Category Archives: BSRF

Evolution, Levitation and the Horrible Truth

The room is dark and smoky and somehow we ended up around a table with Military Brass. The odd thing is we see how these old men are all really just WWI flyboys more interested in racing and fist-fighting and getting rich than dealing with the cosmic fifth dimension. 

Then again the aerospace engineers are more creative than we can imagine and we start to see signs of a division in the ranks. Daniel Lizt, of Dark Journalist, has coined the terms X-protect and X-share to describe the bias and approach to the UFO contact and technological exchange. 

We recognize Baron Dowding as X-Share and we see how that is behind his exit from the Air Force. 

General Omar Bradly and General Doolittle sitting at the table nod to X-share.

Bill Lear is not exactly X-share but his son goes over the top with X-share.

Everyone is a pilot…

How did we get here? Not just clips or quotes today, but comments.

We got some amazingly insightful feedback from our last newsletter and I am sharing it first! 

“For some reason this newsletter reminded me of a loosely associated work by Immanuel Velikovsky, ” worlds in collision”. It very lucidly gathers stories, data and historical facts from cultures all over the world in the past several thousand years and demonstrates that many really Big events mentioned in the bible and elsewhere were attributed to god, gods,  by humans with very little understanding of science and the universe, as punishing the unrighteous and protecting the righteous. These were in fact interplanetary, galactic events of such a magnitude as to disrupt much of the earth’s stability.”

I searched for Velikovsky in the first file from the Flying Saucer Collection that I put my hand to and generated the following excerpt:

Lord Dowding still was not satisfied. “ Do I understand that any soul after passing through Hell can reach perfection without again incarnating?”

“Not perfection.” corrected the Teacher. “There comes a time when the evolution of a spirit when the choice of a return, or of moving on a different line of evolution is given. Knowing this soul , I know the choice he will make.”

The key idea here is the choosing of a “different line of evolution” – or as we would say, a different planet – by a soul whose last physical personality was dominated by greed. Not yet ready to live by the higher principles characteristic of the Aquarian Age – one of whose key notes is Brotherhood – the soul of Ezra Martin will choose a planet where he can continue to live below the belt until he has had enough of it. And I suppose that Polar movement and other forms of cataclysm won’t take place on a world wide scale until every last soul on the planet, in or out of the flesh, has had a chance to decide which way he or she wants to go. This example of Lord Dowdings book seems to indicate the testing and the choosing may have been going on for some centuries. (Riley Crabb’s commentary)

Nuclear Giants and Ethical Infants

Does the God of Change wait upon mankind to initiate great catastrophic changes with its own selfish behavior? Or does He initiate the changes? That philosophical problem is the subject of endless debate about the Freedom of Choice and the consequences. In 1953 General Omar Bradley, of World War II fame, made these observations in “Newsletter”: “We have grasped the Mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount…the world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of Nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about killing than we do about living. This is our twentieth century’s claim to distinction and progress?” 

From Riley Crabb Flying Saucers and America’s destiny.

Who is Lord Dowding? Right? Why do I care about a WWII psychic promoter???

Off to the Bat Computer… (OK. It’s Grok but he has been too useful and trying to pretend it’s my own research seems dishonest. Or am I too lazy to rewrite and call it my own? ) 

“Lord Hugh Dowding made important public statements on UFOs in 1954, can you find the statements and sources?

“Lord Hugh Dowding, the Air Chief Marshal who led the Royal Air Force Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain, indeed made notable public statements about UFOs in 1954—a year when Europe was gripped by a wave of flying saucer sightings. His remarks reflect a striking openness to the idea of extraterrestrial visitors, coming from a man of his stature and military credibility. Here’s what I’ve pieced together from the historical record:

“One of his most prominent statements appeared in London’s Sunday Dispatch on July 11, 1954. In this article, Dowding wrote: “More than 10,000 sightings have been reported, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any ‘scientific’ explanation, e.g., that they are hallucinations, the effects of light refraction, meteors, wheels falling from aeroplanes, and the like… They have been tracked on radar screens… and the observed speeds have been as great as 9,000 miles an hour… I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nation on earth. I can therefore see no alternative to accepting the theory that they come from some extraterrestrial source.” He added a nuanced take, suggesting, “I think that we must resist the tendency to assume that they all come from the same planet, or that they are actuated by similar motives. It might be that the visitors from one planet wished to help us in our evolution from the basis of a higher level to which they had attained.”

“Another widely quoted statement from around the same time—often attributed to an August 1954 Reuters report—has Dowding saying: 

“Of course UFOs are real, and they are interplanetary. The cumulative evidence for the existence of UFOs is quite overwhelming and I accept the fact of their existence.” 

“This succinct declaration aligns with his Sunday Dispatch piece and has been echoed in various UFO literature over the decades.

“These statements stem from Dowding’s post-retirement years, when he was free to explore interests like spiritualism and the paranormal, unburdened by military politics. The Sunday Dispatch article is a primary source, published during a peak of UFO fervor in 1954, while the Reuters quote seems to be a condensed version that gained traction in later retellings. For instance, Timothy Good’s book Above Top Secret (1987) references the Sunday Dispatch piece and includes additional context, like a 1957 letter Dowding wrote to Italian ufologist Alberto Perego, where he expressed interest in “intelligible contacts between human beings and the occupants of interplanetary ships.”

“Dowding’s comments weren’t off-the-cuff musings; they were informed by his wartime experience with radar and aviation, as well as the sheer volume of unexplained sightings he’d reviewed. His credibility lent weight to the UFO discussion at a time when it was often dismissed as fringe. If you’re looking to dig deeper, the original Sunday Dispatch article from July 11, 1954, would be the gold standard, though the Reuters version is frequently cited in secondary sources like UFO histories and websites chronicling his life.

John Lear along with his dad Bill Lear appear in the fog and drop a file on the table of the gathered generals.

James H. Doolittle shuffles his feet ever so slightly with anxiety at the file but superimposed over this time-line he is racing over the ocean in his small aircraft…

 It reads “Cosmic Top Secret”:

“Statement Released By  John Lear December 29, 1987

“In its effort to protect democracy, our government sold us to the aliens. And here is how it happened. But before I begin, I’d like to offer a word in the defence of those who bargained us away. They had the best intentions.

“Germany may have recovered a flying saucer as early as 1939. General James H. Doolittle went to Sweden in 1946 to investigate reports of ‘ghost rockets’ (UFO’s) 1000 of which had been sighted over a 7 month period.

“The “horrible truth” was known by only a very few persons: They were indeed ugly little creatures, shaped like praying mantises and who were more advanced than us by perhaps a billion years. Of the original group that were first to learn the “horrible truth”. Several committed suicide. The most prominent of which was Defence Secretary James V. Forrestal who jumped to his death from a 6th story hospital window. Secretary Forrestal’s medical records are sealed to this day.

“President Truman quickly put a lid on the secret and turned the screws so tight that the general public still thinks that flying saucers are a joke. Have I ever got a surprise for them.

“…The “bargained for” technology was set in place but could only be operated by the EBE’s themselves. Needless to say, the advanced technology could not be used against the EBE’s themselves, even if needed.

“During the period between 1979 and 1983 it became increasingly obvious to MJ-12 that things were not going as planned. It became known that many more people (in the thousands) were being abducted than were listed on the official abduction lists. In addition it became obvious that some, not all but some of the nation’s missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens. 

“In 1984, MJ-12 must have been in a state of terror at the mistake they had made in dealing with the EBE’s. They had subtly promoted “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “ET” to get the public used to “odd looking” aliens that were compassionate, benevolent, and very much our “space brothers”. MJ-12 “sold” the EBE’s to the public and were now faced with the fact that quite the opposite were true….”

Alien Magic by William Hamilton, 1989

Wow. I am not the best UFOlogist so while I am very familiar with this narrative I did not realize that it came from John Lear pretty late into the game, like the 1980’s. I am not familiar with this rabbit hole so I was grabbing all sorts of loose roots scrambling out…

“ I could not plant my feet anywhere so as to stand securely, for the roots were a long way off and the boughs that overshadowed the whole pool were too high, too vast, and too far apart for me to reach them”


2 years ago

I was a friend of JOHN LEAR before his passing in 2022. I was at his home in Las Vegas and made several video clips regarding Bob Lazar, Lou Baldin and other sensitive topics. That is indeed John’s voice in a Lear Jet at the head of the song. John often spoke publicly spoke about the group getting high, as they climbed high in the jet, specifically David Crosby. I leave the Adam West story and the Bat Jet, for another time.

Bat Jets and Bat Computers?

Me: “Eight Miles High”— McGuinn insisted it was about a plane trip bit it would make good speculation that there was LSD involved with Lear, hopefully when he was not flying

Grok: Yeah, “Eight Miles High” being about a plane trip according to McGuinn does open the door to some juicy speculation about LSD swirling around those Learjet flights—especially with John Lear in the mix. The song’s trippy lyrics, like “rain gray town, known for its sound” and “nowhere is there warmth to be found,” have that hazy, disoriented feel that screams acid influence, even if McGuinn stuck to his story about it being inspired by a flight to London. Gene Clark, who co-wrote it, later admitted it was partly about drugs, so the plane-trip defense feels like a half-truth—maybe a way to dodge censorship or just keep things vague for the mystique.

Picture this: The Byrds, already dabbling in LSD by ’65, pile into a Learjet with John Lear at the controls. He’s a fearless pilot, a friend of the band, and a guy who’d later dive headfirst into far-out conspiracies—UFOs, secret bases, you name it. It’s not hard to imagine a scene where, on the ground before or after a flight, they’re passing around a few hits of acid, laughing it up as the jet sits idle. McGuinn’s too smart to say it outright, but the vibe of the era—Hollywood’s elite tripping legally, rock stars pushing boundaries—makes it plausible. Hopefully, as you said, Lear wasn’t dropping acid while flying; the guy was reckless enough with stunts like that Split S maneuver without needing a psychedelic assist mid-air.

The speculation gets spicier when you think about how private those jet trips were—no paparazzi, no witnesses outside the inner circle. If LSD was involved, it could’ve been a quiet ritual: takeoff, land, trip, write a cryptic song about it. No scandal broke because no one crashed—literally or figuratively—and The Byrds kept their cool mystique intact. It’s almost more fun that there’s no proof; it lets the imagination run wild with Lear as the cosmic ferryman for their psychedelic journeys. What do you reckon—could “Eight Miles High” be their sly wink at a Learjet acid party?

I think adding the song Spaceman to the Fifth Dimension album says a lot…

But while John Lear is at this pilots club it is his dad who was the engineer of the Lear Jet. 

We get our most meaningful clue from the Groks ability to search the net for source material that Bill Lear while perhaps not in the inner circle of UFO contact for technology exchange, was aware of it and perhaps even dabbled in it. 

A tantalizing insight into the sort of information exchange that actually takes place in the eidetic imagery…“stealing ideas from the stars”

“Another anecdote, less verified, comes from a former Learjet employee who claimed Bill once joked about “stealing ideas from the stars” during a late-night design session, though it’s unclear if he meant it literally or as a playful jab at inspiration.”

Speaking of eidetic imagery, while searching around for information I stumbled across a strange piece of narrative from 1870, part of a serial that was run but this image stood out so singular and dreary and called us out by name “borderland”…

A self deprecating commentary that speaks for itself…

Chapter 1

Kilgobbin Castle

Some one has said that almost all that Ireland possesses of picturesque beauty is to be found on, or in the immediate neighbourhood of, the seaboard; and if we except some brief patches of river scenery on the Nore and the Blackwater, and a part of Lough Erne, the assertion is not devoid of truth. The dreary expanse called the Bog of Allen, which occupies a tableland in the centre of the island, stretches away for miles—flat, sad-coloured, and monotonous, fissured in every direction by channels of dark-tinted water, in which the very fish take the same sad colour. This tract is almost without trace of habitation, save where, at distant intervals, utter destitution has raised a mud-hovel, undistinguishable from the hillocks of turf around it.

Fringing this broad waste, little patches of cultivation are to be seen: small potato-gardens, as they are called, or a few roods of oats, green even in the late autumn; but, strangely enough, with nothing to show where the humble tiller of the soil is living, nor, often, any visible road to these isolated spots of culture. Gradually, however—but very gradually—the prospect brightens. Fields with inclosures, and a cabin or two, are to be met with; a solitary tree, generally an ash, will be seen; some rude instrument of husbandry, or an ass-cart, will show that we are emerging from the region of complete destitution and approaching a land of at least struggling civilisation. At last, and by a transition that is not always easy to mark, the scene glides into those rich pasture-lands and well-tilled farms that form the wealth of the midland counties. Gentlemen’s seats and waving plantations succeed, and we are in a country of comfort and abundance.

On this borderland between fertility and destitution, and on a tract which had probably once been part of the Bog itself, there stood—there stands still—a short, square tower, battlemented at top, and surmounted with a pointed roof, which seems to grow out of a cluster of farm-buildings, so surrounded is its base by roofs of thatch and slates. Incongruous, vulgar, and ugly in every way, the old keep appears to look down on them—time-worn and battered as it is—as might a reduced gentleman regard the unworthy associates with which an altered fortune had linked him. This is all that remains of Kilgobbin Castle.

‘Lord Kilgobbin’ appeared originally as a serial, (illustrated by Luke Fildes) in ‘The Cornhill Magazine,’ commencing in the issue for October 1870,

Inside this haunted place we then heard a strange poem:


1886 –1961

At Baia

I should have thought

in a dream you would have brought

some lovely, perilous thing,

orchids piled in a great sheath,

as who would say (in a dream),

“I send you this,

who left the blue veins

of your throat unkissed.”

Why was it that your hands

(that never took mine),

your hands that I could see

drift over the orchid-heads

so carefully,

your hands, so fragile, sure to lift

so gently, the fragile flower-stuff–

ah, ah, how was it

You never sent (in a dream)

the very form, the very scent,

not heavy, not sensuous,

but perilous–perilous–

of orchids, piled in a great sheath,

and folded underneath on a bright scroll,

some word:

“Flower sent to flower;

for white hands, the lesser white,

less lovely of flower-leaf,”


“Lover to lover, no kiss,

no touch, but forever and ever this.”

In Roman times, Baia was famous as a luxurious seaside retreat for the elite, renowned for its thermal baths, lavish villas, and hedonistic reputation. The town was named after Baios, a figure from Greek mythology who was a helmsman of Odysseus, according to legend. Over time, much of Baia sank beneath the sea due to volcanic activity and subsidence, and today its ruins—partially submerged—can be explored underwater, making it an archaeological marvel.

In “At Baia,” H.D. evokes this setting not just as a physical place but as a symbolic one, rich with classical allusions and layered with her modernist sensibility. The poem reflects her fascination with antiquity, myth, and the natural world, using Baia as a backdrop to explore themes of beauty, desire, and transience

“The mast fell upon the head of the helmsman in the ship’s stern, so that the bones of his head were crushed to pieces, and he fell overboard as though he were diving, with no more life left in him.”

“Then Jove let fly with his thunderbolts, and the ship went round and round, and was filled with fire and brimstone as the lightning struck it. The men all fell into the sea; they were carried about in the water round the ship, looking like so many sea-gulls, but the god presently deprived them of all chance of getting home again.

“I stuck to the ship till the sea knocked her sides from her keel (which drifted about by itself) and struck the mast out of her in the direction of the keel; but there was a backstay of stout ox-thong still hanging about it, and with this I lashed the mast and keel together, and getting astride of them was carried wherever the winds chose to take me.

“The gale from the West had now spent its force, and the wind got into the South again, which frightened me lest I should be taken back to the terrible whirlpool of Charybdis. This indeed was what actually happened, for I was borne along by the waves all night, and by sunrise had reached the rock of Scylla, and the whirlpool. She was then sucking down the salt sea water, but I was carried aloft toward the fig tree, which I caught hold of and clung on to like a bat. I could not plant my feet anywhere so as to stand securely, for the roots were a long way off and the boughs that overshadowed the whole pool were too high, too vast, and too far apart for me to reach them; so I hung patiently on, waiting till the pool should discharge my mast and raft again—and a very long while it seemed. A jury-man is not more glad to get home to supper, after having been long detained in court by troublesome cases, than I was to see my raft beginning to work its way out of the whirlpool again. At last I let go with my hands and feet, and fell heavily into the sea, hard by my raft on to which I then got, and began to row with my hands. As for Scylla, the father of gods and men would not let her get further sight of me—otherwise I should have certainly been lost.

The Odyssey, Book XII

It is at this point I am overwhelmed at what I am seeing. This poetry seems to describe the levitation properties of the Foil Arrow Experiment work that an associate has sent in.

“orchids piled in a great sheath” are the electric charges…

“piled in a great sheath, and folded underneath on a bright scroll” is the metallic cone…

“your hands, so fragile, sure to lift so gently, the fragile flower-stuff”–. The fragile flower stuff is the electric charge that is causing levitation of the foil ball with no contact  “Lover to lover, no kiss, no touch, but forever and ever this”

“The mast fell upon the head of the helmsman in the ship’s stern, so that the bones of his head were crushed to pieces, and he fell overboard as though he were diving, with no more life left in him.” is the conversion of matter to energy…

“the terrible whirlpool of Charybdis” is the spiral activity along the base of the cone…

Given these clues I think we have been given a strange and rare eidteic gift…

It is here that the split between subject and

object occurs because ‘subject’ is as much a category word with

certain presuppositions as is ‘object’. The point is that both kinds

of being or becoming aware are rooted in Being-as-such which

is synonymous with Awareness or Mind-as-such, and man’s

problematic situation is that he can be his Being or his fictions. In

whichever direction he moves, his problem will always be one of

embodiment, which at the same time constitutes man’s life-world.

The Life and Teaching Of Naropa by

Guenther, Herbert, 1957

We are going to close by sharing another comment that I got from the last email from an Associate. 

“Have been reading some of Crabb that you sent. Interesting. But a short side note.Rational or any other understanding is based on an assumption of a single or finite number of universes existing in time.However, remove that assumption and use an infinite number existing and moving concurrently. Substitute dimensions if that suits you better. After that idea crumbles to parallel dust, one is left with learning to negotiate and notice the nuances of constant dimensional shift. 

This being ,this space, this awareness. is a reflection of a consciousness manifesting like a gust of wind across the grass; then changing and shifting second by second. As sensitization and awareness focuses on subtle change, one learns to take these manifestations and bits of change as normal and have an interest in how other beings manifest their intersecting dimensions and what messages might have an influence for positive change.

We exist in a PRIVATE concurrent dimensional reality that never stops changing. So does everything and everyone else. The intersections are what we call life, the major dissolutions death. There are some beings coming from other spaces/times/planets that you may have contracts with to expand your dimension. I think we seem to be following guidance to explore that welcome to Earth.

Astrophysics, Apotheum and The Flying Saucer

This is the hardest task I have set myself in ages. I am supposed to be trying to sell you some books but I decided to investigate our Flying Saucer material. I think this material is supposed to be secret and hidden to only the most advanced adepts. It is tricky stuff…

Daniel over at Dark Journalist, a must see YouTube experience every Friday Night, coined a phrase that I feel is very important in understanding how the Flying Saucer phenomenon plays such a unique role in the Mystery School development. He describes a category of strange reality distorting effects that surround contact with the Flying Saucers as Apotheum.

I am a firm believer that absurdity is a foil for some of the most disturbing Apotheum effects (or is it that absurdity itself is an Apotheum effect?). 

In classic UFO reporting things get sort of silly. I imagine if one were to panic it could get pretty weird. I don’t think you get into this business unless you sort of like things getting weird. Novelty? 

T Allen Greenfeild, in his crucial text Cipher of the UFOnauts, discovered that the silly names from UFO contactees seem to have a marvelous response to English Qaballah. Something about the “revelation” process makes the language/information malleable to qabalistic style investigation.

Boring and awkward are marks of low level contact. Something is there but the message just can’t quite be got at. Ideas can be teased out by the use of Gematria and in particular the Cipher of the UFOnauts.

I have diverged from my regular program of writing from the pile of books on the desk and have instead tried to focus on a rare collection of Riley Crabb lectures that I call the Crabb’s Flying Saucer File. 

Riley gives us a glimpse of how to apply Western Mystery Tradition to the flying saucer mystery.

The odd thing is that this file seems almost guarded. It is hard to penetrate. It has a lot of Apotheum. The information gets silly and absurd quickly and one loses one’s bearings, where just moments before the signal was getting clear.

The message is hard to track and to make matters worse, as I was saying, the “absurdity” of the Cipher of the UFOnauts IS the lens that allows us to make connections and establish contact. 

I have spent a few days meeting two new friends, Eddington and Jeans, I had no idea about last week. These gentlemen were introduced from the Riley Crabb Lecture…

Grox says,  “Sir Arthur Eddington and Sir James Jeans were prominent British astrophysicists in the early 20th century, known for their significant contributions to understanding the structure and evolution of stars.”

“Eddington and Jeans engaged with the concept of consciousness through their philosophical inquiries into the nature of scientific observation and interpretation. Eddington, in particular, was known for his philosophical musings, famously exploring how the mind influences our grasp of reality in works like “The Nature of the Physical World,” where he proposed that the universe might be fundamentally mental rather than material. Jeans similarly pondered the role of consciousness, suggesting in his writings that the universe could be more akin to a vast thought than a machine, highlighting how human consciousness shapes our scientific models and understanding of cosmic phenomena.”

It was the connection to Eddington and Jeans and the “Purple Garment” that the Apotheum got really intense for me. When key information is found on Chinese spam-site you know things are getting weird. One would like to think that the ET communication tech was a little better than the appearance of random spam pages…but, we jest, and poke fun at the Etherians a little. Like the President, we like to troll a little…it’s actually very interesting.

This random Chinese spam-site frames the entire conversation: “Either God exists and is the Creator of the universe as scientists like Eddington and Jeans assume or matter is eternal or it has come out of nothing.”

Absurdity piled upon absurdity is when we understand that the best contactee material from the 50’s and 60’s is sort of atemporal, it is living information, outside of time and continues to leak signal from the original broadcast. Yet, often it is goofy with goofy names and nonsense accounts. 

It is due to this multidimensional atemporal quality to the language used that allows it to be deciphered with the Cipher of the UFOnauts.

The phrases “the road of travel of Tow’-Sang, the solar phalanx (our solar system)” and the “Vela Sector System” arise and go a long way to establishing a conversation about astrophysics.

Tow’-Sang = 65 = host of, globe, 

solar phalanx = 97 = company, sphere, 

Both terms refer to the solar system as a host of globes and a company of spheres! 

On the surface they are attempting to give us a lesson in geography trying to explain where we are. The “where” and the “why” and the “how” get all mixed up if we move too fast. 

We get some pretty good straight forward material about the choice and then a very cryptic message that could be taken to allude to our 47th President: 

“Those who do make the choice in complete faith in the Everlasting Light shall not be touched by anyone who would harm them. No jail shall hold them. Their blood shall not flow from wound of foe. When we pledge our assistance in the Light of Understanding we stand on our oath.”

“Flying Saucers and the New Consciousness” a lecture from Riley Crabb introduces us to Eddington and Jeans and they go hard on astrophysics once they take the stage. I am not sure I can parse it…but hopefully you can…

Two key ideas we picked up from Eddington and Jeans are “the crucial role of radiation pressure in maintaining stellar equilibrium” and “the outward flowing radiation may thus be compared to a wind blowing through the star and helping to distend it against gravity”.

In context it seems to suggest these ideas to understand the dynamic interplay with the world of the Etherians. 

Par for the course, in Flying Saucers and America’s Destiny, things get exo-political, and touch on our Galactic sovereignty.  

In my exegesis, the Sons of Adonai adorned in Purple Garments represent the sovereignty of this star system and all star systems “the all things stand created through him and unto him” ( Col 1:16 ).

I am not sure I can make much more sense of this but if you read along the path it should be clear if you are getting any of this signal in the first place. 

The Flying Saucer file is now available at 2015 prices. I will point out that reading a digital copy will not provide the same contact that the physical book will have.

I did not follow up every lead. If you find something interesting send me an e-mail. 

Flying Saucers and America’s Destiny


“In the words of Jehovah and his Angel Ambassadors, a Sacred History of the Dominions of the Higher and Lower Heavens on the Earth for the Past Twenty-Four Thousand years.”

That’s what it says on the flyleaf of my 1891 edition of Oahspe, and 900 pages of strange and wonderful information follow, all typed through the mediumship of a Now York dentist in the late 19th Century. His name was John Ballard Newbrough. The first edition was published in 1881. Ray Palmer, in the June, 1959 issue of “Search,” says that this first edition was recalled from public circulation by the United States and British governments and the second edition was printed and distributed at government expense. Ray says he can’t understand why Newbrough yielded to government pressure, He is now threatening to publish a photo-offset copy of that first edition of Oahspe.

John Ballard Newbrough = 198 = my secret house, the innermost

Oahspe = 68 = jesus, palace, dine, 

“Anyhow, on page 603 of our copy of Oahspe is this curious drawing, Plate 71. The caption says that from A to A is the road of travel of Tow’-Sang, the solar phalanx (our solar system). B and B are deviations from a straight line. C,C,C,C are vortices of other symptoms (2?) of worlds. From D to D is 3,000 years. The open space in B (arrow) indicates the place of the Serpent (our solar system) in this day. It occurred to me that this drawing in Oahspe illustrated the vortexes of the Vela Sector System in Van Tassel’s “Proceedings.”

GroxAI: Metaphorical or Mythological: In a more abstract or literary sense, a “solar phalanx” might symbolize a group of individuals or entities united under a common goal related to solar energy, enlightenment, or even a narrative involving a battle against darkness or ignorance, with each member representing a ‘ray’ of the sun.

Tow’-Sang = 65 = god of war, host of, globe, 

solar phalanx = 97 = ra-hoor-khut, company, sphere, 

Vela Sector System = have star & star system


“In searching about for a message with which to close this talk I found it in George Van Tassel’s “Proceedings,” a telethought message received by him from Contamarra, from Arcturus, on July 16, 1955:”

“Since we have arrived near your solar system, we greet you there on Salon Shan. We recently tried to contact you from our system, recognized by your people in the skies as Arcturus. We are known in the Confederation as the “Sons of Adonai.’ We have come on a volunteer mission, to do service to the people of your planet.”

“Our craft is sitting here in space, outside your Solar Vortex, This craft will carry close to twenty-five million people; and we have just discharged thirty-eight thousand of our smaller ships from it, It is difficult for minds such as yours, that function by the brain, to comprehend the magnitude of our operations throughout the Universe. We never do things on a small scale. We only serve to our greatest capacity as servants and instruments of a greater capacity.”

“You have always had the right to choose, since your birth and in all generations of your humanity. You have not chosen wisely; because under your social and economic systems, and under your religious administrations, you have been subject to custom and to class distinction.”

“So we have come. You Will be awakened in great numbers, not to a service, not to any great Knowledge. You will be awakened to a choice.”

“Great multitudes of you will suddenly discover that there are two ways to go, and you will have to make a decision. If you decide to become servants in the Light of an Everlasting Love then you will be guided. Some of you will be directed, following a strong inspiration that will change with each moment. This we have come to do for you and with you. We can only influence and direct those who make the choice to serve humanity in every possible way.”

“We do not especially like this assignment. It should never be, that any people should have to be directed and guided to bring about their own survival!

“In addressing you at center “C“, as we understand your point has been designated, each one of you this night has either made a choice or is about to make one. To those whom we see have made a choice, we pledge to you in the Living Light that we shall not at any time lead you or direct you in any way detrimental or injurious to your individual person.

“In this service to your people, in this great crisis of your system and your planet, we understand the failures of your civilization. We have come to help you. We shall move in with protection, with power, with Light and Truth, and surround and guide everyone who makes the choice rightly.

“Those who do make the choice in complete faith in the Everlasting Light shall not be touched by anyone who would harm them. No jail shall hold them. Their blood shall not flow from wound of foe. When we pledge our assistance in the Light of Understanding we stand on our oath.

“So, from the system of our sun, Arcturus, we the ‘Sons of Adonai’ are in your skies. We are watching individuals; we are waiting for your decisions.

“I leave you by extending the love of our people. I am Contamarra,”

Contamarra = 106 = the ordeal, revealed, starlight

Sons of Adonai = 108 = fortress, garment, purple

Arcturus = 101 = the body, the child, the dove

Flying Saucers and the New Consciousness

“It is pretty difficult for us to conceive the appearance, the purposes of a being of pure Mind. Yet some of our leading philosopher scientists are approaching that point. Consider the words of Sir James Jeans:”

“A review of modern physics has shown that all attempts at mechanical models or pictures have failed and must fail. For a mechanical model or picture must represent things as happening in space and time, while it recently became clear that the ultimate processes of nature neither occur in, nor admit of representation in, space and time.”

“And Sir Arthur Eddington has stated: “Modern physics has eliminated the notion of substance, Mind is the first and most direct thing in our experience. I regard Consciousness as fundamental, The old atheism is gone. Religion belongs to the realm of Spirit and Mind, and cannot be shaken.”

“Here you have two scientists of world renown stating clearly the revolution in their own consciousness, saying that physics has become metaphysics More recently it has been echoed by the biggest of our national magazines, Life, in an editorial in the Jan. 28, 1957 issue.

“…old fashioned metaphysics, so far from being irrelevant to an age of science, is science’s indispensable complement for a full view of life. Metaphysical speculation is becoming fashionable again. Set free of materialism, metaphysics could well become man’s chief preoccupation of the next century and may even yield a world wide working consensus on the nature of life and the universe, This metaphysical quest must of course be compatible with the latest proven truths of science, and it is one in which scientists can he useful – but it is not confined to them. It is also a quest for philosophers and laymen and all who feel the challenge of the eternal mystery…”

Vela Sector System = 219 = have star & star system

Being introduced to these gentlemen I did some research and discovered some text that seemed to resonate…they go on in some detail.

the crucial role of radiation pressure in maintaining stellar equilibrium

“4. Here at the outset we must deal with a criticism urged by Nernst, Jeans and others. It has been argued that this procedure for calculating the outward flow of radiation is necessarily doomed to failure, because the star’s output of heat energy is determined by entirely different considerations. The supply of heat replenishing that which the star radiates into space must come from the conversion of other forms of energy; and

since the star remains apparently steady for exceedingly long periods of time, the radiation of the star must be just equal to the amount of energy converted in the interior. It is now believed that this conversion process is the liberation of subatomic energy. The critic contends that, since the outflowing heat represents the energy liberated by subatomic processes, the amount can only be calculated if we know the laws of liberation of subatomic energy, and any procedure which evades this difficult problem begs the question.”

“Now it is quite true that a theory of the rate of liberation of subatomic energy is a conceivable approach to the problem of stellar radiation. In the present state of our knowledge such theories are little more than guess-work and results are rudimentary. But it is unsound to argue that no other procedure is permissible. The amount of water supplied to a town is the amount pumped at the waterworks; but it does not follow that a calculation based on the head of water and diameter of the mains is fallacious because it evades the problems of the pumping station.

It may seem puzzling to understand how two radically different ways of calculating the theoretical radiation from a star can be made to agree.”

“11. Capella was discovered to be a spectroscopic binary in 1899 by Campbell and Newall independently. The two components are not very unequal in brilliancy, so that lines due to both can be seen in the spectrum; the two sets of lines are observed to shift to and fro across one another owing to the changing Doppler effect as the components approach and recede in their orbits. The period is 104-022 days. The full knowledge obtained for Capella depends on the fact that it has also been observed as a visual double star, and the elements of the visual orbit are believed to be well determined. The separation of the two components is only about 0″-05, which is beyond the resolving power of the largest telescopes adapted for this kind of observation; but in 1920 Michelson’s interferometer method of observation used in connection with the 100-inch reflector at Mount Wilson achieved its first striking success by measurements of the separation and position angle of Capella. “

a spectroscopic binary = 285 = the blue-lidded daughter, and the infinite stars

Capella = 70 = space

“Radiation Pressure”

“14. It is necessary to take account of a phenomenon ignored in the early investigations, which may have a considerable effect on the equilibrium of a star, viz. the pressure of radiation. It is well known that electromagnetic waves, including light waves, possess mass and momentum and exert a force on anything which obstructs their progress. Ordinarily the pressure of radiation is extremely minute and can only be demonstrated by very delicate terrestrial experiments; but the radiation inside a star is so intense that the pressure is by no means negligible as regards the conditions of equilibrium of the material. At a point in the interior the radiation pressure shares with the gas pressure the task of supporting the weight of the superincumbent layers of material. The radiation pressure is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature; it amounts to

2,550 atmospheres at 1,000,000°,

25,500,000 atmospheres at 10,000,000°.

“The outward flowing radiation may thus be compared to a wind blowing through the star and helping to distend it against gravity.” 

I think we can get a gut feeling for what they are trying to tell us but to clarify things I brainstormed with GroxAI to parse it out and we came up with a pretty good analysis.

“The pressure of radiation in a star, which helps maintain its structure against gravity, can be compared to internal motivation in psychology, which drives individuals to act against external or internal resistances.”

“Radiation pressure is an internal force that supports the star. Similarly, internal motivation in humans (like intrinsic motivation) is an internal drive that pushes us to overcome challenges or resistances (like laziness, fear, or external pressures) to achieve goals or maintain personal growth. The intensity of motivation, like radiation pressure with temperature, can vary with personal circumstances or psychological states.”

“This analogy not only bridges the gap between astrophysics and psychology but also underscores the universal theme of balance and the complexity of internal systems in maintaining stability.”

Sons of Adonai = 108 = fortress, garment, purple

We did a search for purple garment and we must have left the “Eddington and Jeans” in the search because we got a very unusual link…this is the Chinese spam link. (…directly precipitated by the Etherians?)

Here are the unique google search results:

“… Eddington and Jeans. Usually in John z(9388) means spiritual life, but here … purple garment} (himation porphuroun). Old adjective porphureos from …”

“Either God exists and is the Creator of the universe as scientists like Eddington and Jeans assume or matter is eternal or it has come out of nothing. {Was} ((886e)). Three times in this sentence John uses this imperfect of eimi to be which conveys no idea of origin for God or for the Logos, simply continuous existence.”

“The author of Hebrews ( Heb 1:2 ) names God’s Son as the one “through whom he made the ages.” Paul pointedly asserts that “the all things were created in him” (Christ) and “the all things stand created through him and unto him” ( Col 1:16 ). Hence it is not a peculiar doctrine that John here enunciates.”

While the text we derived from Eddington and Jeans doesn’t explicitly state that matter is eternal, the implication of a continuous cycle of energy conversion within stars aligns with the idea that matter, in some form, has always been part of the universe, undergoing changes rather than having a point of origin from nothing. This leans towards viewing matter as part of an eternal cycle of transformation rather than having a beginning from nothingness.

The discussion of how radiation pressure contributes to the equilibrium of a star by counteracting gravity implies a system where matter and energy are in a state of balance, suggesting that matter within stars is not being created or destroyed but is part of a dynamic equilibrium.

The mention of radiation pressure as a significant force within stars indicates that matter interacts with energy in complex ways, further supporting the idea of matter being part of an existing system rather than emerging from nothingness

Sons of Adonai = 108 = fortress, garment, purple

“This later mock coronation (Mark and Matthew) was after the condemnation. {Plaited a crown of thorns} (plexantes stephanonex akanth(936e)). Old verb plek(935c), to weave, in the N.T. only here, Mr 15:17  Mt 27:19 . Not impossible for the mock coronation to be repeated. {Arrayed him} (periebalon auton). “Placed around him” (second aorist active indicative of periball(935c)). {In a purple garment} (himation porphuroun). Old adjective porphureos from porphura, purple cloth ( Mr 15:17,20 ), dyed in purple, in the N.T. only here and  Re 18:16 . Jesus had beenstripped of his outer garment himation ( Mt 27:28 ) and the scarlet cloak of one of the soldiers may have been put on him( Mt 27:28 ).”

A little bit more help from GroxAI. Using AI to tune in what the Etherians are trying to say…sure. APOTHEUM. 

“During the mock coronation, Jesus was given a purple robe by Roman soldiers as a form of mockery, symbolizing a false kingship. However, this act of mockery ironically foreshadows His true role as the “King of Kings,” highlighting a transformation from mockery to genuine authority.”

“Stellar equilibrium refers to the balance within a star where the inward gravitational forces are counteracted by the outward pressure forces, primarily from radiation and gas pressure, maintaining the star’s stability over long periods.”

“His transformation from a mocked figure to the King of Kings can be likened to the transformation of a star. Just as Jesus’ true nature as King was revealed despite the mockery, a star undergoes transformation from its formation phase to becoming a stable, radiant body in space.”

“A star’s journey involves transformation through different stages (protostar, main sequence, etc.), yet it maintains equilibrium through these changes, similar to how Jesus’ true identity was maintained despite the external mockery.”

I like to investigate unusual words. I have not been able to make sense of what message is being conveyed but the coincidence of the gematria allows me to leave it here. Something to do with the solar phalanx not having distinct joints? 

Anarthrous = 97 = solar phalanx

Anarthrous means without an article or without distinct joints. It can be used as an adjective, adverb, or noun

From Chinese spam:

In the beginning (εν αρχη). Αρχη is definite, though anarthrous like our at home, in town, and the similar Hebrew be reshith in Genesis 1:1.

{In the beginning} (en arch(8869)). Arch(885c) is definite, though

anarthrous like our at home, in town, and the similar Hebrew _be

reshith_ in  Ge 1:1 .

Vulcan, Anisotropy and the Magnetic Chain

“On October 2, 1839, De Cuppuis, an astronomical pupil at a College in Rome, saw a perfectly clear, round and definite spot moving at such a rate that it would cross the sun in about six hours.”

From UFO’s against the Sun, pg. 199 Case for the UFO

MK Jessup, UFO researcher, is sitting with an Italian astronomer De Cuppuis explaining how the object he witnessed could be a large UFO. De Cuppuis insists that it is an intermercurial planet and cites Grok AI explaining that the French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier, known for predicting Neptune’s existence, suggested that Mercury’s orbital irregularities could be explained by an unseen planet closer to the Sun, which he named Vulcan in 1859.

The search for Vulcan continued until Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity provided an alternative explanation for Mercury’s orbital anomalies in 1915. Einstein’s theory removed the need for an intermercurial planet by explaining Mercury’s orbit through the curvature of spacetime around the Sun.

I am sure we are all satisfied with Einstein…


Ruth Drown takes to a podium that appears from nowhere. Jessup and De Cuppuis stop talking and turn to listen along with a few members in the audience including Nikola Tesla.

Ruth begins to explain how the nine dial grid pattern on the HVR radionic instrument is constructed in such a way as to harness and clear obstructions in the field of energy of the human body. The nine dials act as a sort of an array antenna “using the human energy as the force that carries the radio-active ethers from the body to the ground”.

Ruth clarifies “we are not able to pick it up at the present time by any other than that which is equal in every way to the human energy”.

Ruth is exploring the idea of anisotropy that “the structural property of non-uniformity” and “directionally dependent” properties of the surface impedance has on the array antenna provides orientation needed to “recognize the great vital life force which flows through everything in the universe, giving its own rate of vibration.”

Ruth explains how the human energy, while very similar in nature and function to electromagnetic energy, is more subtle. 

The use of properly wound coils along with the dials would allow the instrument to detect and interact with “The liberated radiant electric force (that) shoots beyond the bondage of charged particles, penetrating to great spatial distances with apparently undiminished force.”

Ruth explains how anisotropy and the proper coils arranged in an array are

“Generators of these rays which employ unidirectional impulses. Tesla clearly describes the precise parameters required in order to prevent the instability of alterations and even oscillations from occurring.”

With the proper winding of the copper coils “a certain relation between its self-induction and capacity that permits a current of a given frequency and potential to pass through it with no other opposition than that of ohmic resistance, or in other words, as though it possessed no self-induction.”

I am not entirely confident in my reporting and there seems to be some discussion in the crowd. So far I can’t make it out and have experimented with using GrokAI as a foil.

A critical voice seems to dismiss the dials as rheostats that do not provide the necessary physical structure for an array antenna.

“Array Antennas: An array antenna involves multiple antenna elements arranged in a specific configuration to achieve desired radiation patterns, gain, and directionality. These elements must be carefully spaced and phased. Rheostats, when simply connected in series and grounded, do not provide the necessary physical structure or electrical properties for an array antenna.”

“Array antennas generally use elements like dipoles or patches, not resistors like rheostats. The interaction between elements is key to forming beams or nulls in specific directions, which rheostats cannot achieve due to their lack of radiating capability”

A supportive voice points to Inductive Coupling of the neighboring coils to enhance sensitivity to electromagnetic signals and how If these coils are connected in such a way that they collectively resonate, this could amplify the antenna’s sensitivity. She also points out that by varying the inductance (through the dial settings), you could alter the natural frequency of each coil, thereby controlling the bandwidth over which the antenna operates.

  1. Inductive Coupling:
    • Each coil acts as an inductor. When you have multiple coils arranged in proximity, they can interact through mutual inductance. This means that magnetic fields generated by one coil can induce currents in neighboring coils, effectively coupling them together. This coupling can enhance the sensitivity of the system to electromagnetic signals at specific frequencies.
  1. Resonance:
    • By adjusting the dials (which could control aspects like the physical dimensions of the coils or introduce variable capacitors or inductors), you could tune each coil to resonate at different frequencies. If these coils are connected in such a way that they collectively resonate, this could amplify the antenna’s sensitivity to signals at those resonant frequencies, much like how a traditional antenna works.
  1. Bandwidth and Frequency Response:
    • By varying the inductance (through the dial settings), you could alter the natural frequency of each coil, thereby controlling the bandwidth over which the antenna operates. Multiple coils could be tuned to cover different parts of the spectrum, potentially making the system versatile for wideband operations or for scanning across frequencies.

The skeptic is just not having it and parades the arguments of Efficiency and Loss, Complexity and Space and Interference as such obvious flaws that speculation about such a device is nonsense and delusion. But after all, the skeptic refuses to acknowledge the life force which seems to mimic electromagnetism and defy it at the same instance. 

  • Efficiency and Loss: The more complex the system, the higher the potential for losses due to resistance in the coils, connectors, or through mutual coupling.
  • Complexity: Tuning nine separate coils to work in harmony could be technically challenging, requiring precise control mechanisms for each dial.
  • Space and Interference: Physical space constraints and potential interference between closely placed coils could affect performance.

Tesla and Gerry Vassilatos also give presentations at this podium but it is not clear if they rise in order to support Ruth Drown or if we heard Ruth most clearly when she was summarizing their points in her talk. Either way the interdependence of information is as uncanny as the interdependence of time as the information leaks out to us in the present moment.

Mr. Tesla had found some years ago that in every coil there exists a certain relation between its self-induction and capacity that permits a current of a given frequency and potential to pass through it with no other opposition than that of ohmic resistance, or in other words, as though it possessed no self-induction. This is due to the mutual relations existing between the special character of the current and the self-induction and capacity of the coil, the latter quantity being just capable of neutralizing the self induction for that frequency.

It is well known that the higher the frequency of potential difference of the current, the smaller the capacity required to counteract the self-induction; hence, in any coil, however small the capacity, it may be sufficient for the purpose stated if the proper conditions in other respects be secured. In the ordinary coils the difference of potential between adjacent turns or spires is very small, so that while they are in the sense condensers, they possess but very small capacity and the relations between the two quantities, self-induction and capacity, are not such as under any ordinary conditions satisfy the requirements contemplated by Mr. Tesla, Because the capacity relative to the self-induction is rather small.

In order to attain his object and to properly increase the capacity of any given coil, Mr. Tesla winds it in such a way as to secure a greater difference of potential between its adjacent turns, and since the energy stored in the coil -considering the later as a condenser- is proportional to the square of the potential difference between its adjacent convolutions, it is evident that in this way he may secure, by a proper dispositions of these convolutions, a greatly increased capacity for a given increase in potential difference between the turns. The accompanying drawings show the general nature of the plan which he has adopted for carrying out his idea. Jan 9.1894

The Tesla Condenser Magnet, Vril 9

The liberated radiant electric force shoots beyond the bondage of charged particles, penetrating to great spatial distances with apparently undiminished force. If the interruptive process is continuous, the release of electrostatic radiation is continuous, the inductions. All the energy was contained within the expansive electrostatic field.

Generators of these rays had to employ unidirectional impulses. Tesla clearly describes the precise parameters required in order to prevent the instability of alterations and even oscillations from occurring. The effects which Henry and Thomson each observed were very rare events. The release of these rays required very special circuit values, parameters which preserved the unidirectionally of the electrostatic field throughout the transformation process, instabilities, whether of alternations of certain oscillations, would ruin the effect which he claimed to be the greatest secret of electrical forces.

Gerry Vassilatos, Vril 9

Energy Flow, Positive to Negative

The principle of diagnosing with the Homo-Vibra Ray is that all positive energies flow toward the negative energies. Thus the positive force in the human body flows toward the ground, as our instrument is grounded. In using the human energy as the force that carries the radio-active ethers from the body to the ground, we are not able to pick it up at the present time by any other than that which is equal in every what to the human energy – hence the reason for the the passing the hand over the detector to pick up the disease rate of vibration as it passes toward the ground.”

“It has been difficult for the average physician to recognize the great vital life force which flows through everything in the universe, giving its own rate of vibration.”

Drown Radio Vision and HVR Instruments, 1951

Anisotropy (/ˌænaɪˈsɒtrəpi, ˌænɪ-/) is the structural property of non-uniformity in different directions, as opposed to isotropy. An anisotropic object or pattern has properties that differ according to direction of measurement.

Anisotropic energy is energy that is directionally specific. The word anisotropy means “directionally dependent”, hence the definition. 

The effect that anisotropy of the surface impedance has on the array antenna is not the same as on the same line-current antenna. One significant effect is that although the anisotropy skews the pattern of the antenna, orienting the antenna wires in the same direction as they would lie if the ground wire isotropic is close to the optimum orientation. (The optimum orientation is understood here to be that which delivers the required field strength to the receiving area with the least power dissipation. For an isotropic surface impedance and with the receiving area in the far field, the antenna wires are optimally aligned when they lie on the great-circle paths through the receiving area.) In fact, if the losses in the conductor and in the end grounds are negligible, the optimum orientation is the same as for an isotropic surface impedance. A remarkable feature of the effect of anisotropy is that, although it skews the antenna pattern, even less power efficiency would be obtained if the orientation of the antenna wires were adjusted to swing the peak of the antenna pattern towards the received area. Surprisingly, the least power dissipation needed to deliver the required signal strength is obtained by moving the wires originated in the other(italics) direction; that is, in the direction which swings the beam peak even further away from the receiving area. A detailed presentation of anisotropy effects is beyond the scope of this work. More details are available elsewhere [Burrows, 1974c], but a thorough study of the subject has apparently not yet been made.

Sanguine, Ground Aerial Matrix, Vril 11

The scene changes rapidly and we find ourselves in an open field with an elegant dowser speaking in strange magnetising tones. 

Direct Vril Contact…

      Randomancy and Geomancy…

The means through which human organisms were attuned with vril through dendritic conductive matter (tree branches)

Dissolution of local inertia

        Manages to free the branch from the inertial grip…

Resultant motions are directly motivated through Vril passages.

Rabdomancy strengthened

  The Vision of Vril throughout a region…

               Visceral-visual coordinates provide vril threads

                       With a pathway..the geomancer receives

                              Strengthening and becomes Adept.

Vril 4

1645 Kircher, Athanasius, Manes, sive de arte magentica [The magnet, or concerning the magnetic art] book 3, part 5, ch. 3 Rome]

The Diving Rod: A History of Water Witching, by Arthur J. Ellis

Standing just away, under a strange tree, Athanasius Kircher, Meade Layne and a bewildered Agustín Udías with a large map rolled up and tucked under his arm are engaged in a very deep discussion on magnetism.

Kircher is very hard to understand because he only speaks Latin. There has been some misunderstanding over his description of the magnetism of the animal world and snakes but making the unfortunate choice to call us “Stupid American Snakes” in a way that had many of us a bit incensed .

De Anguis stupido Americani , ceruorum altorumq; Magnetismis.

Of the Stupid Snakes of the Americans, of the High Ceres; Magnetism.

Something about the claims that he was speaking in the 1600’s and was not talking about the United States of America does not sit right. We did have it out on the Facebook if you did not see it, if not, Facebook is crappy but still lets me post for free, as you all can imagine Borderland Sciences can’t afford to pay its rent much the less pay for a subscription to X so I can spam the world with light from the lamp.

Unfurling his large map Mr. Udías is kind enough to share with us a few paragraphs of his research from his popular article called “Athanasius Kircher and Terrestrial Magnetism: The Magnetic Map”.

In book 3, entitled Mundus magneticus sive catena magnetica (The magnetic world or magnetic chain), Kircher takes the bold step of considering magnetism not only as a physical force, but as a cosmic one, of both material and spiritual nature that pervades everything and finally has its origin in God. Thus, he proposes that all elementary and hidden qualities, all the motions of sympathy and antipathy present in nature are really manifestations of the cosmic and spiritual force of magnetism. For these considerations he based himself on the idea of the “Sefirot,” which according to the Jewish Kabbalah are the ten emanations or attributes of the divine, which as celestial influences govern everything in creation. Kircher identifies these influences with magnetism and sees them as links or concatenations, which through the cosmic force of magnetism unite everything. He considers them to be similar to the “tree of life” of the Sefirot that he had discussed in his work Oedipus Aegyptiacus. 30 In this universal concatenation, Kircher includes the magnetism of the planets, the meteors, the Sun and the Moon and their influence on the sea, plants, and animals. He states that a certain magnetic force is internally present in all elements and is the origin of all the processes that take place in the world. Thus, magnetic forces are present in plants (phytomagnetismus) and animals (zoomagnetismus), and they are the cause of many strange and curious phenomena he often uncritically accepts.

Finally, Kircher ends his book identifying magnetism with love (Erotomagnetismus sive de magnetismo amoris), which is for him the force and origin of all the movements of attraction that keeps everything in proper order. All these movements and attractions have their ultimate origin in God, so that in the epilog he can call God “the central magnet of all things” (Deus rerum omnium centralis magnes). Kircher went even further and linked this unifying motion with the Christian mystery of the Trinity, in which everything is attracted to God the Father through the Eternal Truth (the Son) by the unifying force of the Spirit, constituting the “uni-triune magnetic principle” (Unitrino principio magnetico). In this form, he finally concludes that all creation is attracted by the force of love toward God—center and magnet of everything. It is difficult to judge with our modern mentality this part of Kircher’s book, although it occupies almost half of the total text (four hundred pages). But we even today speak of such a thing as “personal magnetism.” For Kircher these considerations correspond to a real continuity with the physical properties of magnets and the behavior of compasses on the Earth. We can only see them as an expression in metaphorical language of all actions of attraction and repulsion that may be finally considered to have its origin in the divine.”

Meade Layne, the founder of Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in 1945, carefully repeats part of this talk as he points to the nine dial grid that belongs to the device created by Ruth Drown.

“the ten emanations or attributes of the divine, which as celestial influences govern everything in creation. Kircher identifies these influences with magnetism and sees them as links or concatenations, which through the cosmic force of magnetism unite everything.”

Meade holds up a sacred and secret image from the archives of the Borderland Sciences Mystery School. 

It is a copy of the Tree of Life, with the four Ethers.

“at this point it would be wise to combine the preceding charts with the Cosmology of the Western Mystery Tradition, the Kabalists Tree of LIfe, for the sincere student. Thus you can see immediately the origin of Flying Saucers in relation to Western Occult Science.”

“Mundus magneticus sive catena magnetica (The magnetic world or magnetic chain)”

I deeply appreciate the support we have received this year. 

We celebrate our 80th year in 2025!

The search engines have betrayed us and the piracy of our materials now excludes us from most of the search results…we rely on the support of individuals who want to see this information available from Borderland Sciences, who will stand strong against the Digital Deception of Ariman, and mingle their sweat with our blood to keep the lamp aflame!

I am sick of looking at this stack of books so I am slashing the prices for the auction.

Radiesthesia, True Crime and UFO False Flags

Chevreul, a cranky French scientist with wild hair opens the conversation with a True-Crime story told by the Abbé de Lagarde.

 Jacques Aymar being a Borderland Sciences Mystery School detective using physical radiesthesia to solve crime. The Abbé de Lagarde’s story is told on our Facebook page which you can find with a google search to help the algorithm.

I was looking to find more on how the Abbé “came up with a hypothesis by which he explained in a slightly sensitive and slightly mechanical way” the radiesthesia used to solve the crimes but the links are in french. I used radiesthesia to pull out section 75 from Chevreul’s book, and also used radiesthesia to get the name Chevreul from the book History of the Divining Rod. 

Gerry Vassilatos comes in with Galvani who is excited to share but Gerry talks over his Italian to give us a summary of what is being said.  When he talks about ”this atmospheric emanation” Jacques Aymar nods and Chevreul cringes. Gerry grins at Chevreul, “…refusing their reduction into a single electrical condition. Gavani always considered his work representative of vital energy phenomena.”

Meade Layne in an effort to pacify Chevreul attempts to make a logical argument about how there are colors that exist that your eyes cannot see. 

Ruth Drown’s intuitional physics are at vast variance to that of Chevreul and when she attempts to demonstrate the “The Law of the Circle”, how in physics “all energy goes out from the body and returns to the body naturally,” Chevreul bursts out in a rage (using the AI ?) to refute her argument based on the fundamental principle of the conservation of energy.

The room gets very still and M.K. Jessup leans forward as if emerging from Ruth Drown. He begins patiently to re-engage the conversation with “we make some rather fine distinctions….”

M.K. Jessup goes on to patiently lay out the historical Case for the UFO in an attempt to deflower the false flag COG narrative that haunts the current news reports. 

Let’s go….

1854 Chevreul, M.E. De la baguette divinatoire, 

Opening the rabbit hole from Divining Rod we go searching for Chevreul and find the following paragraph in French. We manage to get a text version from the pdf file and drop it into Google translate. There are some little problems that arise with machine translations, as we will see…


“75. Barely did the public know how to grasp the little boss by the means of a wand, when they indulged in the most opposite conjectures about Jacques Aymar. Some believed him to be a sorcerer, others attributed his power to the sign of the Virgin under which he was born. There were people who resorted to occult qualities existing between the wand and the objects which made it turn. Finally the Abbé de Lagarde came up with a hypothesis by which he explained in a slightly sensitive and slightly mechanical way, the different seas that the village operated; I keep the expressions of the abbot. A consequence of this hypothesis was that Those who excel at searching for sources must have had the same gift for finding thieves and homicides, and this consequence was verified, assures Abbot de Lagarde, by the experiments he suggested.”

I was immediately drawn to the “hypothesis by which he explained in a slightly sensitive and slightly mechanical way, the different seas that the village operated”…

I was excited to discover if there was sort of an atmospheric ocean of energy that was going to be described, but as I worked on the translation it turned out to me more mundane:

 “hypothesis by which he explained in a slightly sensitive and slightly mechanical way, the different wonders which the villager operated”


 the different sea-watches that the village operated;

,les différentes merveilles quele villageois opérait;

the different wonders which the villager operated

We never did discover a clear example of this hypothesis in the texts but they are in French and I am not the best dowser, preferring dumb-luck. 

As dumb-luck would have it, the Vril Compendium is so chock full of secrets we were able to find a pretty good model for a “slightly sensitive and slightly mechanical” hypothesis.

“Galvani saw that the metals, so elevated and grounded, became more nearly unified with their true environmental sources. Thus, their nature was a legacy hailing from the alchemists of the Renaissance . Lowering copper plates into stone wells and elevating iron or zinc masts overhead, Galvani magnified the penetrating and beneficial auric effects. In these qualitative experiments, Galvani was rediscovering the Vril.”

“In his eloquent view, this atmospheric emanation was especially active in living things. The excess auric emanation of human operations and animal anatomical parts could be made to artificially stimulate the frogs legs. Manifesting itself in the sudden muscular spasm, Galvani interpreted the activity as proof of his theory.”

“Galvani thus distinguished between what later became known as Radionic emanations and Voltaic currents, refusing their reduction into a single electrical condition. Gavani always considered his work representative of vital energy phenomena. For Galvani, all of nature was a flood of these “atmospheres”, the radiant manifestations of a divine ordination, Life he reasoned was the result of mysterious projections. These projections came from both the sky and earth. When they blended, vitality was conferred.”

Vril Compendium ( Vril and Aerial radio) 1995

Meade Layne, the Godfather of UFOlogy, was no stranger to “vital energy phenomena”.

“It is only our ability to see them which runs out on us. Using the word color in the very correct and logical sense, it is plain that an object may have a color which we cannot see, and will therefore be invisible to us.”

“There may be, then, according to common sense and common science, a world of sound and color, and even colored objects all about us, yet wholly unperceived by us.”

Meade Layne, 1950 The Ether Ship Mystery 

Intuitional physics bumps heads with established physics language usage. The problem that interests me is what Ruth is “trying to say” using her intuitional physics. It is easy to build an argument destroying the idea because of the “language” but it is much harder to see colors that we have not seen… 

“The Law of the Circle”

All energy of the universe belongs to what is known as the Law of the Circle. In physics the same thing is stated when it is said “all energy returns to its source, therefore all energy goes out from the body and returns to the body naturally.”

“The HVR instrument acts as a monitor or direction station. It directs the energy by focusing it on the part which is low or high in function, or needs balancing.”

The Drown Homo-Vibra Ray and Radio Vision Instruments

“AI Overview”

“No, physics does not say “all energy returns to its source,” and therefore does not support the idea that all energy goes out from the body and returns to the body naturally; this statement contradicts the fundamental principle of the conservation of energy, which states that energy can only be transformed from one form to another, not necessarily returning to its original source completely.”

“Conservation of Energy” debate is heavy and everyone sort of just moves on…we are outlaws? (or deluded.)

M.K.Jessup wanting to debunk the False Flag UFO PsyOp brings us back to 1955 and reminds us that there is a long history that cannot be upstaged by Project Blue Beam. 

We have all seen Close Encounters of the Third Kind and listened to P-Funk’s Mothership. When we make contact E.T. will play music and we will dance in the streets…we won’t hide in our homes… or…the only E.T. that breaks the Galactic Non Intervention are criminals in league with the Deep State weapons dealers and aerospace…in which case, we won’t hide in our homes…

“Throughout this book, we make some rather fine distinctions. The difference between rain and “falling water” is one. For our concepts of our spatial environment we have to make a similar division between “mind” and “intelligence”. “Mind” for our purposes, is the thinking function of the brain of mankind, or perhaps of lower animals. By “intelligence” we must conceive more broadly of an ability to think, construct, direct, analyze, plan, navigate, laugh, etc.,which is not necessarily a part of  or associated with, a carnate brain. In short, we must adjust our ego to the possibility that intelligence exists in space, that it may be and probably is superior to our own, and that it may inhabit physical entities of a discarnate nature such as the nebulous or cloud-like bodies observed by Barnard (described later).”

“Throughout this book we are searching for objects, bodies, events which have been made, shaped or guided by forces obviously controlled by an intelligence which has the power of decision, and Keplerian or Newtonian laws. Only this can we establish “intelligence” as a universal component of neighboring space.”

“Nobody knows the precise nature of this spatial intelligence, much less the nature of the physical body within which it resides. This intelligence seems to manifest itself in many ways. In our study of storms we have driven inexorably to admit that some storms have an artificial aspect, a sort of organic appearance, an air of being manufactured for a purpose and to be carrying on that purpose. We therefore postulate some percentage of artificiality, or intelligence , among that small percentage of storms which suddenly appear in otherwise undisturbed skies, proceeding with a purposeful manner, as though concealing something, and discharging peculiar materials. They seem too concentrated, perhaps too directive, to be entirely meteorological in their origins.”

M.K.Jessup, 1955 The Case for the UFO, There is Intelligence in Space

I deeply appreciate the support we have received this year. 

We celebrate our 80th year in 2025!

The search engines have betrayed us and the piracy of our materials now excludes us from most of the search results…we rely on the support of individuals who want to see this information available from Borderland Sciences, who will stand strong against the Digital Deception of Ariman, and mingle their sweat with our blood to keep the lamp aflame!

Syntony, Biosynthesis and The Origin of Life

There is an auction for three of the books used this month at eBay:

Syntony, Biosynthesis and The Origin of Life

The elegance of syntony was finally revealed to me in the simple story of a man and his dog.

I am the only one aware in this cast of characters whom emerge from these books that litter this old desk that the whole point of this newsletter is to generate interest in order to sell a few books. 

They often wander in suddenly and speak in confusing ways as if they were almost randomly selected from the pile of books that constantly forms on my desk, well in fact they are but sometimes I am required to do research to understand what they are talking about which often takes me down interesting rabbit holes. 

The reality of incomplete wanderings and confusion is hardly what motivates people to purchase research material. People want to digest easy answers that make them smarter than everyone else or gives them some technological advantage so they can prosper or cure some disease that no one else will recognize or whatever it is I just do not really know what people want. I am not a mind reader!

All I can do is present the ongoing conversation as best I can relate it. Incomplete wanderings and confusion in all, only clarified by a long perusal of the printed text material yourself by lamplight…

In the dim glow…

Cornelius D. Ehert will only talk in technical language that I do not understand. I had to do a bunch of research just to try to understand what he was talking about. I posted the bread crumbs on the Facebook page but I never did get a clear picture. It might just be difficult material.

I really liked the word “syntony” he used and it did take me down a very interesting rabbit hole.

Viktor Shauberger makes an appearance but he was also being cryptic and vague, or the opposite, he was insisting that I understand exactly what he meant and why the research that was being done in his name was wrong.

I am not sure I am up to the task.

Dr. Lazette A. Weaver, a close associate of Ruth Drown, and in my opinion one of the leading lights in describing how Drown Radionics work, showed up to exemplify the value of the Mystery School insights just as we were taking some heat from the street. 

The endocrine system and its relation to the “energy work” of the esoteric sciences still needs tons of research done.

Dr. Weaver tips me off to a story that was published in the American Theosophist magazine that she was running an ad in. 

The communication between man and animal is a remarkable example of syntony in nature.

T. Henry Moray and Gustave LeBon enter in the circle. Moray casts some insights into the nature of the sea of energy and LeBon seems to make a point connecting the energy to water by summarizing: 

“As the molecules existing in the midst of a liquid are able to attract or repel each other at a distance, they are necessarily surrounded by a field of force — that is, a region in which their action is exercised.”

Which brings us around to the start with Cornelius D. Ehert but all we can hear that we understand are the words:

 “The art of signaling through space”


There is a patent number No 818,363, the name of the inventor, “Cornelius D. Ehret” and a scrap of technical phrase that we were able to identify:

“G is a spark gap in shunt to the secondary S…”

Vril Compendium Volume II:Vril Telegraphy

Gerry Vassilatos 

Going down the rabbit hole to understand what he was talking about in the above patent I ended up finding a remarkable book called Syntony and Spark the Origins of Radio by Hugh G.J. Aitken 

“Creativity does indeed involve an act of insight, a shift of perspective that makes the familiar strange and the strange familiar. But the process starts from combinations of known elements; its immediate stimulus is a perception of incompleteness in those combinations, often under the stress of a problem that demands solution; its essential characteristic is the sudden “seeing” of what is required to complete the incomplete pattern; and its necessary sequel is critical revision to integrate the new configuration more thoroughly into what was known before.”…/Syntony-and-Spark…

Thinking I had made some headway I turned to the next text here on the desk and found Viktor Shauberger as forthcoming as Cornelius had been. 

We are to understand the Repulsator in spite of there being some clear language problems and an incomplete transfer of ideas. 

“The Repulsator The device shown in fig. 21.1 is a development of Viktor’s 1943 egg-shaped spring water-producing machine, to regenerate old, stale water or create new mature water in-rolling and out-rolling it through the creation of alternating right and left hand vortices,

emulating the sequential alternation of negatively and positively charging longitudinal vortices at the bends of naturally flowing rivers. The whole idea is to make the water breathe and inhale various trace-elements and carbon-dioxide in a particular order to become mature.”

“A schematic diagram of the apparatus for biosynthesis The ingredients for biosynthesis are added together within the airtight egg shaped vessel made of synthetic materials. The contents are then set into a hyperbolic centripetal spiral motion by the specially shaped agitator, A cooling provides the appropriate temperature control. The vessel is enclosed within a insulation shell of hydrocarbon material to restrict the loss of ‘implosion energy’ created, instead concentrating it within the vessel so that biosynthesis can take place. The vacuum meter monitors the ‘biological vacuum’ formed if biosynthesis succeeds.”

Implosion, Viktor Schauberger

We have a good question. Why does an insulation shell of hydrocarbon material restrict the loss of “implosion energy” created? 

Ok. Solid hydrocarbon material is plastic.  Plastic restricts the loss of “implosion energy”? 

I would think that Viktor being a Water Wizard would be more easy going. But he is not, and it seems to be just me and him.

Where is everyone? 

Digging deeper into the internet search archives trying to find any clarity we discover some odd criticism that seems personal and directed at the founders of Borderland Sciences and the Mystery School in general, but this happens in our times.

In an old forum discussion on Schauberger we find an interesting comment that hits funny:

“Thus I am interested in some credible documents of the archives on that subject to see how for instance the ALSOS teams evaluated Schaubergers devices, without diving into those documents circling around in the Internet, which are unfortunately full of strange and unhealthy philosophies in which I am (like many) not interested”

“Strange and unhealthy philosophies” would be one way to characterize the mystery school angle that Meade Layne and Riley Crabb had adopted in the Mid Twentieth Century. It is of some interest to me how it underscores the ancient rift between the rationalist/positivist and the idealists. The researcher who has a wider scope of awareness provided by certain pursuits of consciousness might find it “strange and unhealthy” to deny the sublime mystery and cling to a purely conventional and relativistic model. 

Talking about the Mystery School attracts the attention of Dr. Lazette, who should be more well known for her work in the “Theory and Technique of Drown”, She gives us a quick insight into the idea of balance being a physical and mental interdependence, a syntony of sorts.

“The glands represent balance in the body ; therefore if balance is to be maintained, both mental and physical, we must keep the glands normal.”

-Dr. Lazette A. Weaver, Los Angeles, CA Lecture Series

Theory and Technique of Drown

Dr. Weaver then offers an insight into some odd secret technology that she is predicting but to the rest of us this is secret super soldier tech…she insisted that I include it or risk being emasculated by her if I am afraid of the secret police. You are grown up and can think for yourself, right? (she is tough and fearless, no?)

“In 1920, in his work on endocrines, Bandler said” “When the next war comes, if it does at all, soldiers before going over the hill will not be given alcohol; they will be given endocrine cocktails, and the adrenal cortex will be the important ingredient. And if the world would administer to diplomats, high officials, legislators and its people the proper endocrines, especially the anterior pituitary, and inhibit the adrenal cortex a little, there would be no more wars…”

Dr. Weaver drives it all home with a cool story published in October of 1913 in the American Theosophist, when the Mystery School was mainstream if not a tad mundane.

American Theosophist Oct 1913

A Sagacious Dog

A Norwegian Trapper’s Tale

An old trapper left his hut one day to

look after the traps he had some time previously

set for possible wolves. A recent

snow had covered the ground about a foot,

so it was not easy even for an experienced

hunter to find the exact spot where the trap

was set. While thus walking about and

scanning the ground, he suddenly put his

right foot into one of these traps. A click

— and the two sharp-toothed edges sunk into

the man’s ankle. The old hunter afterwards

told this story:

“ For a moment I staggered, then I

sank down. The pain was so horrible that

I lost consciousness. When at last I revived,

I tried to open the trap, but ail my attempts

were in vain. As ill luck would hâve it, I

had come without my tool-bag and I had

nothing with which to loosen the irons. I

knew that only quick help could save me

from a painful death. I suddenly remembered

the story of a hunter who had mysteriously 

disappeared recently— perhaps eaten by wolves.

“Was this fate also awaiting

me? My fingers were stiff and cold; at

every movement the sharp teeth of the in

strument sank deeper into my quivering flesh.

The pain was almost unbearable.

“Then for the first time I noticed my dog,

standing anxiously looking at me. I called

softly to him, stroked him and said that I

was a prisoner and could not move. It

seemed to me that he understood. He sat

on his hauches and stared wonderingly at

the trap. He sniffed at my foot, saw the

blood, and began to howl dismally. A

strange hope suddenly rose within me— was

there any way I could make him understand

what I wanted? My brain was in a whirl.

How could I do it?

“ I looked steadily into the eyes of my

faithful friend and slowly and impressively I

explained the situation. ‘Look here,’ I said,

‘I must have my tools. Go and get my bag,

or I will die.’ I spoke each word distinctly,

pointed to the trap, to the tracks in the snow

and in the direction of the hut. The dog

sniffed at the trap, bit the iron, and tugged at

my leg. Fortunately, I had in my pocket

another very small trap; this I gave him and

pointed to our tracks. To my joy he quickly

grabbed it, and in a moment was off in the

direction of my hut and disappeared in the


“ My brain worked incessantly. Had he

understood? Would he bring relief or come

back without, or maybe not at all? Once

more I tried to open the irons with my pocket

knife— in vain. Time seemed an eternity.

An hour passed. I grew weaker; everything

swam before my eyes; then I fainted. When

at last I returned to consciousness my dog

was lying on my breast, licking my face.

Painfully I rose and looked around. There,

close by me, lay my tool-bag!

“I was so astonished, so happy and grate-

ful that I nearly fainted again, but I pulled

myself together and got out my tools. The

rest is soon told. Ten minutes later I was

free, put a temporary bandage on my ankle

and, with my faithful companion joyfully

scampering around, hobbled to my hut and

in a couple of weeks was completely re-

stored.” A . L .

T. Henry Moray is nearly moved to tears and in a reverie describes how it is the divine unity that is the ground for the interplay of vibration underlying all being.

“One may say all “energy” comes from the sun. Can one prove the sun is the foundation of all “energy?” Or is the sun a retransmitter of energy? That light is an electrical phenomena has been amply proved. The atoms in those distant stellar crucibles have moving electrons which are emitting electromagnetic waves of many lengths and and many frequencies, which can be tuned to certain ranges of wavelengths. Our eyes and other senses respond to some of these frequencies but there are many beyond those which we loosely term light. The photographic plate records some of these and also invisible radiations of shorter wavelengths or higher frequencies known as ultra violet radiations. There are radiations measured by their heating effect of longer wavelengths or lower frequencies which we call infrared radiations. There are electromagnetic radiations of shorter wavelengths. These are generally known as “Roentgen Rays.” There are rays of still shorter wavelengths; these are of unlimited power. These are born and put into locomotion from the very “Source or Foundation of Energy.” What is a man to do with such a picture of the universe other than let our interest and admiration grow?

“But will we ever get to the final foundation? Anything is possible beyond our experiences. And as Tennyson said:

“One God, one law, one element

And one far-off divine event

To which the whole creation moves”

“Electricity is vibrations. Substance is a vibrating medium. All substances are really combinations of one primordial substance i.e. vibrations. Electrons in motion go to constitute an electric current. What electricity is to matter, so is electric force to common mechanical force, and electrical inertia to mechanical inertia. By inertia, we mean the ratio of force to acceleration.

Here on earth we have many “receiving stations” which are tuned to certain ranges of wavelengths. Energy was defined in 1892 as a condition of matter, in virtue of which, any definite portion may effect changes in any other or definite portion. Later discoveries have since confirmed this. Energy then, is a state of matter, or rather, the result of a particular state or condition in which matter may be, when any observed phase of energy appears.”

The Sea of Energy in which The Earth Floats

For Beyond the Light Rays Lies the

Secret of the Universe

The Evolution of Energy and Matter

Originally compiled for the Layman in 1926 from

excerpts of the Writings first presented in 1914

By T. Henry Moray

Gustav LeBon in an attempt to summarize it all makes a very detailed laboratory example for the divine interplay of love, or syntony that is the origin of the fundamental phenomena of life.

“As the molecules existing in the midst of a liquid are able to attract or repel each other at a distance, they are necessarily surrounded by a field of force — that is, a region in which their action is exercised. By utilizing the attractions and repulsions of the free molecules in a liquid, M. Leduc has succeeded in creating geometrical forms quite analogous to those of the cells of living beings. According to the mixtures employed, he has been able to bring before us particles which attract and repel each other, like electric atoms. By spreading over a glass plate a solution of nitrate of potassium, on which are poured, at two centimeters from each other, two drops of Indian ink, two poles are obtained whose lines of force repel each other. To obtain two poles of contrary sign, whose lines of force, consequently, attract each other, a crystal of nitrate of potassium and a drop of defibrinated blood are placed at a distance of two centimeters from each other in a dilute solution of the salt mentioned above. By uniting several drops able to produce poles of the same sign, polyhedra are obtained with the appearance of the cells of living beings (Fig. 32). If, finally, a salt is crystallized in a colloidal solution — gelatine for instance — the field of force of crystallization being able to act in the contrary direction to the osmotic attractions, the form of the crystal becomes altered. These researches cast a strong light on the origin of the fundamental phenomena of life.”

The Evolution of Matter

Gustav LeBon 

Organo-Electric Force, Ether-Drift and Eidetic Communication

It is actually easier to read on the auction site:

We are flipping pages and getting no signal but tune-in suddenly when we hear an almost familiar phrase,

“…from passive perturbatory qualities of organo-electric force…”

But, things become more clear as R.W. Raymound in 1883 smugly finishes his thought, 

“A whole library of learned rubbish about it which remains to us furnishes jargon for charlatans, marvelous tales for fools, and amusement for antiquarians; otherwise it is only fit to constitute part of Mr. Caxton’s “History of Human error.””

-The Divining Rod

R.W. and Gerry do not get along and one suspects that R.W. was trying to bait Gerry with his criticism knowing full-well that Gerry is a huge proponent of “organo-electricity”. A bit defensive yes, but I think what follows is a pointed counter from Gerry who paints his Telegraphic hackers as the brave heroes of the information age.

“Telegraphy was a dangerous profession. Telegraphic hackers flooded train stations and cities in search of work. Telegraphers sought to the main cities and lived in hostels and boarding houses awaiting employment. Their quiet profession bore all the secretivness of the medieval guilds. Woman were also hired as telegraphers.”

“Telegraphers south safe lighting-proof distances from their stations during storms. Lightning shots rang through exchange terminals from receiving blocks even during windy dry seasons. Inertial detritus built up in these lines when Vril surges spontaneously discharges from the lines to space.”

The empirical designs and efficacious use of specific components was developed throughout telegraphic history. Such components proved effective because of their fundamental Vril conductivity. Systems are Vril conductive long before detrital spaces are artificially applies to them.”

“Entuning these eidetic points best enables the transactions of eidetic content among communicants.”

Vril Volume II Vril Telegraphy

We should then slightly alter the text here because when Lakhovsky starts to speak to Gerry and Mr. Raymound. When he says “this current” he means “this current of organismic electricity” and then reveals the secret of inverse polarity of the electro-static discharge.

“The laws of induction which determine the direction of this current, and we shall not insist any further. But a new fact becomes readily apparent. This current, supplementary to the primary current, charges in its turn the  capacity which has just been discharged, only with an inverse polarity. All the energy of the discharge, which was transformed into electromagnetic energy, that is to say energy of motion, has been transformed again into electro-static energy, that is to say potential energy, in order to charge the capacity in the inverse direction.”

“We now have a set of conditions similar to those at the beginning of the experiment; the condenser will be discharged afresh into the spiral, then recharged a third time with the identical polarity as the primary polarity.”

“The phenomenon will proceed on these lines until the complete exhaustion of the electric energy brought into play.”

The Secret of Life

I am not sure what Dayton Miller is trying to tell us. 

The idea of the Ether-Drift does not fit into any of the comprehension I have of the ether. 

I feel that the ether is at rest but not in space, that the ether actually defines what we would call space.

Nothing on the Borderland of Science plays the name game like the Ether. One almost needs to define their terms from the outset when dealing with the Etheric.

 “The general acceptance of the theory that light consists of wave motion in a luminiferous ether made it necessary to determine the essential properties of the either which will enable it to transmit the waves of light and to account for optical phenomena in general.Theories of the ether are intimately associated with theories of the structure of matter and these are among the most fundamental in the whole domain of physical science. The ether was presumed to fill all space, even that occupied by the material bodies and yet to allow all bodies to move through it with apparent perfect freedom. The question of whether the ether is carried along my moving bodies such as the earth has been considered since the early days of the wave theory. The discovery of the aberration of light, in 1728, was soon followed by an explanation according to the then accepted corpuscular theory of light. The effect was attributed to a simple composition of the velocity of light with the velocity of earth in its orbit. Fresnel proposed an explanation based on the wave theory, which has been generally accepted, which presumes first that the ether is a rest in free space; and, second, that the “ether density” is different in different substances and that the velocity or propagation of light in any substance varies inversely to the square root of the ether density. These two hypothesis give a complete and satisfactory explanation of the aberration; the second is considered to have been proved by the experiments of Fizeau and Michelson and Morley on the velocity of light moving media’ the first hypothesis, that on an ether at rest in space, has always been in doubt.” 

The Ether-Drift Experiment, Dayton C, Miller

Reizen’s Electric Spark Telegraph.

In 1794, according to Voigt’s Magazine, vol. 9, p. 1, Reizen made use of the electric spark for telegraphic purposes. His plan was based upon the phenomenon which is observed when the electric fluid of a common machine is interrupted in its circuit by breaks in the wire, exhibiting at the interrupted portions of the circuit a bright spark. The spark thus rendered visible in its passage he appears to have employed in this manner.

Figure 34 is a representation of the table upon which were arranged the letters of the alphabet, twenty-six in number. Each letter is represented by strips of tin foil, passing from left to right, and right to left, alternately, over a space of an inch square upon a glass table. Such parts of the tin foil are cut out, as will represent a particular letter. Thus, it will be seen that the letter A is represented by those portions of the tin foil which have been taken out, and the remaining portions answer as the conductor. P and N represent the positive and negative ends of the strips, as they pass through the table and reappear, one on each side of the small dot at A. Those two lines which have a dot between, are the ends of the negative and positive wire belonging to one of the letters. Now if a spark from a charged receiver is sent through the wires belonging to letter A, that letter will present a bright and luminous appearance of the form of the letter A. “As the passage of the electric fluid through a perfect conductor is unattended with light, and as the light or spark appears only where imperfect conductors are thrown in its way, hence the appearance of the light at those interrupted points of the tin foil; the glass upon which the conductors are pasted, being an imperfect conductor. The instant the discharge is made through the wire, the spark is seen simultaneously at each of the interruptions, or breaks, of the tin foil, constituting the letter, and the whole letter [Pg 123] is rendered visible at once.” This table is placed at one station, and the electrical machine at the other, with 72 wires enclosed in a glass tube connecting the two stations. He could have operated with equal efficiency by using 37 wires having one wire for a common communicating wire, or with 36 wires by substituting the ground for his common wire. It does not appear that it was ever tested to any extent.

Vril II

What is the role of this organic electricity in communication?

We even see that the energetic exchange described in clairvoyant visions of spiritual creatures demonstrates “a virility and force and an air of definite masculine about his being…a continuous flow of the auric emanations” in their eidetic communication with the visionary. 

“A Crimson Nature-Deva At Close Quarters”

“From Groffrey Hodson’s Fairies at Work and Play

Seen clairvoyantly by him in the Lake District, England, June 1922.”

“After a scramble of several hundred feet up a rocky glen we turned out to one side, on to the open fell where it faces a huge crag. Immediately on reaching the open we became aware, with startling suddenness, of the presence of a great -nature deva, who appeared to be partly in the hillside.

“My first impression was of a huge, brilliant crimson, bat-like thing, which fixed a pair of burning eyes upon me. The form was not concentrated into the true human shape, but was somehow spread out like a bat with a human face and eyes, and with wings outstretched over the mountainside. As soon as it felt itself to be observed it flashed into its proper shape, as if to confront us, fixed its piercing eyes upon us, and then sank into the hillside and disappeared. When first seen its aura must have covered several hundred feet of space, but in the later appearance , in which it again showed itself, the actual form was probably ten to twelve feet high.The auric flow was exceedingly beautiful and swept back behind the body in wing-like sheets, extending from the top of the head down to the feet, and reaching backwards and outwards in graceful curves and flowing lines. The colours were darker than any of those I have yet seen in this type of being – a dark rich blue that was the background of the auric colorings- with lighter blue, gold, pink, and leaf green also showing. In some parts the colours appeared almost like a peacock’s feathers, in fact the aura was not unlike a glorified peacock’s tail in effect.

“There was a virility and force and an air of definite masculine about his being. A continuous flow of the auric emanations caused ripples and waves to chase one another through the aura, suggesting colored draperies in a very high wind. The central form and the central portion of the aura were of a rich crimson, and the body actually flowing with this colour. He appeared to me “in charge” of that part of the landscape; to have undertaken its evolution, as it were–and his powerful vibrations were distinctly to be felt and must have a quickening effect upon the animal, vegetable and mineral and fairy life within his sphere of influence. This is the clearest vision I have ever had, and coming, as it did , quite unexpectedly, it carried with it  powerful conviction to me. My physical body thrilled for hours afterwards with the force of the contact and rapport established between us.

The Invisible Reality Behind Appearances Part I

Search engine results seem to be broken. We are getting no traffic and no business. It’s almost like the 1950’s and someone with their fingers on the buttons is trying to minimize the reach of the Borderland Sciences. Misinformation-labeled censorship?  

If we could get everyone to click on the links and drive some traffic to the website we might be able to engage the algorithm to get our pages back on the search results.

If anyone has a blog or a website I would be interested in exchanging links.

Etheric Radionics: The Ellipsoidal Return-Flow Field and Magneto-Optic Rotation

Gerry Vassilatos, Lindy Millard and Carl Krafft insisted on the long title for this Newsletter. They smile as if understanding that the joke is somehow at my expense. Whether the “General” or the particular one must attempt to retain their good humor.

When Gerry says we are going to ”examine the varieties of components” of “the primary tools of radionics” I was a bit skeptical because I had already flipped through Lindy Millards book and could not find a “stick”. It’s all math. 

I did a little internet research on Lindy Millard and sure as sh*t, in the Journal of Borderland Research, I find Lindy laying out the groundwork of the radionic device, “A series resonant circuit includes a resistor, a coil, and a capacitor – sometimes only the later two – and these parts are connected in a series”, like Gerry was saying.

Krafft, in rare form, goes deep about consciousness and the “electrical interlinking on the different parts of the nervous system by circulating the ether currents through which electrical impulses can be transmitted from one region to another.”

The Ether-Vortex Concept is a difficult read and I was again shocked when Lindy was able to describe in vivid detail the workings of the coils in the device, “In a helical coil of wire carrying a steady current, it is possible for the electric field to have curl, within the coil.”

What I think a lot of people don’t realize is that the electric current in a Ruth Drown device comes from a galvanic current generated from the silver foot plates and the tin block that goes to the diaphragm. While these are micro-currents we can get a glimpse at the etheric mechanics that are in action and realize that we are not using electro-mechanical forces or even frequency generation but subtle modifications of Organismic Vril conductivity.

The conversation is short and dense. I am sure most of the Borderland Scientists who read this will appreciate the candor of the Inner Circle this month. 

Organismic Vril conductivity is symmetry-specific. The body requires specific orientation for eidetic transactions. Vril eidetic World transactions determine radionic rates and auric phenomena. Radionic rates are Vril World eidetic nodes. Subjective experiments are verified via a consortium of participants. Systemologies are subjectively agreed consortia. 

Vril Maps

We will examine the varieties of components which appeared throughout the course of telegraphy: later to become the primary tools of radionics. Rheostats, coils (inductors), capacitors, and the other components will be examined with special regard to the Vril primary function of each. 

Vril II: Vril Telegraphy, Gerry Vassilatos,1992

A series resonant circuit includes a resistor, a coil, and a capacitor – sometimes only the later two – and these parts are connected in a series. Now if these parts have suitable value ratings, the series resonant circuit made from them will resonantly conduct through itself and frequency of fluctuating current we choose. This circuit is “equivalent to” a weighted spring. In this case, the capacitor and the spring play similar roles, but the coil and the iron weight seem to cater to the low frequencies, thus playing a complementary role.

The cerebral cortex is also characterized by the extreme complexity of the proteinaceous chemical structures of the synapses which contain all the memory records of sensory impulses. The complexity of the cortex must be at least as great as the complexity of consciousness itself because although consciousness probably has its origin in the sentience of the subatomic particles, it owes its complex pattern of action to the structural complexity of the cortex. The actual complexity of the cortex is really much greater than the complexity than the complexity of our consciousness because our consciousness must always be within the limits of our comprehension whereas the cerebral cortex is almost inconceivable complex in its histological structure alone, and its chemical complexity is thousands of times greater than its histological complexity.

The feelings of an animal organism are complex not only in their intrinsic nature but also in their spatial distribution. Although the intrinsic nature of our sensations is determined by the conditions in the cerebral cortex, the sensations themselves may be in remote parts of the body, but only in those parts which are reached by our sensory nerves. Inert structures may be integral parts of the body but are not in functional unification with the central nervous system. Such functional unification can only consist of direct electrical interlinking on the different parts of the nervous system by circulating the ether currents through which electrical impulses can be transmitted from one region to another.

Consciousness involves not only the electrochemical pulsations along the nerve fibers and synapses but also indirectly the activities of the atoms and subatomic particles that are associated with such pulsations. If these subatomic particles are vortices in the ether, then we have an adequate mechanistic basis for mind and consciousness.

The Ether and its Vortices Carl Frederick Krafft, 1955

The hydromechanical interaction which causes the field of the electro-static attraction is of a different character. What leads to a mechanistic explanation of the attraction between unlike electric charges, is a concept of etheric circulation – flow in closed circuits. According to Krafft’s theory , the proton’s source-squirt and the electron’s influx, and the ellipsoidal return-flow field (set up by the equatorial zones of each particle) consisting of the electron’s equatorial source and the proton’s influx.

Krafft has called this ellipsoidal return-flow field the generator of the “magnetic” field of a current-carrying wire, but on this minor point I differ with Assoc. Krafft. In the atomic structure of the wire there are return-flow ellipsoids like the one schematically shown enormously enlarged in Fig. 5. The field that is generated by these ellipsoids is not only an ether-velocity field, but is the field which most engineering professors (f) consider to be identified by electric field-intense vectors E. The direction of these vectors is the same as for the longitudinal flow which Krafft (g) seems to have identified as the wire’s “magnetic” field, but he should have called this longitudinal field “electric” instead. The magnetic vector-field should still be regarded as a family of closed curves which are concentric with the end-view cross section of the wire and are everywhere perpendicular to the direction of the current. In a helical coil of wire carrying a steady current, it is possible for the electric field to have curl, within the coil. This “curl E” can be zero if the magnitude E is directly proportional to distance from the geometric axis of the coil (but only as far as the radius of the windings), as if the ether within the coil were rotating like a rigid wheel. In the solenoid or wire coil of a polarimeter, the field of the curl E can actually twist a ray of polarized light, an effect which is called “magneto-optic rotation”.

The Ether-Vortex Concept, by Lindy Millard, 1956

Trygono Igneo of Ether Physics

Carl Krafft came into the office with such urgency this month. Somehow I found myself psychically embroiled in a Hollywood murder mystery in 1934 where a parapsychologist from Harvard “fell” to his death. Carl insisted that I help him before I could move forward with the newsletter. I had to write it up to satisfy everyone involved. I have added it at the end of the newsletter as it is a bit unusual.

Carl and Gerry Vassilatos just go really deep when we get started, so let’s get started…there is no easy way to break into the conversation.

“There has been much philosophical argument over whether the external world really exists, and whether the expression “physical reality” has any meaning. If we adopt the idealist view of Bishop Berkeley and Immanuel Kant that matter does not exist an an objective reality but only as a product of the mind, then the primary purpose of theoretical physics should be to study mental processes rather than physical phenomena so as to ascertain the clearest and most satisfactory symbolic representations of the facts of nature by means of mathematical formulas and equations.”

“The writer takes the materialist view for granted and in the present book will proceed with the assumption that the external objective world really exists. The vortex atom structures herein presented purport to be at least approximately true representations of what actually exists in nature, and not merely convenient symbolic fiction. This is more than can be conscientiously claimed for the Rutherford-Bohr atom.”

“The fourth chapter in which mind and consciousness are discussed will probably not meet the approval of the religionist who would prefer to have everything that is of a spiritual nature remain shrouded in mystery and enveloped in the atmosphere of supernaturalism so that it can use used more effectively to overawe a credulous and bewildered public”

“Nature is psychical as well as physical, and during the process of evolution psychical development takes place simultaneously with physical development. It could not be otherwise because the psychical is the subjective aspect of that of which the physical is the objective aspect. And the one is just as real as the other. Both are attributes of nature, and more specifically of the ether.”

-The Ether and its Vortives,  Carl Frederic Kraff, 1955

“8.1. Vril and World”

“We must first begin with an examination of sentient experience. Technological systems exist in a world, suffused by consciousness. Sentient experience is not simply an encounter with inertial matter. It is never adequately described by mere vector analysis, the science of our time. Experience is a suffusion, a communion with the world, The sensuo-conscious portions of our world-experience far outportion the physical expression, evidencing the far greater conscious content of the world.”

“Mind experiments begin our qualitative science. We first must realize the world-permeating nature of our supposed individual consciousness by simple personal experiment. In the absence of academic derision or invasive opinion, we must begin again to exercise our own immediate awareness and subjective perception. Only through re-evaluation of world reality can we hope to reach deeper personal communion with the world in its most fundamental nature.”

“Few ever imagine that subjective perception, so often derided and rejected, represents an immediate access with the world in its DEEPEST foundation. Consciousness does not have the boundaries so widely  distributed in the inertial-physical part of our world experience. Consciousness reveals a strange “distribution”. Its mysterious external sources are revealed when we begin to test the environment with our own experience; with our minds.”

“There are space-permeating axes, along which thoughts seem to flow with great frequency. These axes may be mapped with great precision. Contrary to opinion they remain fixed in time. They are not fabrications or “suggestions”. Artists and scholars know the difficulty they experience when working in specific locations. These locations require excessive familiarity with cognitive processes also know that certain positions in a given place allow a greater degree of intellectual freedom than others. Indeed, there are space-permeating axes in which ease of thought, of ideational flow, is impossible. 

Vril Compendium VIII, Vril and Ground Radio, Gerry Vassilatos 

That was pretty heavy and not much commentary is needed.

Moving forward, I riffel the stack of books on the desk that have “fallen off the shelf” and an old original print Journal of Borderland Research is in the pile. I open it up and in rushes Dorotheos C.E. Cody, D.D. (Hon.)  more than ready to engage in the conversation. 

There is a lot of math so if you find this interesting the link will take you to the article. If you want to get this issue along with the Krafft material that is available in the catalog send me an email and I will have a copy printed out. 

“Physicists, having discarded Ether theories, are attempting to explain the inner workings of nature. But as we have seen, this has resulted in dismal failure. For in the process of searching for explanations they have, for no other reason than sheer prejudice, discarded those very explanations.”

“As we probe more deeply into the secrets of the universe we will- as demonstrated by the likes of H. Fricke, O.C. Hilgenberg and C.F. Krafft – return to the concept of the Ether.”

“And having done so, we’ll realize that the theories we’ve opted for in place of the Ether, if they are correct, are inseparably related to the Ether.”

“One such example is Albert Einstein’s theory of Relativity. Originally formulated in response to the negative results of the Michelson-Morley experiments (1887-91), this theory sought to explain various phenomena in the universe.”

“But what if offered was simply a branch of kinematics applied to bodies moving at high velocity. It stated for example, that length contracts to a given amount when the body moves at a velocity near the speed of light. It offered no explanation as to WHY this occurs. Yet it is ONLY on the basis of Ether dynamics that an explanation of this phenomenon of contraction can be afforded. And Ether Dynamics applied to other facets of relativity, such as increase in inertial mass, can explain these in a reasonable way as well.”


It is a fundamental postulate in Relativity Theory that length contracts in direction of the motion of the body by a quantity.

L=L / l-(vA2/cA2)

Where v = velocity of moving body

c = 3 x 10A8 m/sec

Lo = Initial (rest) length

Let us imagine a ruler 1 meter in length

moving at velocity v.

In the above formula, let Lo be the length

of the ruler (1 m) and v, the velocity of the

ruler, will vary from 1 /3 c to 2/3 c. It is moving

in direction D.

At 1/3 the speed of light (1/3 c = 1×10 A8

m/sec), the length has contracted to

0.9428090416 m.

We no w accelerate the ruler from 1 /3 c to

2/3 c.

At 2/3 the speed of light (2/3=2xlOA 8

m/sec), the ruler has now contracted to a

length of 0.7453559425 m. Finally we decel-

erate the ruler to 1/3 c and the ruler has again

the length of 0.942809416 m.

The ruler will contract to the given values EVERY TIME regardless of what the

ruler is composed of (plastic, wood, or Steel); Chemical and physical properties of the ruler are irrelevant.

Yet the behavior of the ruler (apparent change in length), when accelerated and decelerated implies elasticity of some substance. But is this substance the moving body itself, or something which surrounds the body?

To determine which, let us reconstruct a “thought experiment” performed by physicists some years ago. The kinematics of this experiment is simple:

Let us imagine two reference frames:

K which is stationary.

K’ which is moving at velocity v.

If a ruler 1 m in length is placed along the

x’ axis in K’, it is shortened when viewed from

If the ruler is place along the x axis in k it

is shortened when viewed from K’, and not

shortened when viewed from K

E.W. Stark had really been holding his own this year by providing great insights. If you do not have a copy of his short but powerful book on dowsing this is a great refresher read. 

Stark’s ideas are brilliantly complimented by our most distinguished guest, Harold Saxton Burr, whom I have read so much about but never had the privilege to read him till this month.

I think both Stark and Burr are giving us examples of “ether dynamics applied to other facets of relativity” in ways that further the ideas about consciousness that Gerry and Carl were laying out. 

This scene is Stark talking to the physicists and when he mentions Burr, Burr leans forward as if he was sitting on the other side of Stark the whole time. Burr points out that “each neuron is in itself a living organism” and that “Even the simplest protoplasmic system can be stimulated by changes” really brings out the qualities of the facets of relativity and how they are affected by the ether dynamics and a deep consciousness or matrix mind. 

“The numerous energies that stimulate the human body include sound, light, feeling, taste, smell, and electricity in various forms. No human being has ever seen an electron, yet electricity seems to be the chief carrier of the forces that have major impact on us. Because electricity lends itself to detection by measurement of the right-angle phenomenon – that is, its induction field characteristic- we can construct mechanisms that show us those effects which our five senses are unable to detect. Research into these fields has spawned many labels in recent years, including auras and the L-fields of Drs. Harold Burr and Leonard Ravitz of Yale University, which shows the presence of an electrodynamic mold or matrix surrounding every living thing. Similarly, Clive Baxter’s use of the polygraph with plants offers concrete evidence that all life forms have primary perceptive abilities, and Rev. Franklin Lochr has demonstrated the effects of human thoughts and prayers on seedlings. “

-A History of Dowsing and Energy Relationships, E.W. Stark, 1978

“Behavior is the reaction of a living system to the co-ordinated and integrated stimuli resulting from changes in the physical and chemical environments. In the case of man, at least, to the physical factors of the environment must be added because an idea is just as valid a stimulus to the nervous system as a kick in the teeth.”

“As ideas are – or induce – emotions which evoke energy in the nervous system, electro-metric studies of this phenomenon seem relevant to the study of human behavior, even if they offer no hope of improving it. At least we may be able to learn a little about how the machine works, even if we cannot understand how the driving ideas originate.”

“The results of many years of study have tended to emphasize certain rather stereotyped activities. As a result, the electrical circuit analogies tended to lead investigators away from the basic fact that each neurone is in itself a living organism. These electrical circuit analogies, partly inspired by the modern computer, are derivable directly from the fundamental property of protoplasm, and more particularly, from the all-or-one response of a nerve cell.”

“Even the simplest protoplasmic system can be stimulated by changes in the physical, chemical, and ideological environment, can transmit these effects through its substance, can coordinate, correlate and integrate all the varieties of stimuli and can, as a result, make that adjustment necessary for the continued existence of the system. The behavior of even the simplest organism is parodic in that it ‘functions in accordance with its inherent design’.(King, 1945) One of the greatest difficulties in assaying behavior lies in its complexity, in the lack of objective measurement and in a very great influence of the subjective.”

– Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life, Harold Saxton Burr, 1972

Mira Louise comes in ranting and almost gets excluded from the conversation but when I considered what she was saying after C.G.Carus entered into the parlor I realized that she is pointing out the negative side of the heroic people that C.G. Carus will describe. 

C.G. Carus was discovered with a riffle of the book The Diving Rod, A History of Water Witching. It has an amazing historical bibliography. (Of course you can get a pdf but if you want to avoid the Arimanic Deception you will have a funky small print original from Borderland Sciences.)

I tracked down a copy of Carus’s Lebensmagnetismus-Magie mentioned in the bibliography and made a terrible machine translation. He describes in his book humans with access to higher genius. Like those Vassilatos describes, that few that do “imagine that subjective perception, so often derided and rejected, represents an immediate access with the world in its DEEPEST foundation.”

We can’t hold Mira Louis back another second…

“…the field of Color Therapy has not been neglected or ignored. From the very beginning it has been feared. 

“I must not be forgotten, however , that swotting up the names and uses of some of the 12,000 drugs that a medical student is required to do would dull the sensitivities of an Einstein. Consequently, the science of color or anything that comes with the range of Extra Sensory Perception will always be beyond the scope of a medical mans understanding. What we do not understand we fear. Moreover, as it is apparent the FEAR is the motivating force behind the trumped-up charges, the faked evidence, and the fabulous fines, it is just as apparent that no one in the world of Drugs and Druggery will ever realize that that which is suppressed merely becomes more powerful.”

“This applies to one’s opponents as well as the action of drugs. Therefore, every hour a student spends drug-swotting, plus the strong coffee, the benzedrine, and other pep drugs that are used to flog the nervous system into activity, unfits him for the recognition of this unbending principle of the Law of Healing. With this in mind, we realize that the student – and the finished product of the system – is not to blame for his lack of apperception, that is, the power by which sensory impulses are received and appreciated. The finished product of such a blind alley system will be fear ridden to the finger-tips.”

“At first, it is fear of the un-understandable, then, when the failure-to-cure closes in upon him, frustration and fear of the unattainable takes complete control. But most destructive of all, and one which has manipulating the political strings to legalize cold-blooded premeditated murder.”

In Search of New Horizons of Color, Art, Music and Song Mira Louise,

1854. CARUS, C. G., Lebensmagnetismus-Magie [Vital magnetism magic]: Die Gegenwart, vol. 10, Berlin.

Carus, C.G. on Sailing…

Es liegt dann mehr in dem Bedürfniß der Zeit, daß der Trieb des bewußten Geisteslebens solcher Seele nunmehr nach dieser oder jener Richtung sich hinwendet, während eigentlich auch für alle andere genugsamer Nahrungssaft vorhanden war, und im mer dies Unbewußte durch dasjenige Moment sich von allen andern unterschied, durch welches überhaupt (f. v. S. 12) das Magische charakterisirt wird, nämlich durch seine Macht das ihm eben vorgesteckte Ziel auf kürzerm und mehr directem Wege zu erreichen, als irgendein anderes Bewußtes oder Unbewußtes es vermag. Man erzählt von dem berühmten Seefahrer und Entdecker Cook, daß im heftigen Sturme, wenn plögliche Windstöße Segelwerk und Taue verwirrt hatten, er beim Heraustreten aufs Verdeck immer sogleich beim ersten Blick wußte, wo es noththat, wo zugegriffen, angezogen, nachgelassen oder eingerefft werden mußte, und in dieser Weise wird die Gattung des magisch wirfenden Geistes, von welcher wir hier handelten, mehr oder weniger immer und überall, im Großen wie im Kleinen, sich bethätigen.

It is then more a matter of the need of the time that the impulse of the conscious spiritual life of such a soul now turns in this or that direction, while in fact there was sufficient nourishment for all the others, and this unconscious always differed from all the others by that moment by which the magical is generally characterized (f. v. p. 12), namely by its power to reach the goal set before it by a shorter and more direct path than any other conscious or unconscious can do. It is said of the famous seafarer and explorer Cook that in a violent storm, when sudden gusts of wind had confused the sails and ropes, when he stepped out onto the deck he always knew at first glance where it was necessary, where to grab, pull, let go or reef, and in this way the type of magically throwing spirit, of which we are dealing here, will be active more or less always and everywhere, on a large and small scale.,+C.G.+%C3%9Cber+Lebensmagnetismus&printsec=frontcover

Verily we must confess that the world in those days was already big with those great commotions, labouring to be delivered of them, and did bring forth painful, worthy men, who brake with all force through darkness and barbarism, and left us who succeeded to follow them. Assuredly they have been the uppermost point in Trygono Igneo, whose flame now should be more and more brighter, and shall undoubtedly give to the world the last light. 

-Fama Fraternitas
Please help us keep the Lamp lit…

Leonard T. Troland did not kill himself.

Conspiracy murder in 1934? If Ruth Drown was not dragged into this mess I would not be reporting this curious circumstance. I have no beef with the OPs in Harvard and my only intention is to clear Ruth’s name.

I don’t often get psychic impressions. I work with synchronicity and the brunt of my process is in interpretation. I see the FNORDS. 

I picked up the copy of Ether and its Vortices by Carl Krafft to create content for the newsletter. The newsletter seems to be the only contact we have had with customers in two months. There is something so terribly wrong with the search engine/web site relationship that we have been reduced to no more than 30 visitors a day to the website and no one can afford to buy this lavish expensive xerox copy. Who needs a physical book when you can find the material free, hey it’s probably stolen, but at least it’s free. 

The document in my hand is remarkably classic looking. I admire the fonts and layout of many of these old texts. One of the precious things about the Borderland Archive is the preservation of the original impression of the text. Somehow, these texts have a stable temporal quality. I suggest that our collection resists the various changes in the timeline we seem to experience more frequently in modern times (i.e. Clown World Inversion). 

As I was gazing at the shiny black ink on red cardstock of the artifact I can feel Krafft’s presence which would not be unusual but I also “hear” Krafft’s voice suggest that I turn to the second to the last page. 

I find the bibliography is all german physics books. I have a flash to the intense scientific cultural tensions between the German physicists and the western world. While most western physics were positivist there were still some in the west who were not going to close the door on the more idealist approach. Krafft had the attention of deep networks not always friendly.

The Occult tension I flash on is harder to describe. There are dark ancient Satanic elements in Hollywood that had been transplanted from Germany since before World War I and it has deep roots in the entertainment industry, human trafficking, and international intelligence services.

As I scan the bibliography I find one title in English, “Mystery of the Mind” by Leonard T. Troland. I have never heard of this book or gentleman so I do a quick google search only to discover that he died prematurely from fainting while getting his picture taken on the side of a cliff…

This is a headline from a 1934 newspaper.

So Carl Krafft has come into the office and fairly quickly and directly pointed me to the mysterious death of a scientist from Harvard…???

Clearly he was pushed, but why?

Troland was the inventor of the technicolor process and he was about to obtain control of some very important patents.

Troland was a psychiatrist at Harvard but at the time it was acceptable for him to do parapsychology research. 

The newspaper mentions that Troland was in Hollywood recuperating from a nervous breakdown he had had in Boston.

It being 2024 it is painfully obvious what happened in 1934. A group of Harvard psychiatrists were working on the combination of psychedelic compounds (primarily psilocybin) and projecting color films in an effort to program consciousness. The Acid Test was not invented by the Grateful Dead but has been a long standing practice by shady groups operating on the fringes of consciousness. I have heard of the Hells Angels doing a similar practice, maybe it was called a Mud Test, where you overdose a suspicious person to see how they react. 

Troland failed the test.

He was not willing to participate in the next level of MInd Control.

The psychic stains from this event are remarkable in the way that Hollywood is exposed as being such direct participants with the Harvard psychiatrists. 

Manipulation of the mind was going to be Big Business and indeed our entire culture has been hypnotized in multi generational warfare coming out of Hollywood. Degeneration disguised as liberation. 

Who pushed him? The Newspaper article mentions that the person taking the photograph was his companion R.D. Eaton.

Eaton? Google gives me the Ziegfeld Follies almost immediately. Doris Eaton, the last of the Ziegeld Follies girls. All the Eaton children were involved in the Follies at some point, Doris having used fake papers to enable her to dance before she was of legal age… 

The CIA website had an article about a famous spy who worked for the Ziegfeld follies and also an article about an Austrian-Hungary aristocrat intelligence agent who invested heavily in the Follies.

Was Doris Eaton an early intelligence agent who was tasked with pushing Tollard to his death? 

The story would have been just another tale that I spin on the phone to anyone who will listen to me and indeed one of my closest associates was enduring the tale when he introduced a piece of evidence that caused me a great deal of turmoil.

In 1996, a Boston artist produced “a file” based on his own investigation of Tollard’s Mind Physics. 

This artist claimed that his father had come into possession of Tollards personal notes after his death in Hollywood and was tasked with getting them into the archives at Harvard.

It is this claim of first hand knowledge of private papers that makes his next claims so troubling.

The file goes on to narrate how when Trollard arrived in Hollywood he was doing research at Mt. Wilson observatory where he happened to meet our Ruth Drown. The narrative says they both hit it off by being interested in physic investigations. As initially charming as the idea was, the artist had described a scandal because they were both married and were going to get a divorce but Ruth, being pregnant from her husband, had broken things off with Tollard that night during one of their hikes outside the observatory.

Ruth asked for a picture and Tollard in a fit of despair walked off backwards to his death…

I smell a rat. The artist in 1996 is just beginning to do research that will result in his use of radionic, psionics, and psychotronics in his diagramatic paintings. Is it possible that he discovered Ruth Drown from Borderland Sciences and was compelled to create this narrative? Likely. 

But it smells worse than that. 

The artist has some works that deal with Time Travel as well.

Why would a Boston artist frame Ruth Drown in 1996 as being implicated in the death of Trolland in 1943?

The bizarre answer is because Krafft entered into the office at Borderland Sciences in late June of 2024 and exposed how the murder of Troland was directly related to some of the earliest research work that would result in MKULTRA.

As I struggle with this narrative it was only made worse when I was literally jumped by out of body spooks. I think they were actually ghosts not remote actors, like poltergeists who do not give up their sinister agency work. I experienced such a foul mood and swamping that I went back to bed during the day. I struggled in a fitful sleep listening to a strange 1940’s version of the Childe Roland and the Black Tower. I am on the verge of defeat and yet it is challenging me to fight. I leap from my bed to fight. I check the time. I have a few minutes and I can get the task done. I pull on my pants only to discover that my wallet is gone. I search with explicit detail. My time is gone and the wallet does not manifest. I have been mugged. Fumes of ectoplasm pervade the emptiness.  

I feel like this is just a warning and that I really should not pursue writing about this event.

My biggest problem, that I tried to explain to some friends who have listened to my paranoid delusion and tell me just to drop the whole case, is that I am duty bound to clear Ruth’s Name.

Ghosts don’t understand fiction? 

I really don’t understand why the opposition would be so upset from me telling this tale about MKULTRA. We have all seen Clockwork Orange. We have all seen the Cabinet of Dr. Calagari. This is not news, it is an open secret. 

We have posted to our Facebook page the “tranquility chair” at Harvard exposed in this case and perhaps that was going too far?

Does it matter that Carl Krafft exposes the roots of this happening in Harvard in the 1930’s?

It is shocking that only 30 years later the psychedelic drug research is being done openly at Harvard?

Are the exopolitics regarding Venus the real issue at play? A headline recently asked if Venus was actually as hot as we thought it was. According to the Boston artist, Troland placed some images of Venus from his Mt. Wilson observations into Ruth Drown’s radio-vision and produced images of mobile plant creatures. 

We did just read a secret German document that explained how the Vril came to Earth from Venus…

Ruth Drown: Vril Radio Vision

I was feeling averse to trying to do this writing and especially to try to understand a Vril Compendium and Ruth Drown which is sitting on the top of the pile of books on my desk demanding to be heard. From experience I know if there is resistance to jump right into the weirdness and I grabbed the text and opened the page at random.

This was on March 20th, 2024.

“The January 1902 St Louis Post story created more interest in Stubblefield’s inventions. Two months later, he traveled to Washington D.C. for another public demonstration. On March 20th, 1902, aboard the steamer Bartholdi, of the Virgina bank of the Potomac, opposite Georgetown, Stubblefield sent wireless messages to receivers on shore.”

Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was a French sculptor and painter. He is best known for designing Liberty Enlightening the World, commonly known as the Statue of Liberty.

After days of struggle with Vril 7 I turned to the introduction to see what Gerry had to say and to try to get him to show me how to get the message.

“The conformity of any system with Vril energy determines the system’s success, Vril eidetic experience threads through material configurations. Vril threads self-articulate in the ground. Vril thread self-articulations represent mysterious Vril expressions with especial regard to place, position,m alignment,height, depth, and structure. Vril continuity is distal experience. Vril threads transact eidetic experiences, Vril threads are eidetic projections of eidetic worlds.”

“Vril energy is first detected through visceral responses (Galvani, Mesmer, Starr-White, Abrams), It is magnified in some instances by appropriate tuning mechanisms to yield its eidetic content (R.Drown).”

“Vril projections release Vril LIght into the inertial space. Vril  Light is pure Light. Galvanic metallo-configurations are mineral configurations of Vril Light. Special materials are Vril Light Stones. Vril Light is pure light. Vril Light does not require frictive actions to produce light.”

Vril Compendium Volume 7 Vril Dendric Ground Systems, 1992
Gerry Vassilatos

They say a picture is worth a thousand worlds. This image from Healing Triangle of Light has been sitting on my desk for days and days. I have spent  a good deal of time doing research on the properties of the inverse square but have found nothing constructive to say about it.

I am just going to let the last paragraph from Gerry really make this a confused point.

The inverse square seems to be related to the first law of thermodynamic energy and I have been struggling to demonstrate how on the Borderland of Science we somehow violate that first law on a regular basis. Is Vril Light subject to the idea that light varies as the inverse square of the distance?

Speaking of “Galvanic metallo-configurations” to “yield its eidetic content,“ Ruth Drown is eager to connect with Gerry Vassilatos. She presents us the rubbing plate!

In getting our reaction the timing must be right and not too fast, or the electrons ‘bunch up’. Giving a continuous reaction. When energy passes through condenser to upper plate, its polarity is changed and it meets flow of electrons being stimulated by finger, with finger stall, and the two short; even as the positive and negative energy in a light bulb come together and short, forming a lite.”

“We build up electrons of atoms in the cell and health ensues. Disease is the lack of, or too many electrons in the atoms of the cell, our instrument normalizes it. “

I am preserving the odd sentence structure from the original document although it seems like a typo.

I am not sure what Ruth Drown is trying to tell us with the example of the light bulb and the short circuit. I think there are some problems with the “copy” of this document but I am not sure what the problem is or when it happened. There is a clear error describing the light bulb and the short circuit but if we are talking about short circuits creating “light” we can see a ready example in the Tesla coil spark gap.

“…in the typical circuit, the spark gap’s short circuiting action prevents high-frequency oscillations from ‘backing up’ into the supply transformer.”

“A short circuit may lead to formation of an electric arc. The arc, a channel of hot ionized plasma, is highly conductive and can persist even after significant amounts of original material from the conductors has evaporated.”

I am the first to admit that I am nearly illiterate when it comes to electrical engineering but the use of similar language between Drown saying ‘bunch up’ and Wiki saying ‘backing up’ to describe this activity we assume we are observing is interesting. Does it mean anything? I will leave that up to you. It would not be the first time you quit the newsletter in disgust.

So…here we go, perhaps, the rubbing plate on a Ruth Drown device is like a spark gap. There will be a short circuit between the finger and the upper plate. Perhaps a form of “Vril Arc” is created in the dielectric space between the rubber and the conductor on the rubbing plate. Cool and non-frictive discharge?

Gerry has pointed out that..,

Galvanic metallo-configurations are mineral configurations of Vril Light.

Vril Light does not require frictive actions to produce light.

Dr. Mahlon Loomis has been brooding around here the entire time. I have never met a contact who was so unhelpful. We will let him take the stage…

“July 30, 1872”

“Be it known that I, Mahlon Loomis, dentist, of Washington, District of Columbia, have invested or discovered a new and improved mode of telegraphing and generating light, heat, and motive power.”

“The nature of my discovery consists in general terms of utilizing natural electricity and establishing a natural electric current or circuit for telegraphic and other purposes without the aid of wires, artificial batteries or cables to form such electrical circuits; and yet communicate from one continent of the globe to another. “

“To enable others skilled in electrical science to make use of my discovery. I will describe the arrangements and mode of operation. As in dispensing with the double wire (which was first used in telegraphing) and making use of one, substituting the earth instead of a wire to form one-half the circuit and the continuous electrical element far above the earth’s surface for the other part of the circuit. I also dispense with all artificial batteries, but use the free electricity of the atmosphere, co operating with that of the earth, to supply the electrical dynamic force or current for telegraphing and other useful purposes, such as light, heat, and motive power.”

-Vril Compendium, Volume 7 Vril Dendric Ground Systems, 1992 Vassilatos

To be honest I have never seen Ruth Drown so willing to discuss the inner workings of Radio Vision nor has it made as much sense in light of what Gerry and Loomis have shared with us so far. The schematics from Ruth Drown clearly show that she is using “Galvanic metallo-configurations” and “natural electricity” to obtain a form of photographic image. If you have ever seen the images they are slightly disappointing and abstract, but they certainly are what they purport to be, an image on the photographic material…it’s not like it’s an x-ray which is what I think I would first assume.

“In pursuance of the foregoing and according to my present invention a method of obtaining photographic images of living and other objects and more particularly human beings consists in subjecting a highly sensitized photographic plate or film to an electromotive force so as to produce a field thereon and providing means susceptible to the influence of invisible energy rays or electrons of the atoms of the object to be photographed to produce a change in voltage drop across an electrical circuit to correspondingly influence said field.”

“In practice the subject to be photographed is placed close to the photo-electric cell and it is found that the radiant energy of the subject impinges on the cathode of the tube resulting in an increasingly higher resistance placed across the cell. Such increase will cause an exceedingly minute change of the current in the anode circuit, in turn producing a change in the voltage drop across the circuit, such voltage drop or change in position being led through the selection and tuning section constituted by the rheostat.”

-Drown Radio Vision and Homo-Vibra Ray Instruments and their uses, 1951 Ruth Drown

“Vril projections release Vril LIght into the inertial space. Vril Light is Pure Light. Galvanic metallo-configurations are Vril transactors. Vril Light appears in specific metal and mineral configurations (ground and apparatus). Devices may entune the manifestation of Vril LIght. Vril Light does not require frictive actions to “produce light”

“Vril Light is organismically vitalizing. Vril light is formative radiance. Vril light does not destroy its conductors. Vril light is phosphorescent in densified inertio-detrital spaces. Certain defractors arrange Vril phosphorescence (Plucker, Crookes, Tesla, Mac Farland-Moore)”

“The enhosting of pure mobile forms experienced in Vril eidetic worlds provides true motance, The enhosting of the pure light seen in Vril eidetic worlds provides prie Vril light.”

“Vril conduction leaves specific crystallizations in minerals and metals. Peering into these patterns transacts sudden understandings to recipients. Vril thread passage through such  Vril crystallizations with especial clarities of insight resulting in sensitives, Vril LIght is formative radiance, Vril Light gives eidetic translation among and through Vril Templates.”

-Vril Compendium, Volume 7 Vril Dendric Ground Systems, 1992 Vassilatos

“Therefore it is that positive energy of the operator emanating from the tips of the fingers, coming in contact with the detector which causes a definite short in the passage of the disease energy or vibrations from any localized tissue, organ or gland of the body.”

“It has been difficult for the average physician to recognize the great vital life force which flow through everything in the universe, giving it its own rate of vibration. When that rate of vibration changes, the substance recognized as a definite thing ceases to be that thing and becomes something else without ceasing to be a substance. Were commercial electricity used with this instrument, we could defeat our own purpose to the degree that we would waste that electrical energy, for it would not find its own rate of vibration in the human body, and we would also obscure the flow of human energy…”

Both Loomis and Drown make a clear distinction between commercial electricity, natural electricity and the electricity emanating from the operator.

We had a hero give us a monthly donation of fifty bucks just hit yesterday. Oh Geeze, it really means so much! Harder than ever to find Liberty and I am super enthused by the support of Our Lamp!

Ruth wanted to end the newsletter on a high note and wish everyone Love!

“Our mental action, functioning in the feeling world, which is called “love,” is magnetism. Magnetism is harmony according to its action The temperature changes in our mental and feeling world, and ultimately it outpictures in our bodies, because they are the outpicturing of our own individual mentalities.”

“Magnetism, as the field of force acting between two elements out of which energy, electricity and light are made manifest, comes from the earth side of life. It is that energy or quality called force, feeling , or emotional energy. It is that electronic substance which is known as the soul or covering of the spirit, itself being covered by the physical body.”

“Here again we have the spirit, soul and body; nucleus, mode and free electrons of the atom, or the Trinity- Wisdom (nucleus); Love (magnetism); Power (electron).”

“No thought pattern can manifest unless filled with magnetism (heat) or feeling!”

The Science and Philosophy of the Drown RadioTherapy, Ruth Drown