All posts by James Borges

The Cosmic Engineer

The Cosmic Pulse of Life was inspired directly by the idea that “the development of spiritual selfhood is essential if humans are to understand what is really behind UFO’s – the whole fabric of new scientific principles embodied in their technology.” Trevor J. Constable embraces Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental teaching that the ordinary human senses can be evolved, can be trained to perceive the levels of reality that he termed the Etheric.

Trevor is a practical Etheric Engineer who appeals to practical thinking people. We have a whole host of problems that we wrestle with and to this end the etheric is not just an idle curiosity. Trevor states, “The choice for man is not between finding a new way or hanging on to the old, but one of how to the way in full health and clarity of mind.”

Tactical information readily presented itself to Trevor J. Constable as he gathered evidence and a startling strategy of an invisible enemy was exposed as well:

“The most important new aspect to the development of radar-from the point of view of understanding UFOs- was that this radar energy pulsed, chopped into hundreds of short bursts each second. […] sudden widespread pulsed-wave activity that commenced with wartime radar did not take place in a vacuum, but in the ether.”

His findings were shunned by both universities and the Ufology community alike. It was clear that as he said, “Human beings seeking to find a healthy pathway to the spirit, and determined to undertake the methodical, systematic steps on that pathway are anathema to the Ahrimanic powers.”

Something alien was engineering the earth of an etheric level… something sinister that Cosmic Pulse describes in the following way:

“Inner space, and not outer space, in the invasion route chosen by the Ahrimanic powers.”

“The Ahrimanic powers aim at the enslavement of mankind and make evolution wholly Ahrimanic. That is their nature, and their function in the cosmic scheme of things. Man’s future will not be salvaged for him gaggles of golden-haired spacemen disgorging from space ships in rescue squads. Man will win or lose the battle for earth himself, for he is at once the goal of the battle and the battleground.”

The Cosmic Pulse of Life embraces Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental teaching that the ordinary human senses can be evolved, can be trained to perceive the levels of reality that he termed the Etheric. Steiner developed Goethe’s conception of the etheric earth breathing process. The major etheric force involved in the breathing of the earth as a living organism is the chemical ether.

Borderland Sciences Research Foundation was doing research on Ether Physics since the late 1940’s and provided a physical model for perceiving the invisible etheric realms. Carl F. Krafft has many volumes available on his distinctly geometric models of the atomic structure of the etheric realm: “Physicists like the late Carl F. Krafft, who saw the ether dynamically have been denied recognition.”

“Science proceeding in this way must open higher consciousness in the long run, complete with new modes of mentation. If not interfered with politically of psychically, or both, true scientific inquiry will ultimately break the Ahrimanic lock on scientific cognition. There is therefore impedance everywhere in science in areas where evidence of the ethers bursts through or is likely to do so.”

This is as true today as it was in 1975 when Cosmic Pulse of Life was first published. By the middle of the decade following the millennium the word “ether” was as little understood as it was in the 1940’s Etheric Physics, Rudolf Steiner’s Four Ethers, or even Ruth Drown or Wilhelm Reich. For us today who are building a new world and engineering the etheric it is helpful to see what exactly the obstacles might be. “Human beings must at all costs — in the eyes of the Ahrimanic powers — be prevented from re-establishing the lawful connections between themselves and the cosmos of which they are both part and product.”

It has been the advance in gadgetry that has really triumphed for the etheric engineer. From the black boxes of Radionics to Reich’s Cloud-Busters the hands on physical technology has driven the direct experience of the etheric realms.

“The instruments fashioned by his own cleverness had led him to an impasse from which only a new mode of thinking would provide release.”

“The stratagem of pigeonholing such unwelcome, unwanted and mechanistically incomprehensible evidence, has failed.”

“Devices, knowledge and thought leading to the spirit are subject to constant opposition. Ruth Drown is legally murdered. Wilhelm Reich dies in prison. Rudolf Steiner’s books strangely disappear from public libraries. U.S. Government officials cannot find any money for UFO investigation, or to investigate the energy of life, but they have at least $300 billion available for destructive devices and applications, every year. The medical profession pours millions of tons of chemicals into the national bloodstream so that half the population is almost perpetually deadened or spiritually unintegrated.”

There is no other choice than to seize control of ourselves and create a community of individuals who have forged in the ether a fundamental shift in consciousness towards the higher.

“In this battle, we are called to redeem the earth through the creation of a new humanity-a humanity that will arise only if we can restrain ourselves from shaping the new children to the patterns of the past.”

“The choice for man is not between finding a new way or hanging on to the old, but one of how to the way in full health and clarity of mind.”

“Man requires for the period of human development now opening a mode of mentation that will permit his thinking to follow, with ease and in total harmony with his cosmic origin. Transitions of substance from one level of tangibility to another.”

There is resistance to these ideas and to the formation of this community because our fellow man is not even equipped to deal psychologically with the intensity of the emergent energy. Those of us who have been able to harness this force are called on to move the entire human race forward with practical etheric engineering. Understanding the human body’s physical reactions to Orgone Energy is essential to etheric engineering because it this energy has powerful reactions that must be directed properly.

“Mankind in the mass, and the overwhelming majority of individuals, cannot at the present time tolerate the orgasmic movement of biological energy.”

“UFOs as a cosmic manifestation are already cracking up armor, and with it the mass neurosis and all its retardative social manifestations.”

“Man must therefore face himself before he can face intelligently the cosmic beings upon whose dimensions he has begun to impinge technically with ever-increasing intensity.”

“Man’s armoring against life, and against the movement of his own life energy, is responsible for the process of evasion that has characterized official science in its attitudes to UFOs.”

Confronted with Irrationalism on all sides it is a functional approach to the UFO mystery at the core of Trevor Constable’s research and his direct experience with the dynamic tensions of the etheric that have enabled him to share with us means of exploring this frontier whether in photographing the life-forms of the chemical ether or grasping the etheric to create millions of gallons of rain to pour from the atmosphere at will.

“To Wilhelm Reich we owe the elucidation of all this irrationalism. Understanding his discovery of the orgone energy brings automatic understanding that one may follow UFOs only functionally, that is, in accordance with living processes and their continual dynamic transitions.”

“Functional thinking and functional methodology are required before we can begin to understand UFOs”

“Common sense suggests a possible beginning in offbeat, borderland areas of investigation and though where human beings of a novel bent have always labored outside and usually beyond official science. The mavericks of this borderland include many qualified scientists who explore the field avocationally. These scientists tackle phenomena that do not square with mechanistic concepts and methods, or which seemingly spill over into the methodologically forbidden realm…”

The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power behind UFOs

The Cosmic Pulse of Life

Awesome scientific discoveries that have been suppressed, an advanced technology for the future: radionics, etheric forces, orgone energy, and the history of spiritual science. Etheric Forces…. Cosmic Energies which regulate and shape life on earth. Discover how to tap into this universal stream. Orgone Energy…. A mass-free, all pervading energy, one aspect of the Etheric Forces. Free energy awaiting humanity’s enlightened advancements. Cosmic Electronics…. Simple geometric arrangements of materials which can detect and distribute living energies anywhere in the universe — without any physical connection!! Living UFOs…. Plasmatic inhabitants of our atmosphere… hidden from ordinary view but visible to anyone using the simple photographic techniques described in this book! A real cult classic. Includes 40 pages of illustrations!

[NOTE: Extremely limited quantities of this edition remain in our hands, and those we have may suffer slight damage from long-term storage.]

Paperback: 473 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0095

Price: $24.95

Tesla & the True Wireless

B0082, Theory of Wireless Power

The following is an excerpt from “Theory of Wireless Power” by Eric Dollard, a paper containing many essential formulae and supporting data necessary to understand the Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires. It discusses and diagrams the Marconi Wireless station based at Bolinas, California, circa 1919. Unlike many erroneous modern theories of how Tesla achieved his goal, this paper is based on real work with a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter. Illustrated with charts & diagrams. Stapled, 69pp. $14.95 + shipping.

Continue reading Tesla & the True Wireless

Eye into the Ethers


The following selection is excerpted from “The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs” by Trevor James Constable, a true borderland researcher. The book was originally published by Merlin Press in 1976, and republished in 1990 as a revised edition by Borderland Sciences, now available while supplies last. An important addition to any UFO and weird science library. 40 pages of illustrations. Paperback, 473pp. $16.95 + shipping.

Continue reading Eye into the Ethers

The Fallacy of Conductors

Article by Eric Dollard, Wireless Engineer (1987).


When electro-magnetic energy is conveyed from one point in space to another point in space a closed loop is required to connect the point of generation with the point of utilization. This closed loop is called the electric circuit and consists of a boundary formed by what have become known as electric conductors. This boundary encloses a definite quantity of space.

When electro-magnetic energy flows through the space enclosed by the electric circuit phenomena take place inside the circuit material as well as the space outside this material.

Within the circuit conductor material, during the passage of electro-magnetic energy, this energy is continuously being consumed within the molecular space and converted into thermo-dynamic energy (heat). This may be represented by the passing electro-magnetic wave dragging into the electric circuit material. This drag is analogous to frictional losses and is called the resistance of the electric circuit, R.

In the space outside the circuit conductor material, during the passage of electro-magnetic energy, a condition of aetheric stress exists, which is called the electric field of the electric circuit. The energy contained by the electric field is continuously being transferred through this space from the point of generation which supplies energy to the electric field to the point of utilization which abstracts energy from the electric field.

The electric field of the circuit exerts physical magnetic and dielectric actions. The magnetic action is orientated parallel to the surface of the conductor material (in its immediate vicinity). That is, a needle shaped magnetic body tends to set itself in a direction parallel to the surface of the conductor material.

The dielectric action is orientated perpendicular to the surface of the conductor material (in its immediate vicinity). That is, a needle shaped dielectric body tends to set itself in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the conductor material. Thus, the electric field of the circuit, over which passes the flow of electro-magnetic energy, has three fundamental axes which are at right angles with each other:

The dielectric axis, perpendicular to the conductor surface,

The magnetic axis, parallel to the conductor surface,

The electro-magnetic axis, co-axial with the direction of the electric circuit.

The space outside of the conductor material, bounded by the electric circuit, has the property of propagating a wavefront of light at a definite velocity, C. This velocity is a characteristic property of the aether in which the electric circuit exists. The inverse square of this velocity is called the capacitance of the electric circuit.

	C = 1/c2	(4 10-9 pi-1) Farads

The capacitance is a measure of the ability to store energy in the dielectric field of induction, of the electric circuit.

The quantity of space enclosed by the bounding electric circuit is proportional to the total length of the electric circuit, l1, multiplied by the distance between the bounding conductors, l2,

	l1 l2 = l02	(centimetre)2

and has the dimensions of an area. This area in square centimetres defines what is called the inductance of the electric circuit.

	l02 = L		4 10-9 pi Henrys

The inductance is a measure of the ability to store energy in the magnetic field of induction of the electric circuit.

Together, the capacitance and the inductance representing the dielectric and magnetic fields of induction of the electric circuit, serve as a measure of the propagation characteristics of the electric circuit for the transmission of electro-magnetic energy.

	- LC  = t02	: natural period
	- L/C = Z02	: natural impedance


The popular conception of electro-magnetic energy transmission as it exists today is: energy is transmitted through the interior of the conductor material; that is, electricity flows through wires like water flows through pipes. This transmission is said to involve the flow of charged sub-atomic particles called electrons.

According to this theory the materials possessing the most “free electrons” serve as the best conductors of electro-magnetic energy. Conversely, the materials possessing the least “free electrons” serve as the poorest conductors of electro-magnetic energy. These materials are called insulators. Insulators are said to block the passage of electricity.

The conclusion drawn is that electricity is the flow of electrons and that the space outside of the conductor material is empty and dead. It follows that a superconductor is that material which offers no opposition to the flow of electrons and hence no opposition to the flow of electricity. Conversely, free space devoid of matter offers total opposition to the flow of electricity. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet this is the concept of electricity propounded by the scientist of today.

The real actions of the conducting material presents itself when it is in the so-called superconducting state. If a section of a superconducting material is suspended in space, free to move, and a magnetic field of induction is made to approach this material, it is found that the material is repelled by the approach of the field. If the material is indeed superconducting it will maintain a definite distance, l, for an indefinite period of time t -> infinity, from the source of magnetic induction. Any tendency for the material to sink into the magnetic field, l -> 0, indicates the material is not perfectly superconducting but has a finite resistance R.

It may be concluded that the so-called conducting material does not so much conduct as it does repel or reflect magnetism, or electro-magnetic energy in general.

If an electric circuit is conveying electro-magnetic energy as previously discussed it is found that a force or pressure is exerted upon the circuit material. This pressure tends to repel opposing parts of the circuit material and cause the circuit to expand. The quantity of this pressure in the space bounded by the circuit is called the magneto-motive force of the circuit.

It can therefore be seen that the conducting materials serve as the walls of a container holding magnetic pressure. If the conducting material is in the so-called superconducting state and the ends of the circuit are shorted the electric circuit will hold this magneto-motive pressure indefinitely, in analogy with compressed air stored in a tank. In order for this to be the result of electron flow requires that this flow be in perpetual motion, an unlikely proposition.

It may be concluded that materials called electric conductors might best be called electric obstructors and serve not to conduct electro-magnetism but serve to reflect it back on itself. The flow of electro-magnetism is conducted by the aethereous space bound by the obstructing material.

The character of this aethereous space is represented by its inductance L and its capacitance C. Since pure space is considered a perfect insulator by atomic theory, is it not ironic that it offers the least resistance to the flow of electro-magnetism? It is then the insulators that are the true conductors of electricity.

The Eric Dollard Papers

Save nearly 25% when you buy the complete Eric Dollard Papers!


Price: $74.95 + shipping

High voltage laboratory at the U.S. National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC, USA, in 1948.

The Reality of the Underground Cavern World

The Reality of the Underground Cavern World
by Riley Hansard Crabb (Author)

Price: $9.95

Is the planet Earth hollow? Scientists ridicule the idea but their molten core theory has never been proven either. Whether solid or hollow, there are mysterious networks of tunnels and caverns penetrating much of the earth’s outer shell. Here, stories of the Inner Earth and its bizarre denizens are analyzed, a Guided Tour of the Earth’s Interior.