electrical element far above the earth’s surface for the other part of the circuit. I also dispense with all artificial batteries, but use the free electricity of the atmosphere, co operating with that of the earth, to supply the electrical dynamic force or current for telegraphing and other useful purposes, such as light, heat, and motive power.”

-Vril Compendium, Volume 7 Vril Dendric Ground Systems, 1992 Vassilatos

To be honest I have never seen Ruth Drown so willing to discuss the inner workings of Radio Vision nor has it made as much sense in light of what Gerry and Loomis have shared with us so far. The schematics from Ruth Drown clearly show that she is using “Galvanic metallo-configurations” and “natural electricity” to obtain a form of photographic image. If you have ever seen the images they are slightly disappointing and abstract, but they certainly are what they purport to be, an image on the photographic material…it’s not like it’s an x-ray which is what I think I would first assume.

“In pursuance of the foregoing and according to my present invention a method of obtaining photographic images of living and other objects and more particularly human beings consists in subjecting a highly sensitized photographic plate or film to an electromotive force so as to produce a field thereon and providing means susceptible to the influence of invisible energy rays or electrons of the atoms of the object to be photographed to produce a change in voltage drop across an electrical circuit to correspondingly influence said field.”

“In practice the subject to be photographed is placed close to the photo-electric cell and it is found that the radiant energy of the subject impinges on the cathode of the tube resulting in an increasingly higher resistance placed across the cell. Such increase will cause an exceedingly minute change of the current in the anode circuit, in turn producing a change in the voltage drop across the circuit, such voltage drop or change in position being led through the selection and tuning section constituted by the rheostat.”

-Drown Radio Vision and Homo-Vibra Ray Instruments and their uses, 1951 Ruth Drown

“Vril projections release Vril LIght into the inertial space. Vril Light is Pure Light. Galvanic metallo-configurations are Vril transactors. Vril Light appears in specific metal and mineral configurations (ground and apparatus). Devices may entune the manifestation of Vril LIght. Vril Light does not require frictive actions to “produce light”

“Vril Light is organismically vitalizing. Vril light is formative radiance. Vril light does not destroy its conductors. Vril light is phosphorescent in densified inertio-detrital spaces. Certain defractors arrange Vril phosphorescence (Plucker, Crookes, Tesla, Mac Farland-Moore)”

“The enhosting of pure mobile forms experienced in Vril eidetic worlds provides true motance, The enhosting of the pure light seen in Vril eidetic worlds provides prie Vril light.”

“Vril conduction leaves specific crystallizations in minerals and metals. Peering into these patterns transacts sudden understandings to recipients. Vril thread passage through such  Vril crystallizations with especial clarities of insight resulting in sensitives, Vril LIght is formative radiance, Vril Light gives eidetic translation among and through Vril Templates.”

-Vril Compendium, Volume 7 Vril Dendric Ground Systems, 1992 Vassilatos

“Therefore it is that positive energy of the operator emanating from the tips of the fingers, coming in contact with the detector which causes a definite short in the passage of the disease energy or vibrations from any localized tissue, organ or gland of the body.”

“It has been difficult for the average physician to recognize the great vital life force which flow through everything in the universe, giving it its own rate of vibration. When that rate of vibration changes, the substance recognized as a definite thing ceases to be that thing and becomes something else without ceasing to be a substance. Were commercial electricity used with this instrument, we could defeat our own purpose to the degree that we would waste that electrical energy, for it would not find its own rate of vibration in the human body, and we would also obscure the flow of human energy…”

Both Loomis and Drown make a clear distinction between commercial electricity, natural electricity and the electricity emanating from the operator.

We had a hero give us a monthly donation of fifty bucks just hit yesterday. Oh Geeze, it really means so much! Harder than ever to find Liberty and I am super enthused by the support of Our Lamp!

Ruth wanted to end the newsletter on a high note and wish everyone Love!

“Our mental action, functioning in the feeling world, which is called “love,” is magnetism. Magnetism is harmony according to its action The temperature changes in our mental and feeling world, and ultimately it outpictures in our bodies, because they are the outpicturing of our own individual mentalities.”

“Magnetism, as the field of force acting between two elements out of which energy, electricity and light are made manifest, comes from the earth side of life. It is that energy or quality called force, feeling , or emotional energy. It is that electronic substance which is known as the soul or covering of the spirit, itself being covered by the physical body.”

“Here again we have the spirit, soul and body; nucleus, mode and free electrons of the atom, or the Trinity- Wisdom (nucleus); Love (magnetism); Power (electron).”

“No thought pattern can manifest unless filled with magnetism (heat) or feeling!”

The Science and Philosophy of the Drown RadioTherapy, Ruth Drown

Induction, Ether-Matter, and the Defective Dynamo

I am just going to ask for donations before anyone gets pissed off at the writing in this month’s newsletter. Borderland Sciences is so important and yet so fragile. Any support that you can give helps us carry this message into our 79th year.

I have created three eBay auctions that start out at $10.00 for the sets of the various books we draw the excerpts from. 

 I am not qualified to talk about Dollard’s materials yet when cleaning and arranging this is the set we find and thus must describe. 

Eric Dollard and J.J. Thomson join us but, as engineers can be, they are quite engrossed in a conversation that I am unable to comprehend, and they are not concerned whether I am able to connect the dots.

How does dielectricity play a role in establishing electric waves in a triple phase, producing “Inductive Acceptance – growth of an electric wave with no apparent supply of energy”, there by creating “bundles of a luminous discharge” in low pressure gas tubes?

J.J. Thomson clearly and bluntly says “The phosphorescence is due to the positive ray.” as if I should understand such a simple point.

I do know that the J.J. Thomson book is not in the current catalog and this item is going to be auctioned. It is one of the very last “rusty staples” antique copies from the old storage unit. This copy has unique yellow discolorations around the staples due to the acid in the paper. 

This is clearly a focused package from the inner circle meant for that rare Tesla researcher who still reads this email newsletter from Borderland Sciences…

But there is always something here for the rest of us, hints in the right direction?

“Then establishing electric waves in systems of angular division other than quadrantal, such as triple phase, produces a type of interference pattern between the natural form of the wave and the form imposed on it by the given system. This produces partial interchanges between the four fundamental characteristics of the natural electric wave producing unique products such as NON INDUCTIVE REACTANCE, that is, the storage of energy with no accompanying electrical field; or INDUCTIVE ACCEPTANCE, that is, growth of an electric wave with no apparent supply of energy. This would appear as a violation of the Law of Energy Conservation, however, these phenomena do occur in practical situations and are in need of theoretical explanation.”

Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Wave, Eric P. Dollard, Pg 50

“The positive rays were discovered by Goldstein in 1886. His apparatus is represented in Fig.1; the cathode K which stretched right across the tube was a metal plate through which a number of holes were drilled, the diameter of the holes being considerably less than the thickness of the plate; the axes of the holes were at right angles to the surface of the plate; the anode a saw at the end of the lower part of the tube. The pressure of the gas in the tube was so low that when the electrodes K and a were connected with the terminals of an induction coil and a discharge passed through the tube, the dark space below the cathode was well developed. Under these circumstances Goldstein found that slightly diverging bundles of a luminous discharge streamed through the holes in the cathode into the upper tube. The color of this light in these bundles depended on the kind of gas with which the tube was filled.”

“Many important properties of the positive rays can be easily demonstrated by the use of a tube like that shown in fig 2. For example when rays strike against the glass sides of the tube they make the glass phosphoresce. The phosphorescence produced by the positive rays is of a different color from that produced by the cathode rays and is in general not nearly so bright.”

“The phosphorescence due to the positive ray is a most valuable aid for studying the ways the rays are deflected by electric and magnetic forces, and it is important to find the substance which gives the brightest phosphorescence.”

Rays of Positive Electricity by Sir J.J. Thomson, 1913


The perception of capacitance as used today is wholly inadequate for the proper understanding of this effect. Steinmetz mentions that in his introductory book, “Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses”. To quote, “Unfortunately, to a large extent in dealing with dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electrostatic charge (electron) on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and the dielectric, and makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated.”


Steinmetz continues. “There is obviously no more sense in thinking  of the capacity current as current which charges the conductor with a greater quantity of electricity, than there is of speaking of the inductance voltage as charging the conductor with a quantity of magnetism. But the latter conception, together with the notion of a quantity of magnetism, etc, has vanished since Faraday’s representation of the magnetic field by lines of force.”

Introduction to Dielectric & Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings, Eric Dollard, 1982

Dayton Miller, Sir Oliver Lodge, J.J. Thomson and Baron Reichenbach are having a conversation about the ether and the five senses. 

Dayton Miller is talking with his hands waving furiously in the air describing revolutions, a complicated combination of translations and rotations of how three different axis are being translated through space in an unknown manner. I think he is drawing a parallel between the interferometer and the sense organs and their orientation in space.

J.J. Thomson, laughs at Dayton’s hands and makes a single gesture with his hands as if describing a vast field “… all mass is mass of ether; all momentum, momentum of the ether…”

Sir Oliver Lodge extends the idea of the unity of ether. He summarizes the ether-matter relationship to the senses, identifying matter as ether, or as “that modification of it which appeals to our senses as matter, and which for that reason engrosses our attention.”

Baron Reichenbach further extends the observation of the senses in their relation to the etheric. Reichenbach describes Odic light and shares with us his experience in the darkroom with the observation of a plant which after a few hours comes into full perception. He asks the question “Consequently, light must have been there for color as well as form to have been recognized. And whence came the light?”

In this conversation, they all agree that the luminous light of the plant was a direct experience of the etheric and the general consensus is that, as the subtle odic light manifests itself to our senses, it “engrosses our attention”  and it is thus a modification of ether. 

And here comes Dayton Miller making circles and loops in the air in front of him…

“The well-known motion of the solar system towards the constellation Hercules, with a velocity of 19 kilometers per second, is only a relative motion of the sun with regard to the group of nearby stars and it may give no information as to the motion of the group as a whole.” 

“The interferometer continually rotates in a horizontal place about a vertical axis at the latitude of the observatory. As the earth rotates on its axis, the axis of the interferometer extended may be considered as the generating element of a cone, the earth’s axis always pointing in the same direction in cosmic space. At the same time this system with rotations about three different axes is being translated through space in an unknown manner. It is presumed that the ether-drift interferometer will detect only that single component of the complicated combination of translations and rotations which at the instant lies in the optical plane of the interferometer: it gives the magnitude and direction of this one component.”

The Ether-Drift Experiment and Absolute Motion of the Earth, Dayton Miller, July 1933

“One more function is now being discovered: the ether is being found to constitute matter–an immensely interesting topic, on which there are many active workers at the present time. I will make a brief quote from Prof. Sir J.J. Thomson, where he summarizes the conclusion which we all see looming before us, though it has not yet been completely attained and would not by all be similarly expressed:- 

“The whole mass of any body is just the mass of ether surrounding the body which is carried along by the Faraday tubes associated with the atoms of the body. In Fact, all mass is mass of ether; all momentum, momentum of the ether; and all kinetic energy, kinetic energy of the ether. This view, it should be said, requires the density of the ether to be immensely greater than that of any known substance.” 

“Yes, far denser–so dense that matter by comparison is like gossamer, or a filmy imperceptible mist, or a milky way. Not unreal or unimportant–a cobweb is not unreal, nor to certain creatures it is unimportant, but it cannot be said to be massive or dense; and matter, even platinum, is not dense when compared with the ether. Not till last year, however, did I realize what the density of the ether must really be, compared with that modification of it which appeals to our senses as matter, and which for that reason engrosses our attention.”

The Ether of Space, Sir Oliver Lodge, 1909

“Take a good middling or a good high-sensitive into the dark, and along with him a cat, a bird, a butterfly, if it is to be had and a pot of flowers in bloom. After a couple of hours have gone by, you will hear strange stories. The flowers, so you will be told, will come forth out of the gloom and grow visible. First of all they will distinguish themselves from the black night of the general darkness in the form of a vaguely defined gray cloud. In this later on, clearer spots will be formed. These will finally separate from each other definable ; the individual blooms will become distinguishable; forms will become recognizable as the gradually grow clearer and clearer : and, on one occasion, when I had left a flower pot as I have described with the late Professor Endlicher, the celebrated botanist, who was a sensitive of medium power, he cried aloud with a shock of astonishment : “It is a blue flower–it is a gloxina!” It was in fact a gloxina speciosa, var. Coerulea, which he has seen in absolute darkness and recognized both as to shape and color.”

“Nothing can be seen in darkness without light.  Consequently, light must have been there for color as well as form to have been recognized. And whence came the light? It came from the plant itself: the plant was luminous! “

Reichenbach’s Letters on Od and Magnetism (1852), F.D. O’Byrne, 1925

Crabb shows up late with Richard Shaver and Charles Fort, who launch into some exp-politics that seem to rub this crowd of intellectuals the wrong way. Crabb tries to steer the conversation back to an awareness of our egos “mistakes and unredeemed creations” that “engrosses our attention.”

Leonard J Ravitz, not a huge fan of mystical language, is not having it and rebuttals with a mechanistic explanation of a “defective dynamo” that the ether-physics guys all seem to be more in resonance with.


“Shaver agrees with Charles Fort, “We are property,” This summary of Fortean conclusions, by the way, was given me by an Air Force officer in Honolulu a few years ago. I guess he had read Charles Fort as part of his briefing on Flying Saucers. Anyhow, this Air Force officer told me that Fort’s researches into the unusual had finally convinced him that we are the neglected property of a race of beings who came to this planet millions of years ago. These ancient visitors were interested in producing or trying to produce a superior race by selected cross breeding. The breeding went the other way. They got discouraged with the results and went off and left us – or left our remote forefathers. Then every once in a while they come back to pick up a few specimens to see how we’re getting along. The results are still discouraging, so they toss the specimens back into the pen and take off again!”

“Fort and Shaver do not seem to be alone in their conclusions that this planet is a sort of slum area of the solar system, with a choice collection of dead beats, bums, bindle-stiffs – and people like you and me. This picture is not very flattering to our egos, is it?”

The Reality of the Cavern World, Riley H. Crabb, 1960

“The student of the Mysteries should expect to meet the Dweller of the Threshold at this point of crossing over. It bars our way until our courage has been proved and the lessons of the lower wheel have developed the necessary courage and fortitude.”

“The Dweller is the synthesis of all those “mistakes and unredeemed creations” which we have pushed behind us as we grope through the murk of the lower worlds to the Light. It awaits us on the threshold of the New Life. “

Psychic Self-Defence Part III The Dweller on the Threshold, Riley H. Crabb, 1975

“On the other hand, some schizophrenics may come equipped with a ‘defective dynamo’ or such functionally deficient neocortical regulatory-integrative mechanism that they would show gross symptoms in infancy and childhood- intellectual, discriminatory functions never developing, developing slowly or becoming arrested at an early age.”

“By this theory, the essential distinction between manic-depressive states and so called psychoneurotic states and schizophrenia would be the more completely evolved, more functionally mature aspects of neocortical function in the non-schizophrenic behavior disorders.”

“All, however, would progress through space-time on electrocyclic variations conditioning state changes ranging from excitation to exhaustion. Moreover all maniacs, and most depressives would physiologically represent states of  excitation – in one, with the facilitation of response – in the other, with inhibition of response.”

History, Measurement, and Applicability of Periodic Changes in the Electromagnetic Field in Health and Disease, Leonard J. Ravitz, 1962

All this and more:

Phosphorus, The Liver and Thought Forms

Before we get started I want to express my deepest gratitude for the support Borderland Sciences has received from this list. 

We appreciate your donations. The positive energy from the support really helps make it through the days when everything is falling apart and entropy tears at our nearly 79 year old effort to explore the borderland of science.

If you would like to support, there is a PayPal button on the front page of the catalog page at our website.

October newsletter seems to have an interesting Halloween flavor so let’s get into it!

MIra Louise catches my immediate attention when she mentions one of my favorite observations from Dr. George Crile.

“The brain,” says Dr. Crile, “is the positive electrical pole of the human organism and the liver is the negative electrical pole. It follows that there cannot be disease or impairment of the liver without the brain being affected; and similarly, the liver must suffer from trouble in the brain.”

Mira then points out,:

“Mental Health, like any other kind of health, has its roots in Natural Law and Cosmic Order and not in the test tubes of the researchers nor on the most luxuriant couches in the psychiatric department.”

In Search of New Horizons of Colour, Art, and Song by Mira Louise

Oddly enough the next document in the pile of “books that have jumped off the shelf” today is The Secret of the Cavern World where we get a glimpse of Riley Crabb sharing with us the, possibly disturbing to “Mental Health”, reports from Richard Shaver. 

We might take the suggestion from Mira and look to where Richard Shavers reports coincide with Natural Law and Cosmic Order?

“The degenerates who inhabit the Caverns are not building Saucers. They are just operating  ancient flyers originally built and left there by the Elder race, and still in good flying condition. These self-appointed guardians of the treasures of the Caverns lie in wait for the space pirates, or the visitors, and come flashing in hot pursuit, thus cousin aerial battles sometimes witnessed in uncomprehended awe by ordinary mortals crawling around on the surface below. Once in a while some of us get killed.”

“Richard Shaver says that on the star-maps of the Visitors who come from elsewhere in the universe the planet Earth is labeled as “The Great Tomb”. The earth beneath our feet is the “limbo of forgotten things”, a vast storehouse of the relics of bygone days. It is interest that most primitive peoples think of the interior of the earth in this way, the limbo of forgotten things”

The Secret of the Cavern World, Riley H. Crabb

Crabb does not miss a beat when we open up Psychic Self-Defense Part III. It is like the Yada is telling us exactly how to access the “limbo of forgotten things” or of the dangers of mixing with the space pirates.

“Beyond Our Fondest Dreams’

“As long as we are quoting various instructors in occult science. I should include an appropriate quote from one of my own Teachers, the Yada di Shi’ite, talking through telegnostic Mark Probert in San Diego, California in 1952.”

“You are living in consciousness and so am I. It is a creation of One World, a manifestation of It; and many things come to take place in its endless phenomena. By that I mean to say a medium or a sensitive can cause himself or herself to become in rapport with a thought-form created by another, or created by himself or herself. 

“And a certain part of your mind, your thinking mind, will close off, and not tell you that this thought-form is your own creation. This creation can attack you!”

“You can create a thought-form so solid you can make a servant out of it; or you can turn it into what you call a devil and it will attack you. (And the seven can become a devil! Refer back to the story of the Golem in Lesson 16, Psychic self-Defense Part II, pages 48-49, The Jewish Cabalists of 16th Century Poland knew this only too well!)”

“You may not possibly say the inner truths of this to the general masses, for they would abuse them. The power of man, or woman, as a creator is beyond your present fondest dreams. You can contact and converse with the dreams of the so-called dead; for there are no dead except those who refuse to learn.”

“You go into a sleep state– your sleeping body can communicate with beings in my world – in the highest realms. They can move or go also into a form of sleep, and go into your world and communicate with you; and they can do it consciously; or you can do it consciously. It is better that you all do it consciously…”

Psychic Self-Defence Part III, Riley Hansard Crabb

Guenther Wachsmuth has entered and has sat with me for a few days patiently pressing me to make this excerpt.

I had to do outside research to remind myself of phosphorus and try to understand the scientific context of Guenther’s language. He is so much better educated than I am. I asked him about the phosphates in hot dogs and he just looked blankly at me and moved on…

I think the main point going in, is that he is describing how light is modified by the etheric formative forces from a hostile, destructive force to a useful, creative one. 

Wachsmuth shows how cosmic forces are reflected in man, he gives us a close look at the “roots of Natural Law and Cosmic Order”:

“In this fact we have one among the reasons why the light-ether sphere is thus designated, since it is in this sphere of the earth organism that the macroscopic etheric forces streaming from without are reduced to such less powerful forces as convey the perception of the “light” phenomena to the human physical sense organs.

“The earth organism is constituted with wonderful wisdom. By forming a layer of ozone in the outermost atmosphere, it protects man, who lives within the earth organism, is the lower atmosphere, from the too intensive, destructive rays of the sun, and by means of this veil of ozone reduces the intensity of the sun’s rays in such a way that can can perceive the reduced light which penetrates downward. This is a fact of fundamental importance for all phenomena of life on the solid earth.

“Besides coming in from without as a cosmic in-streaming into the earth organism, pure light appears also within the organism of the earth itself, though, of course, to a very limited extent: that is, in the light phenomena of phosphorescence.

“Research into organisms will now gain glimpses of many profound truths if it directs its look, not only to phosphorus as a substance, but much more to that action of forces in phosphorus which are manifested, not only in the formation of ozone but also in the genesis of pure light. For in this lies the vital truth that for the science of organisms, phosphorus is of decisive importance, more merely as a substance but chiefly through its radiation of force, as this has been systematically explained in connection with the laws of the earth organism.

“Ancient wisdom schools of the Orient and the Occident spoke of Lucifer- “Phosphorus” who brought the heavenly light down to the earth and gave it to man in a debased form.

“Phosphorus is so fundamental an element of the organic, the living, that its most important qualities can only be mentioned here, and must await a separate future discussion.

“We must, however, refer at this point to a phenomenon of phosphorus which stands outside the general laws of the earth, and absolutely contradicts our hitherto systematized conceptions of “combustion”: that is, the flame of phosphorus is cold. We are face to face in this with a unique phenomenon of profound significance, the full interpretation of which is impossible in our day.

“We shall formulate this somewhat differently according to the theory of ether as already stated: The phosphorus shows all the characteristics of pure light.

“It is a primal phenomenon in the cosmos, earth and man. 

“If I here refer to the inter-relationship of such manifestations with the view to the ether here set forth, the reader will please bear in mind that I do not conceive of the ether formative forces as merely automatic mechanism, as would be the case under the ether theory of physics, but that I conceive them as bound up with a whole array of qualitative and spiritual attributes and causes.

“In connection with phosphorus a mass of material may be observed helpful for an understanding of the action of the etheric formative forces, though at this point we can refer only to certain of the most essential details.

Etheric Formative Forces, Guenther Wachsmuth

Chapter VII Fundamental Phenomena for New Theory of Light, Terrestrial “Pure Light”, pg.128 

George Crile and Guenther Wachsmuth insist that we review a sentence that was omitted in the above excerpt…

“For the science of organisms, which must in the future occupy itself in the most through-going manner with ozone, emphasis must be placed upon the importance which phosphorus has for the organic world in that it not only occurs in the bones and teeth of men and animals, but is an important ingredient in the compounds of albumen (lecitin) and exerts great influence particularly upon the human liver (see Chapter XII)”

Phosphorus, the liver and the negative electric pole? 

Yada said, “And a certain part of your mind, your thinking mind, will close off, and not tell you that this thought-form is your own creation. This creation can attack you!”

Yada seems to imply based on the above conversation, that it is the phosphorus action in the “liver” that is associated with the part of the mind that “closes off” and does not “tell you that the thought-form is your own creation”. Conversely, a healthy level/action of phosphorus in the liver will enable you to maintain awareness that thought-forms are your own creation.

Guenther seems to say that it is the liver that grounds the etheric force into the human organism, its radiation of force a “a cosmic in-streaming into the earth organism.”

MIra Louise seems to realize that if there is a healthy supply/activity of phosphorus in the liver will support communication with the highest realms and “to become in rapport with a thought-form created by another, or created by himself or herself.”

 Riley Crabb insists the importance is to understand the Natural Law and Cosmic Order as the basis of health and that is the only way to be effective when confronting the space pirates and the debased light of Lucifer.

Of course everyone sort of talks over each other like always but to sort out the confusion seems worth the effort, maybe.

Radiesthesia: Skepticism, Harmony and the Mystery School

Borderland Sciences Research Foundation has developed and maintained a research catalog for over 77 years. 

One of the most important areas of research has always been physical radiesthesia and dowsing.  We have gathered a very important set of books on physical radiesthesia.

This section of the catalog archive is designed to help you develop your radiesthesia and dowsing detection skills. 

The primary benefit of reading about physical radiesthesia and dowsing is that language and practice combined create the elements required to enhance perception.

Practice is the primary way to develop your perception of the subtle physical radiations which are at the heart of all phenomena. Direct experience of the interaction of your nervous system, the environment and instrument results in the development of method and convention. 

Language structures the methods of practice. Language allows you to frame your perceptions. Language provides the world view that allows the senses to operate and provide feedback. Reading provides this language. 

Reading from several sources from different historical periods helps provide alternative points of view on how the language changes that are used to describe the science of the practice. 

To quote Thomas Norton’s Ordinal of Alchemy:

“Hence you must not be content with reading only one book, but you should study a variety of authors; because according to the learned Arnold, one book opens up the understanding of another. The same thought is expressed by the learned Anaxagoras, who testifies that if a man will not take the trouble of reading many books, he can never attain to a practical knowledge of our Art.”

Mira Louise, Erwin E. Stark, and Arthur J. Ellis are three such authors whose excerpts will tie together a short conversation about the historical controversy surrounding the mystical and practical roots of dowsing.

We will start with Mira Louise who is just back in the catalog. She had fallen out during the migration of the website over ten years ago.

I find her reactions to the “deep-rooted fear and prejudice” interesting as it points out that it goes deeper than religious persecution. It may be most important to be aware of the “deep-rooted fear and prejudice” when it confronts us during practice. Skepticism is healthy but may just be an excuse for not wanting to confront the difficulty of awakening the senses.

“Actually, the science we are trying to simplify is RADIESTHESIA, the modern name for the FACULTY OF DIVINATION, which is not a new science, neither has it been neglected. Suppressed it has been and scorned, persecuted and belittled, but not neglected. It dates back to long before the Christian era and was carried on by lone investigators in the form of Water Diviners and Soil Analysts throughout the centuries. Even during the darkness of the Middle Ages, when the religious wars drove honest men into caves, there was still evidence of the faithful few handing on this faculty, not always from father to son, but from adepts to younger members of the tribe.

“Unfortunately, owing to the deep-rooted fear and prejudice towards anything that cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard or felt, that mankind has inherited from his primitive forebears, this Faculty for Perception or Divination has been the stumbling block of the Water Diviner, the Dowser and the Pendulist from time immemorial…”

In Search of New Horizons of Colour, Art, Music, & Song. By Mira Louise. 1955

We now take a random look at “The Divining Rod, A History of Water Witching”, this thin but powerful book published by the US Government in 1916. 

Looking at this remarkable bibliography, what I observe is a curious mixture of the practical and the mystical even from the earliest roots of information being published on radiesthesia.

It is clear from the earliest times that the dowsers and the natural magicians share a common “sympathetic physics” !

It begins in the 1500’s:

15– Melanchthon, Philippe, Discours sur la sympathie [Discourse on sympathy (=sympathetic affinity)]..

1532 Bernhardus, R.P. Vera atque brevis descripto virgulae, etc [The true description of the wand of Mercury, etc.] , Prag.

1550 Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica [On Metals], book 12, 1st ed.; Translated into English by H.C. Hoover and L.H. Hoover and published for the translators by the MIning Magazine, London, in 1912.

1509 Porta. Jo. Baptista, Magiae naturalis sive de miraculia rerum [Natural magic].

-The Divining Rod, A History of Water Witching with a Bibliography by Arthur J. Ellis

As difficult a skill as it is to acquire, radiesthesia is clearly not a new fad. What is it that keeps an idea alive for thousands of years?

Our Friend Erwin E. Stark takes us back 9,000 years to the Atlas Mountains of North Africa, where on the walls of the “caves of Tassili” it depicts a man holding a forked dowsing stick.

“The teaching of mysteries, or psychic functions, which pre-dates the dawn of Christianity, is significant in that it taught dowsing as a psychic technique. The dowser was regarded as a highly intuitive or illuminated being, who achieved this level of awareness through dedicated study and practice of the mysteries. The ancient mystery schools taught and trained their followers so effectively that early Christianity’s chief competitors included those practitioners trained in the psychic sciences. The emerging Christian church gave considerable attention to this problem. Should the church embrace or reject the practice of mysteries? Dowsing was a common and important technique used by many peoples…”

“One of the most famous dowsers today is Abbe Mermet, who formerly was a member of a Catholic order.”

“Nonetheless, since most of the world’s leading colleges and universities were founded by religious organizations, they have perpetuated to this day the tradition of rejecting psychic phenomena or mysteries. Is it any wonder that their products of learning are so unlearned in subjects like dowsing? As former President Harry S. Truman observed, “College know-it-alls don’t realize that it’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” To quote the Kabalist adage, “Those who teach have trouble for their pay.”  

-A History of Dowsing and Energy Relationships, Erwin E. Stark, 1978

Well. Mira just can’t let Stark have the last word denigrating universities. I sometimes wonder how much more I need to guide these sessions?

“Another point worth considering is that when one person sits down to study, the vibration is very high; when he is joined by a companion the vibration is lowered. Therefore, the larger the crowd of students, or any body of people, the lower the vibration. This is the reason why Universities of the world, overcrowded as they are, produce comparatively few Understanders. It explains, too, why so many of the sub-standard under-graduates, overwhelmed by the mob mind, resort to low vibrational pranks.”

But Mira makes clear the real work at hand here:

“Harmony; The Outspread Process of Existence”

“Although we stress the importance of being able to detect the Positive and the Negative forces, it is becoming more and more apparent that the real emphasis is on balance.”

“The Law of Polarity may be called the first and fundamental law of all creation,” wrote Dr. Oscar Brunler in his book “Rays and Radiating Phenomenon.”

“The earth, and everything contained therein, follows this law, and is a manifestation of the union of two forces, that of a positive and a negative, with a line of balance or neutrality in the center. Every three, every shrub, eerie flower, and every vegetable has the same polarity. The root is negative, the central portion neutral, and subsequently where the seed will appear, is positive. It is in the repulsion and attraction that a constant struggle for survival takes place, and during the struggle, waves of energy are liberated. These waves are called radiations.”

In Search of New Horizons of Colour, Art, Music, & Song. By Mira Louise. 1955

The language of 1955 and the language of 1550 when taken together provide a timeless doorway to experience perceptions of radiations of waves of energy that surround us with psychic information.

Our psyches are embedded in this sea of energy. Language and practice of radiesthesia & dowsing open to us a world of perceptions known in the mystery schools for thousands of years.  

When we confront the difficulty of awakening the senses, to use the words of Dr. Oscar Brunler, “during the struggle, waves of energy are liberated.” 

The Etheric Formative Forces, Energy Relationships and Conscious Evolution

Guenther Wachsmuth, Erwin E. Stark and  L. E. Eeman have assembled this evening for the September newsletter. 

I don’t know if it is just because I had to really concentrate to read the Wachsmuth section but I think all three sources speak pretty clearly without much need for narration.

Before we get into some really interesting materials on Etheric Formative Forces from these guys I want to take a second…

I know everyone is having a hard time with high gas and food prices and the need for rare print material from the 20th Century is not as high on your list as it has been in the past. 

We really need your extra support now more than ever. 

Summertime is generally when we make the revenue that balances out the overhead created during the slow times of the year but it is like we do not exist on the search engine and that everyone has stopped talking about their primary source materials from Borderland Sciences. If you are in a position to give any support at this time it will help carry us into the last part of the year. 

The information we have published for over 77 years is generally now available on the internet, even most of our primary research. I think there is still some real long term value in maintaining our active Print Catalog Archive. There is something uncanny in the way it holds the different information together and suggests the interconnections. 

The catalog together with the journal comprises a living history of the evolution of thought that brings us here today. The print material maintains an intellectually pristine quality somehow because of the crappy xerox quality from a bygone era that maintains the font types and odd print elements of the 20th century. 

This is not AI generated propaganda meant to throw you off the path! These are genuine primary source kooks trying to show the path they found!

If the formative forces are right with you we really can put it to use to stabilize this information flow that has shed light since 1945.

Together we can water the living roots of this tree of knowledge. 

We can keep the lamp aflame in the darkness. Your lamp oil has never meant more to the future who will find and read your old print materials with wonder.

Thanks, I am glad you stayed for the show…

The Etheric Organism of the Earth and Man: Excerpt Part 1

Guenther Wachsmuth

We perceive that man does not simply possess a physical body of dead substance, but is penetrated and woven through by forces which build up his physical body and which also make him a member in that great rhythmic life process of the earth organism; that the life phenomena in the kingdom of Nature present themselves to us as a picture of the restless activity of the most manifold forces, the external metamorphosis of that “which has been, is, and ever shall be.”

 great rhythmic life process of the earth organism

rhythmic life process

the life phenomena in the kingdom of Nature

life phenomena

 a picture of the restless activity of the most manifold forces

 a picture

a picture of the restless activity

the most manifold forces

manifold forces

that “which has been, is, and ever shall be.”

We perceive that man does not simply possess a physical body of dead substance, but is penetrated and woven through by forces which build up his physical body and which also make him a member in that great rhythmic life process of the earth organism; that the life phenomena in the kingdom of Nature present themselves to us as a picture of the restless activity of the most manifold forces, the external metamorphosis of that “which has been, is, and ever shall be.”

Very few persons grasp the fact that in a relatively short space of time, in a rhythm of about seven years, most of the substance which now compose the bodies will have ceased to belong to those bodies; that the substances will then be scattered in the life processes of the other kingdoms of Nature, to be replaced in turn by new substances. 

And yet this body, eternally transmuted in its components, keeps as a whole its form, the human form, and still is held together as a unity by a structure of forces which place this entity of materials and forces before us as the form of an individual man just in the way we perceive it. 

That which renders possible the life phenomena in man, in that it keeps the substance in eternal metamorphosis, it is these etheric forces that interpenetrate and interweave the physical body.

We have already shown by many examples that he who would understand the action of forces on the basis of a concept of “electrons,” as the quantitative-mechanical world conception has framed this, will never reach the goal sought by this understanding.

Indeed, we must now arrive at a conclusion which, following after the mechanistic conception of the world – a conception, too, that often manifests itself in currents of thought where we ourselves are quite unaware of it – will give rise to the strong opposition on the part of materialistic and mechanistic thinkers of the present age.

And yet what here follows is not only a reality open to research but also the necessity conclusion resulting from a logically exact and consecutive course of reasoning which does not hesitate courageously to throw overboard habits of thought that have grown to be dear and comforting – especially if such habits of thought bring one to the “limitations of the knowledge of Nature.”

The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man by Guenther Wachsmuth
Energy and Healing

The cells are responsible for rebuilding injured or diseased areas of the body. They seem able to do this more quickly when the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body is complete. An unhealthy body or a body that is not at ease is almost always found to be unbalanced by energy leaks. The energy matrix, or mold, as Dr. Harold Burr describes it, is the pattern of the living body. Humans, animals, trees, and all other living things exist within this mold.

Recent experiments have shown that cellular structures which have been damaged mend faster in the presence of low voltage electrical currents. This is not a surprise to dowers, some of whom have long known how to use the body’s polarities to hasten recovery and healing.

Excerpt from A History of Dowsing and Energy Relationships by Erwin E. Stark

Conscious Evolution

We may conclude: health is the effect of the ever more conscious enjoyment of our faculties and exercise of all our functions, in ever more perfect harmony with the laws of life, ever better understood and more faithfully applied.

It is a constantly evolving factor in the development of the instrument of consciousness of the infinite life, man, and unless man has more life to-day than he had yesterday, he is not in health, however healthy he may think himself.

Regarding life itself we can say nothing in positive terms. All we know is: ‘Here life is apparent to us, here it is not.’

The most careful observation of its processes only equips us with negative knowledge, but though negative, this at least enables us to state that certain facts are common to all life’s manifestations, and that in the absence of any of them it does not manifest, to us.

Everyone of life’s manifestations involves material activity subject to law, but we must note that the converse is not true, to us: all material activities subject to law do not appear to us as manifestations of life, whether they be or not.

Material activity subject to law; things, work, order; matter, energy, thought; the echo to the infinite substance, energy and intelligence involved in us.

Eeman, L. E. (1929), Self and Superman: The Technique of Conscious Evolution

Page 41

The Etheric Organism of the Earth and Man:  Excerpt Part 2

The world conception of this materialistic age is anthropocentric just where it should not be and is not anthropocentric just where it should be. (italics)

A form of observation of the first category is the view that has been formed regarding the connection of consciousness with cosmic processes. 

This materialistic age has taken up its position on the point of view that phenomena of consciousness are linked up with manifestations of force and processes of life and motion only in the human and animal organisms, and this solely on the ground that we do not yet possess any adequate knowledge of phenomena of consciousness associated with the manifestations of force and processes of life and motion in the happenings in the rest of the cosmos.

…those who should maintain the existence of a reciprocal relation of any sort whatever between phenomenon in the phenomenal world, on the one hand, and states of consciousness on the other, or who should wish to include such a thing within the field of their research, would be journalistically and rhetorically burnt at the stake as heretics in science, sinners against scientific dogmas, just as Galileo and others were threatened.

Especially would this be true of any one who should assert the concrete existence and action of beings possessed of a higher state of consciousness than the objective consciousness of the men of our age.

Are there methods scientifically exact whereby we may come to know and to investigate states of consciousness which are of a different sort – whether higher or lower – from the really narrow limited objective consciousness of the men of our age? 

We have seen that the living earth organism shows an etheric system of forces in which processes of breathing and circulation take place corresponding to similar life processes in the human organism, and in a reciprocal relationship with these life processes in Man and Cosmos, as expressed in the figures 25920, etc.( p.49.)

As in the case of the human organism, so also in that of the living earth organism, is the “ether body” which calls the phenomena of life into existence and which regulates and metamorphoses them.

The cosmos grasped as a world-organism, the product of active spiritual entities, as a world of organisms whose vital phenomena are the work of the harmonious metamorphosis of etheric formative forces – not of dead mechanical vibrations – this is a world concept wherein the living, thinking man with his conscious acts of will, with his ether body kept in rhythm and in motion by the etheric formative forces, and his material body in constant flux up to the very moment of death, finds also his interpretation and meaning.

Before the young generation of the future, rejoicing in research and bold in understanding, there open up here perspectives which alone can help us past the general sense of resignation of science in the decadence of this materialistic-mechanical age.

The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man

by Guenther Wachsmuth 

Ruth Drown Theory

“Does Ruth Drown’s Cancer Theory Hold Up in the 21st Century ?”

Ruth Drown’s Cancer Theory is stated thus:

“Not enough Life Force to a part of the body causes congestion of electrons which forms a tumor.”

The Drown Radio Vision, Part C, Page 84. Journal of Borderland Research. Sept-Oct 1951 

A google search on the terms “congestion of electrons which forms a tumor” produced the following to articles from which we will draw our comparison and speculation:

Oxygen plays a key role in accepting free

electrons at the end of oxidative phosphorylation

that produces the energy molecule, adenosine

triphosphate (ATP), forming water. This prevents

congestion of electrons in the associated electron

chain complexes (I to V) on the inner mitochondrial

membrane. However, in some instances when

oxygen is reduced it can be converted to

superoxide, rather than water. Superoxide will then

be converted to hydrogen peroxide that is secreted

into the cell leading to damage.

Published: September 30, 2022

Citation: Walker MOM, Hall

KH, et al., 2022. The

significance of oxidative stress in

the pathophysiology of Long

COVID and Myalgic


Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS),

Medical Research Archives,

[online] 10(9).


In 1957, Peter Siekevitz branded the mitochondrion the “powerhouse” of the cell [1]. Less than a decade later came the first reports that the organelle generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a byproduct of cellular respiration [2]. Since then, it has become apparent that mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that contribute to cellular homeostasis not only through maintaining adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels, but also through the generation of low levels of ROS for cell signaling, and that dysfunction in either of these processes can propagate pathology. 

Despite this variation between cell types, mitochondrial ATP generation and ROS production are intimately linked through function of the electron transport chain (ETC), and thus efficient measurement of ETC function can provide insight into mechanisms of physiology and disease pathogenesis.

Redox Biol. 2020 Oct; 37: 101674.

Published online 2020 Aug 6. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101674

PMCID: PMC7767752

PMID: 32811789

Mitochondrial electron transport chain: Oxidative phosphorylation, oxidant production, and methods of measurement

Deirdre Nolfi-Donegan,a,b,1 Andrea Braganza,a,1 and Sruti Shivaa,c,∗

One of the biggest challenges with researching Borderland Sciences is that there can be so much information to evaluate that one becomes overwhelmed.

I find medical Radionics to be the most frustrating. I don’t feel confident that I have a reasonable grasp of the mainstream 21st century medical language, much less language that reflects advanced intuitive thinking of the early 20th century.

I feel sorry for the healers because they are among the most hated people by the system. Ruth Drown would be in prison again in the 21st century. I find it almost unfortunate that Radionics is associated with disease. Far more interesting to me is what it teaches us about the true nature of our body-mind complex and how it reveals a living dynamic energetic universe that is used as much for evolution as it is for healing the sick.

This makes these medical speculations less fun but we are confident that the synchronicity is goaded by Dr. Ruth Drown so we slog forward. I really don’t know how I expect you to read this, I just hope you are particularly bored and particularly interested in Radionics.

So for grins and giggles I googled the language Ruth Drown used in Part C of Radio-Vision: “congestion of electrons which forms a tumor”

I was skeptical that I would find any “Congestion of electrons” but indeed it was associated with the oxygen function of mitochondrial membrane.

I was interested to learn that Oxygen played  a key role in accepting free

electrons at the end of oxidative phosphorylation that produces the energy molecule, (ATP), forming water which prevented “congestion of electrons” in the associated electron chain complexes on the inner mitochondrial

membrane.  And that the mitochondria are  the “powerhouse” of the cell and that efficient measurement of ETC function can provide insight into mechanisms of physiology and disease pathogenesis. 

When we look at Ruth Drown’s Cancer Theory that “Not enough Life Force to a part of the body causes congestion of electrons” we can ask the question:

Is Drown describing the role of the Oxygen in accepting free electrons when she refers to Life Force?

Because Oxygen and Life Force have a very interesting relationship, namely the traditional observation that Prana is said to reside in the breath, can we say the Life Force resides with Oxygen in a similar way?

Prana is also described with electric-like properties of polarity. 

What role does Prana or Life Force have to do with oxidative phosphorylation of the associated electron chain complexes on the inner mitochondrial Membrane?

We can speculate that Oxygen fully charged with Vital Force will cause the cells to “accept the free electrons” and thus produce the maximum vitality. 

If there is a depletion in Vital Force the oxygen will not accept the free electrons and the disabled ETC function creates disease pathogenesis and cell damage, that no doubt result in “tumors”.

We can intuit that the Drown’s Radionic technique allowed the Life Force to equilibrate any imbalance in the associated electron chain complexes on the inner mitochondrial Membrane of the disease site?

What role does Life Force or Prana, as understood by the breath, play in a galvanic circuit grounded to the earth?

We can speculate that the galvanic circuit has the ability, like the Prana on breath, to carry along a charge of vital force necessary to assist the oxygen accepting the free electron near the mitochondrial membrane, thus increasing vitality.  

I probably am using the language wrong but I think we have been able to find that Ruth Drown’s basic observation and intuition about the “Congestion of electrons” is a valid observation in the 21st century if we are willing to see open ourselves to the role Life Force plays in the electric function of oxygen.

In working up the newsletter I am using a set of Drown books that have been in a storage box.

I find that this copy of Theory and Technique of the Drown HVR has a copy of The Hendershot Mystery accidentally bound with it.

I am sure that this makes this YOUR copy, meant just for YOU…so I will put this up on the eBay so you can acquire it.

I think this excerpt of The Hendershot Mystery ties in best to the discussion at hand.

For those interested in my Father’s analysis of how this generator worked, the following are his theories on the subject.

“The field of magnetism surrounding the earth is similar to the field of magnetism in a man made generator.”

“The rotor of a generator is revolved by some means of power, cutting the lines of magnetism, creating electric power. The earth is turning inside of a field of magnetism. That, no one contradicts, yet it is claimed there is no power to be derived from it.”

“Let’s say we have a mechanism that will collect, polarize and create a positive and negative connection to this tremendous power that is ever-present on the earth.”

“As long as the earth rotates around the sun, it will create electric power which some scientists claim does not exist. Yet, we dig into the mountain for material that costs unbelievable sums, to create the same power.”

“Magnetism must be cut. The lines of force circling the earth are constant and if this force is broken up, and polarized, you have the equivalent of uranium broken up, which creates heat and power.”

“A very small unit comprised of wire, a magnet, several special designed coils, condensers, collector units, and a few other minor items, will cut this force. Another especially designed mechanism will polarize it, giving it a positive and a negative connection to any resistance and the result is the generation of electricity.”

The Hendershot Mystery, Appendix C

Two excerpts that do not require explanation but fit in with the sort of context with the questions raised…

The Theory and Technique of the Drown H.V.R. and Radio-Vision Instruments

By Ruth Drown,1939
  Chapter VI  Radio-Vision and its Theory

“In the Drown Method we attempt to improve the tie between the material and the so-called unseen Energy which animates all life. It has been difficult for the average physician to recognize this vital Life Force which flows through everything in the Universe, giving to it its own rate of vibration. If that rate of vibration changes, the substance changes, the substance, hitherto regarded as a certain type of element, ceases to be that type and becomes something else without ceasing to be a substance.”

“This invisible line is therefore the Life Force of the body. It also takes the form of liquid and gases when the electron flow is speeded up fast enough to produce heat.. When the body ceases to be animated by this Life Force–in other words, when death comes–we cannot tune into it with our instruments. The Life Force, or “radio beams” has been withdrawn.”

Chapter VIII Questions and Answers

Q. Dr. H., Texas. How does the H.V.R. treat the patient?

A.– The blood and nerves carry electro-magnetic energy. During treatment on the H.V.R.Instrument the foot-plates act as the cathode, and the electrode on the body acts as the anode. The energy carries the radio-active rate of vibration to the organs, glands and tissues of the body in a way similar to that in which the electrical equipped radio carries the voice or sound. Thus we have the direct energy passing through the instrument and back through the patient, conducting the rate of vibration as designated by the instrument. All energy returns to its source.

Q. – Dr. Y., California. What do you think forms a tumor in the body?

A.– All these conditions seem to be a matter of conjecture and theory. It is our theory that the anabolic function of the body is the positive energy belonging to the nucleus of the nerve cells, and thence over the nerves to the various organs and tissues of the body. The catabolic energy passes through the nerve as the bloodstream. Any impingement of the catabolic function would inhibit the natural flow of the bloodstream through the nerve to the tissue supported by this nerve. There would thus be a lack of balance between the  catabolic and anabolic functions. However, the anabolic function would continue in a true, steady manner, but the impingement of the catabolic function would inhibit the carrying away of old cells. Therefore we would have a new cell built in on the old cell, producing an abnormal condition or growth.

To me so much more important for the Borderland Scientist is the far reaching implications of personal development rather than the sort of short sighted curing of disease.

I think Ruth Drown who went down that path and tried to really think in medical terms showed us the perils of that path.

She was no short sighted materialist though and at the heart of her philosophy is the clear underlying intention of profound personal realization and “in so doing raise his consciousness to where, at last, he knows he is the ruler of his own particular little world, with power to command it”

Science and Philosophy of The Drown Radio Therapy
By Ruth Drown
All things are under the command of this Great Intelligence, as it is the source of the magnetic energy of Light brought down into substance.  Magnetism holds the form, sound and substance of all things even having been, or ever being, on this plane. It is elastic, it attracts, holds, repels and shapes all things. We could liken it to the soap bubble, upon which other soap bubbles are formed. The force causing the formation is unseen, be we call it air, gas or energy.

The cells of the physical body are likewise under the command of this Great Intelligence. They are created by an unseen energy which passes through the particular pattern designated, and takes the changes of formation from the gaseous through the liquid, the gelatinous, the calcificied. Often a part of the cell formation is seen under the microscope, but the acting energy is invisible.

Every cell in our body represents its own complete body, and takes its place in the world as an individual conscious unit. Yet we, with all the millions of cells in our bodies, constitute only ONE CELL in the great body of humanity. Our earth is the smallest in this particular chain of planets, in galaxy upon galaxy of other chains.

It is impossible to conceive of the immensity of life. However, everyone must and can learn only from his own little point in the scheme of things, and in so doing raise his consciousness to where, at last, he knows he is the ruler of his own particular little world, with power to command it when he has won through to self-command.

And so we come back, inevitably, to the fact that we must begin with ourselves.

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