All posts by James Borges

The Physics of Radionics: Training the Mind with Drown and Krafft

  One of the fundamental ideas we inherit from the past is the idea that all human beings have great capabilities and that these innate powers can be developed by practice.

Some unique individuals by evolution are gifted with the extraordinary powers and show us the latent abilities we all possess. Ruth Drown is a prime example.

Drown was gifted with the ability to heal but also deep powers of intuition to try to explain in a rational way the energies she was able to harness.

Along with other great intuitive scientists we will explore the physics of radionics with an eye to training the mind.

Project Vitic 

The longest running research project continues with a new opportunity for group interaction.

We have acquired some galvanometers to measure the changes in voltage in the body by holding carbon and iron vitic rods.

Project Vitic will have researchers post the variations of voltage we derive from the vitic rods. A group effort will give us evidence of some common patterns among the great diversity in electrical reactions to the vitic rods.

Direct experience is really one of the  best ways to understand.

One thing that is super useful is to see first hand the changes on the meter at the same time as perceptions of vitality occur in the consciousness.

I bought a set of six cheap meters for ten bucks each. To get help paying for the $250.00 post office box payment that was due in October I was hoping to sell them for 20 bucks each. The biggest problem is that the dang things sort of suck. I think mine already broke? Maybe not the best meters for $20.00, but your luck will probably be better than mine and it will work fine. 

They look great. It is so close to what I want. It is not quite sensitive enough. I want to be able to see a wider range of reactions. 

When I published in 2001 on the vitic rods I had a marvelous meter that made a digital tape readout. I wish I would have had a better idea how to read my meter and accurately describe what I was seeing. I hope we can work out the details in the next phase of the project.

The Journal Of Borderland Research Annual 2001

Radionics seems like it is mechanistic but when we start to actually find ways to observe the energy reactions we quickly discover the inner mystery of energy and intent.

Often though, the mechanics are overlooked for a purely mental approach. I would suggest that the Borderland Sciences archive strives to explore and explain in a mechanistic way, for better or worse, what has been generally approached as mental and spiritual. 

It is in our failure to do so for 75 years that creates the space for us today to continue to explore. What some may consider outdated ideas or even failures to accurately describe the phenomenon hold the seeds to the future.

Order Galvanometer


Dowsing experiments are ongoing. We continue looking into the “Serial Numbers” of elements as a precursor to the Drown Radionic Rates.

Gold has a serial number of 6, right? You recall from the last time? The pendulum should swing six times in one direction swing six times back and forth and then swing six times the other direction.

Nested vortices?

I was able to get some gold coins from the bank. Well, you can get a gold dollar for a few thousand dollars I guess. But a gold presidents coin or the sacajawea works for our practice. There is enough gold to elicit the reaction from gold. 

The research project I have been putting off is with the L-Rods and a large open field down by the bay. I want to toss a gold coin behind me and then find it with the L-Rods. It is a dollar, but that is just enough incentive to really focus, or not?

Principles & Practice of Radiesthesia

I guess I don’t really know why you would be so enlightened as to consider yourself a Borderland Scientist that has made accomplishment and progress using the catalog.

It is a self initiation into a 20th century mystery school, but how is that useful?

You have to have large chunks of your initiation already attained before you can even make sense of most of the Borderland Sciences archive. 

We do not initiate so it makes it hard when the mystery schools are not putting out candidates that are prepared to sift through the archives to make sense of it.


 “Very ancient writings deal almost wholly with the rates of vibration of all things pertaining to the mental and physical world of mankind. It is impossible to diagnose and treat the physical body without relating it to the mental. After two years of using our radio instruments, we found in the deeper study of ancient wisdom amazing and satisfying corroborations of our own development of rates of vibration. These will be discussed later with reference both to our instruments and to that ancient knowledge.”

My Search for Radionic Truths R. Murray Denning. 

My Search for Radionics Truths contains brief summaries of a host of the great scientists on the Borderland, it really is a must have text book for understanding in any sort of way the breadth and depth of what our research really represents. 

If you were to acquire one piece of information from Borderland Sciences it should be this book and you should do it today.

One of the common threads in many Borderland Sciences is to speculate on the true nature of atomic physics. 

The “Physics of Radionics” according to Ruth Drown is a prime example of a wonderful journey into the mind, imagination, perception and physics.

Our ongoing fundamental break with established physics is due to the fact that the known laws don’t explain what we perceive. At the time of Krafft and Drown these were new ideas and much like people want to use “quantum” physics to explain the mysterious function of radionics and other similar manifestations of mind and life force.

The explanations of physics are constantly shifting and growing. I find that I do get impatient reading some of the old alternative atomic physics from the 30’s and 40’s. 

I have come to see them as visualizations that are beneficial to train the imagination. As we continue to grapple with the actual physical model that will accommodate the empirical evidence gathered through the ages.

Ruth Drown has amazing intuitive powers of perception and it does us well to follow her down the rabbit hole…

“The atom has within the nucleus which is a constant flow of energy from the ethers. It is composed of a group of electrons (protons) held tightly together because of the field of force radiating from each one, which attracts other electrons with less field force.”

“These group themselves together, are held only for a second, then are thrown off into space to be slowed down at what is known as the outer field of force, or the outside shell, until something forces the energy faster than the usual impetus. When it is obstructed, the nucleus is no longer supplied. At this time the nucleus releases one or more of the electrons of weaker force field: the atom changes its structure and becomes an atom of another structure or element…”

“The forces are combining matter together according to the laws of attraction and vibration, which are influenced also by temperature. Thus heat speeds up the activity, creating more field force, and cold slows it down.”

(as a side note, I was reading in My Search that Ruth added a light bulb under the stick plate to warm it up, because she said it was easier to get a reading. This is the physics that explains that aspect of her device, perhaps?)

“Everything is in constant motion, and the greater force controls the lesser. In addition, everything goes in cycles– attracts to a point, and then repels, and is attracted by something with a greater force, until it reaches a point, then is again repelled, only to be attracted by something with an even greater force, and so on, ad infinitum.”

“Therefore the free rotating weak field force (W.F.F.) electron may at any moment be attracted away from their atom, especially if their temperature is increased. This also increases their speed and changes their field force, causing what is termed the “electronic flow.”

“If these electrons flow away, the atomic nucleus will give off more weak F.F. electrons, and will draw more strong field fore electrons to itself from its source, because it is always acting along an invisible line of energy, which is supplied from the Great Central Sun, and if any force intervenes to cut off that supply or flow, the atom may lose its identity entirely, as its nucleus would be shattered.”

“Authorities have thought that the nucleus and its protons and electrons were cemented together and held in position, but the theory does not allow for activity as it is manifesting, therefore it would stand to reason that the center having its strong F.F. electrons throws off weak F.F. electrons according to the atomic speed, which is governed largely by temperature.”


“Nevertheless it seems inevitable that gravitation must be caused by a drift of the ether through the gravitating body in the direction of its acceleration, somewhat as pictured by LaSage. If the protons and electrons of which gravitating bodies are composed were merely point charges as physicists have been assuming for nearly half a century, then it would be difficult to account for such an ether drift. On the other hand if the elementary or subatomic particles are vortices in the ether, then it should be reasonable to assume that such vortices keep the ether in  a turbulent and streaming condition. The abundance of cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere seems to corroborate the theory that the ether is active and not quiescent.”

“A dynamically active ether will readily account for a unidirectional ether drift through the gravitating body in the  direction of its acceleration. As explained elsewhere by the writer, the elementary particles of matter and electricity probably consist of dipolar vortices arranged so as to have outward polar flux and inward equatorial flux, or vice versa, depending on whether they are protons or electrons. Assuming that the ether is incompressible, the total amount of ether is incompressible, the total amount of ether which flows outwardly must be equal to the total amount of ether which flows inwardly, but the outwardly flowing currents will travel much greater distances than the inwardly flowing currents. This can be illustrated with an electric fan which will send the outwardly flowing air current a distance of ten feet or more, whereas the inwardly flowing air current cannot be felt as a distance of that many inches. Consequently when two gravitating bodies (like the earth and the sun) are at a finite distance from each other, it will be principally the outwardly flowing ether currents which will encounter each other in the space between the two bodies, and will spread out radially in all directions, eventually returning into the same bodies from the sides or from the rear…”

-Ether and Matter, Karl Frederick Krafft


It is by this training of the imagination that the ideas behind the language used to describe the energy centers in the subtle nervous system of human beings.

 “There are SEVEN Psychic Vortexes in the body.”

“These Psychic Vortexes revolve at great speed. When all are revolving at high speed and at the same rate of speed the body is in perfect health.”

-The Five Rites of Rejuvenation.

The Five Rites is an early work from 1939 which comes from a time when Tibetian Buddhism was still very rare. The ideas of chakras or wheels had not yet come into common knowledge.

By exercising the imagination we can glimpse the intuitive grasp of the 20th century mystics and scientists. Given these descriptions of vortex action in the ether both atomic and galactic make the simple direct word “vortex” in works like “The Five Rites of Rejuvenation” come to life.

A fairly detailed analysis of these seven centers can be found in some research I published in 2001.

These seven vortexes are related to the endocrine system by physical approximation and qualitative function. Ruth Drown again with her amazing powers of perception has taught this to her associates who then reported:

“The glands are so important as a foundation for the Drown Method of Treatment that not only do they come first in every diagnosis, but they are normalized first in every treatment for better results in other parts of the body which need balancing.”

“One by one we shall take up the various endocrine glands, showing their importance to each other and to the body as a whole. We shall study them from the standpoint of physiology or function, chemistry, pathology and clinical findings. In all this we are endeavoring to establish a means to an end – namely to correlate each with the Drown System of Therapy.”


As Above, So Below.


The Physics of Radionics Collection is for auction at eBay.

These are the documents that “fell off the shelf” used to create this newsletter spam of wisdom and life.

Unseen Energy Fields?

Unseen Energy Fields?

Do unseen energy fields exist?

Do these fields of energy impact our health, well being and consciousness?

The Borderland Sciences catalog stresses physical radiesthesia.

One of the primary textbooks is Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia, by the Abbe Mermet.

Abbe Mermet in 1935 expresses the physical basis for dowsing and makes numerous observations and experiments.

Over time, how researchers explain the fields and emanations changes but what remains constant is the apparatus and the radiesthetist who senses the fields and emanations.

The apparatus of the dowser becomes the indicator of changes in the field or changes in the medium in which the dowser works.

Gerry Vasillatos in Vril Compendium 3 tells us that this apparatus is the nervous system of the dowser.

Gerry Vassilatos employs a language that connects electromagnetic theory along with observations of ‘earth rays’ to ideas to more fundamental vital force fields like those of Wilhem Reich’s Orgone or Wachsmuth’s Four Ether’s.

With Vassilatos, the idea of subtle electromagnetic forces give way to Vril.

Vril exploration triggers enhancements of the expanding new senses.

We can more fully appreciate our environment.

Can we expand our own perception of energy; what was once not sensible becomes so with practice?

Is it possible that by becoming aware of physical radiesthesia and that expanding the perception though practice with an apparatus is a way to emerge as a more conscious and healthy individual?


Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia, by the Abbe Mermet.

The Role of Bodies in General

2 Radiesthetic Field

To express the idea that all bodies, far beyond their material surface, influence other bodies by forces emanating from their own substance, it is customary in physics to say that they are surrounded by a field. Nothing is more familiar to us. If a candle is lit, it is surrounded by a luminous field perceived by the eyes and by a calorific field felt by the hands. If a note is struck on the piano, a musical field is created and the corresponding string of a violin nearby vibrates.

But there exists a far greater number of fields than we have senses for. An X-ray tube produces and invisible field enabling us to perceive our bones and other opaque bodies on a special screen. The Eiffel Tower gives off a field of Hertzian waves, not visible, warm or audible by themselves, but which, with an adequate apparatus, can be transformed into harmonious sounds.

The radiesthetic field is not perceptible to our senses. In order to be manifest to us it requires a specific intermediary: the apparatus of the radiesthetist.

Gerry Vassilatos

Vril Volume 3 Vril Linkage

Local Variation in a Penetrating Radiation and their connection with Water Dowsing.

Lecture delivered to the British Society of Dowsers of November 10th, 1935

“In looking for an explanation to account for the dowsing phenomena it seems obvious that the influence is due to some changing conditions in the medium through which the diviner is moving, and that these changes are caused by variations in the density of matter situated above or below him. The whole surface of the earth appears to be divided up into areas over which certain conditions prevail: these areas being the cross sections of shafts or columns which extend vertically both upwards and downwards to great distances.

Vril Volume 3: Introduction

“Dowsers have long known that the detection of ‘substance lines’ in any locale is specific. Dowsers were sensing these potentials for centuries with the apparatus of their own organisms: VRIL sensory vision. Dowsers could literally see the subterranean surgings, seethings storms, deep rivers, black glowing streams, resoundings caverns, whorling springs, subterranean cataracts and underground falls.”

We add this last part mostly for what I  think is very funny mental image…

V. Some Experiments

“Branly, the famous French Scientist, one day asked Father Tremolet, missionary in Morocco and dowser, if he could, from the garden, detect the presence of a gold coin on the table in his laboratory which was entirely screened with sheets of copper. The priest hesitated but Branly said to him :”If radiesthetic radiations are such as I conceive them to be, you should be able to do it. The experiment was carried out forthwith and was successful. foot note: Bulletin del al Radiesthesie (June 1933)”

Mermet concludes this section with the following observation.

“Thus, burglars before forcing a safe open could detect with a pendulum whether it contained precious metals or not!”

Project Lunaria: Hostile Intelligences of the Moon and Cavern World

“Now a word about the Bad Guys, the Men in Black, who are most appropriately called the Lunar Mafia because that appears to be their home base – as well as the interior of the Earth…” – Riley Hansard Crabb

Being a preliminary, initiatory collection of materials relating to the bizarre, nightmarish mysteries of those Dark Forces that, some say, have deep influence over our world, broadcasting, as they do, from the Moon and from deep within the Cavern World itself. Hold on to your welding gun…

Riley Crabb’s Saucerian Lecture Series

  1. “Flying Saucers and the New Consciousness” (1958)
  2. “Flying Saucers and the Coming Space Probes” (1958)
  3. “Flying Saucers and America’s Destiny” (1959)
  4. “Communication with Flying Saucers (and Their Occupants)” (1960)
  5. “The Reality of the Cavern World” (1960)
  6. “Flying Saucers on the Moon” (1960)
  7. “Spacecraft From Beyond the Sun” (1966)
  8. “Who Flys the Saucers?” (JBR 23:7, Dec. 1967)

The Reality of the Underground Cavern World

Is the planet Earth hollow? Scientists ridicule the idea but their molten core theory has never been proven either. Whether solid or hollow, there are mysterious networks of tunnels and caverns penetrating much of the earth’s outer shell. Here, stories of the Inner Earth and its bizarre denizens are analyzed, a Guided Tour of the Earth’s Interior.

Stapled: 33 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0073

Price: $14.95

Flying Saucers on the Moon

Starts with the premise that the moon is inhabited and is a UFO base, backed up with an analysis of 200 years of astronomical observations on the moon. Illustrations include drawings of moon craters which show the layout of inhabited communities, and the movement of landed spaceships. We are in the midst of this revolution now and Riley gives some hints as to who will be most hurt and who most helped by this radical change in understanding.

Stapled: 41 pp
Language: English
Product Code: B0040

Price: $14.95

Energy and Vortex: A Borderland Sciences Study Set

Geomagnetic Influences on the Atmosphere

by Dennis Klocek (from Jour. Borderland Research, 48:1, Jan-February 1992)

A central concept in meteorology is the vortex formation. The vortex lies as the primary image at the root of all weather phenomena. The question has often arisen, what is the significance of the vortex, what is its source? Both high and low pressure cells are vortices which move in opposite directions. The permanent areas of high and low pressure cells are vortices, as are the deep ocean currents which are thought to be the source of much of our weather activity. . .

. . . The insight that a factor could be found was initiated by an unusual book entitled Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, edited by David Childress. This book contains a depiction of the so-called Russian grid. The Russian grid is a crystalline web laid over the Earth and is said to reflect the geometry of the carbon atom. Russian research puts forward the idea that the points and lines of the world grid are the facets of the Earth crystal. Along these facets geomagnetic energies are transmitted and released.

A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes

by George W. Crile

Page 162

For if living organisms are energy transformers, it would seem logical that the primary role should be played by energy and the secondary by form and structure. This hypothesis does not contradict Darwin’s theory of pangenesis, but it offers a possible explanation to that theory. Darwin’s theory assumes that the cells of the organism each contribute a small gemmule larger that a chemical molecule but smaller than the smallest organism. To Darwin’s mind it was logical to conceive that each cell must make a hereditary contribution to the sex cell. According to our conception instead of contributing a particle of material to the sex cell, the cells of the body construct the elements in the sex cells at a distance by the specific energies of cells or cell groups, thus satisfying the logical requirements of Darwin’s pangenesis for the transportation of gemmules from somatic cell to sex cell. We may also logically assume that these specific energy units may lay dormant for generations, until other competing units, which dominate for a time, in turn allow them to dominate. The physical balance which determines which type of primary unit will predominate may depend on the energy of the synergistic units.

A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes
Price: $44.95

The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator

He Prefers Vitic to MWO

“Personally, while feeling the passage of the high tension flow from the antenna of the Multi-Wave Oscillator, I found no beneficial effect. On the other hand, the Associate with whom I obtained the MWO realized definite improvement. He has kept up the use and told me lately that he is feeling steadily better and lays the improvement to the use of the outfit. Some years ago I had frequent conferences (thru a medium) with one who was said to be Madam Blavatsky. During the course of these talks she dismissed the subject of electricity as of little value in comparison with a study of magnetism. That in the study of magnetism lay the secrets of many valuable matters. I am led to refer to this because I recently obtained relief, and apparent cure, from a troublesome irritable bladder by the use of a magnet. Other treatments had been of no value. I made no report of this until the fact was definite. The use of the magnet was experiments and came from the suggestions of a Chicago University specialist in the subject, related to me via various Biomagnetic reports and some correspondence.”

Associate A.N. Onymous,
Dixie, U.S.A.

This letter from an elderly associate was dated Sept. 3, 1964. It certainly provides an interesting and stimulating commentary on the material in the preceding pages of the Journal. Interestingly enough, we’ve had many reports of successful and continued relief of irritating bladder and prostate conditions from exposure to the MWO. In the Vitic Device we now have a borderland gadget that is far less troublesome to build and to operate. How effective it is remains to be proven.

The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Handbook
Price: $27.95

A Report of Radionic Research Project, 1953

In all the experiments, guinea pigs were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus. The control animals received no treatment, the treated animals being treated by Radionic techniques. Both groups were treated alike in all respects other than treatment. Treatment and control animals were kept in identical small cages for identical lengths of time. During the bi-daily treatment period, identical electrodes were attached to all animals, the electrodes on the controls not being attached to the source of energy.

*Not Available

The Ether-Vortex Concept

by Lindy Millard

The protons in the cores of material atoms do not move so easily as do the electrons, but tend to remain in fixed positions. The substances, from which electrons can be removed with the least effort, are called conductors. The remaining kinds of substance (materials) from which electrons can be dragged with greater electromotive force are resistors and insulators. The latter being unable to conduct electricity at all except under sufficiently high voltages. The robbing of electron from one end of a conductor (by chemical or other means) immediately shifts the electrical equilibrium of the entire wire.

The Ether-Vortex Concept
Price: $5.95

The Royal R. Rife Report

What has become of the Rife Microscope?

by Christopher Bird

With his instrument Rife was able to look at living organisms. What he say convinced him that germs could not be the cause, but the result of disease; that, depending on its state, the body could convert a harmless bacterium into a lethal pathogen; that such pathogens could be instantly killed, each by a specific frequency of light; and that cells, regarded as the irreducible building blocks of living matter, are actually composed of smaller cells, themselves made up of even smaller cells, this process continuing     with higher and higher magnification in a sixteen-step, stage-by-stage journey into the micro-beyond.

The Royal R. Rife Report
Price: $17.95

Ether Physics and Consciousness: A Study Set

Here is a very unusual and interesting assortment of ideas pertaining to etheric physics. I would not look to these particular sources for information of ether physics nor do I think you would either. This is the best way I can assist you; it’s like when a book falls off the shelf and opens to the page you need. I have a strong feeling that this is for one person out there and we all hope you enjoy this. I am not knowledgeable enough about ether physics to really critically evaluate this data but you are. In my service to this community I always walk that fine line of being full of B.S.

This seems to me to be of interest to someone who has been trying to follow the strange stories concerning CERN.

Much of the information on CERN opening new dimensions seems to be utter fear mongering but a Borderland Scientist understands the difficult nature of these sorts of revelations. Just because the tone of the information may suggest that there are errors in the clarity of observations a Borderland Scientist will investigate the information using whatever scientific discretion at their disposal. Do we think that CERN will open dimensions to release demons on the world? I don’t. But the first source of info from Mark Probert claims to be from Ramon Natalli who still does research on some other dimension. The rational mind just wants to dismiss the whole lot of it.

What I continue to love about Borderland Sciences is that it has enough material for my rational mind to process while I explore the irrational side of reality.

What strikes my interest enough to pull these threads out and tie them together for you is that when I searched the first book I felt an intuition that Mark Probert was discussing things in 1952 that may be unfolding in our current time with the experiments at CERN. I am not a physicist so I cannot really evaluate the data but must use my gut feeling and synchronicity to give me feedback for my investigation.

Gerry Vassilatos seems to pick-up the theme in the next source that I picked at random from the archive shelf. It was the words “such an advanced state of disintegration” that suggested to me further relationship to the particle collider at CERN. Gerry possibly shows how an etheric interpretation may be helpful to understand the particle physics.

It would be interesting if these documents could be quietly circulated amongst some of the thousands of scientist involved in this project at CERN.

Paul E. Rowe then gives us a very dense article in “Copernicus II” that brings in some consideration not easy to summarize or paraphrase. This is going to make sense to the one person who this set is intended for.

A letter to the editor attempts to remind the researcher that we are to attempt to widen our perception to allow the etheric to permeate our understanding.

Scanning another unlikely source, “The Amazing Secrets of the Masters of the Far East”, we seem to get a key to how consciousness plays a role similar to the collider itself. “Mind should be used for both fusion and diffusion.”  I find that parallels like this can shed light and make connections from consciousness to physics in ways that would not be readily apparent to a purely logical pursuit.

And more challenging yet is the task to tie in the Wachsmuth book called “Reincarnation”. Like many things on the Borderland the cover of the book may mislead you to think that it is something you are not interested in. Reincarnation is a rather advanced book on the esoteric ideas of the ether and will reward you deeply for an investigation of Wachsmuth’s lessons on ether and perception.

Taken together I think this study set paints a very interesting picture of ether physics that provide an interesting back light for pondering the current activity of CERN.

Here are the experts:

Séance Memoranda from the Inner Circle, 1951-1952

Transcript #15: The Control of Natalli on “The Time-Vacuum”

Before the Control came on, Mark Probert had been toying with a pair of Alnico magnets and the conversation concerned magnetic fields. Natalli took control very abruptly, contrary to his custom and began:

“I am going to say something,” said NATALLI, “which may not be quite understood. While we have various densities it is still a difficult thing to recon with, because it will be supposed by your scientist that in the last analysis the density would be so great that the medium could only be described as homogeneous. I have recently worked out a theory, part of which at least may be known to you.

‘If we look at densities as blending slowly we arrive at a density which will be to all intents homogeneous. But this is not really the case. By basing on the quantum theory each state is periodical – a period-behavior of the atoms. This period state can only come about by thinking in this manner. The action of the atom in each grade of density is not a stable condition, but one which appears and disappears  – a kind of blinking, so to speak, in lawful sequence. In each passing second or fraction of tie there is a different form of motion. A phenomenon of action taking place in one density will cause another form of action to take place in another density. It is this action taking place in different dimensions which create what you call form.  Now, we wonder where the atom is, in the fraction of time that it is not in action, There is a time-vacuum existing between the period-states of motion. When an action takes place in the atomic world here in this density, it creates another form of action in another density. Due to the fact that we cannot ever get to a state of nothingness, this field between the two —-A———A  play or interchange between the proton and the neutron. They exchange energies until there is a kind of absorption of one of them. We wonder what happened to the one – and how this absorption takes place again.  Both are sending off energies, and those are picked up by other bodies. You have in this exchange a complete breakdown of the atomic body, and it pours itself across this time vacuum into another dimension, where in forming an atomic structure in that dimension it is moving at a different rate of speed. Possibly it has lost some of its electron bodies in this new dimension and in this new dimension will create a web-like structure with other atoms that will make a solid for that dimension.

“Your time vacuum lies in the exchange of a neutron and proton in which one of these has absorbed the energy of the other, In that moment you have a time vacuum But it is so fragmentary in its time period that there is as yet no way of measuring it”

Black Waves

by Gerry Vassilatos (from Jour. Borderland Research 48:4, July-August 1992)

If Tesla was correct. Then fluxions within the bombarding source – those ”cosmic rays” of his would become fluxions between two or more radioactive materials if measured through a distance. The so-called “Cosmic Rays” of Tesla are not those which Geiger tubes and any other detector may ever detect: they are transcendingly intense rays, of material as fine as the ether itself. In Prof. Le Bon’s words these are “particles which have undergone such an advanced state of disintegration that they are nearly etheric in state.” In Dr. Tesla’s words they are “particles not further decomposable.”

Copernicus II

by Paul E. Rowe (from Jour. Borderland Research 48:2, March-April 1992)

The ether concept died early in this century (20th) the direct cause of its death was the results of interferometer experiments of Michelson and Morley. It was believed that the earth in its journey around the sun must travel through the ether. If this were the case, there must be an “ether  wind” along the direction of the motion. Michelson and Morley set up an experiment to measure the velocity of the ether wind. The experiment depended on the interference of the two light waves which were out of phase. One of the waves traveled down ether wind and then back up the ether wind while the other traveled across the ether wind and back. They both traveled the same distance relative to the apparatus. The experiment depended on the wave property of light (the main reason the ether was invented) Regardless of the orientation of the apparatus the results indicated there was no ether wind.

The results of experiments described in the scientific literature in the first quarter of this century and results of experiments I have performed more recently have lead me to the conclusion that there is indeed, such an ether, and to a suggestion as to two components of the ether. I will describe most of these experiments in generalities and the simple ones in some detail. First I will try to arrive at these components philosophically. Since I know what I wat the answer to be, this should be easy.

Let’s examine these magnets again. I am particularly impressed when they repel each other at a distance.

Etheric Energies

Letter to the editor from Eugenia Macer-Story

Because most scientists are focused on electromagnetism and the “juice” which runs the universe, they miss the structural effects of what we call the “etheric” energies. I feel that we are at a very rudimentary level in understanding the mind and that the primary thing which is not understood that one cannot “bracket out” perceptions. As the ancient traditions teach: before a person can actually use these mental energies on any level the inner emotional states must somehow be realized as an item. Not eradicated or controlled absolutely – but taken into account. This lack of self-awareness is why many parapsychologists and psychotronics people get odd results

The Amazing Secrets of the Masters of the Far East

By Victor Simon Perara

Lesson Nine

3. Take a double convex lens and focus the ray of the sun on any combustible substance. Enough energy is centralized to fuse or diffuse the substance. Mind should be used for both fusion and diffusion.

4. The trained business mind dissolves undesirable conditions and produces desirable conditions by scientific concentration. In the dissolving concentration, you use a mental idea, or word. That word represents what you wish to happen namely, scattering, diluting, vaporizing or disintegrating.

5. In attractive concentration, you use the works magnetism, attraction, adhesion, cohesion; in concentration these words become very powerful in accomplishing their purpose.

13. The nerve force of the human body governs and controls the circulation of the blood. In other words, the heart does not do all the work of circulating the blood through the body. Further, we know that the quantity of nerve force can be increased or decreased in any part f the body, by the concentration of the will in any part of the body. You can increase or withdraw the blood from any part of the body through the intelligent use of Will Power.

The Amazing Secrets of the Masters of the Far East
Price: $1.50

Reincarnation as a Phenomenon of Metamorphosis

by Guenther Wachsmuth

The sense-organs of man belong to those parts of the human organism which have entered most deeply into the physical in their evolution Mind should be used for both fusion and diffusion.. Rudolf Steiner rendered this clear by saying that we “have in the eye something which we might compare with the purely physical effects of a dark chamber, a photographic apparatus. It is as if a piece had been eliminated from the general permeation of the ether-body. This is actually the case. The same apples to the peculiar inner part of the ear, where there is within the labyrinth of the ear something of a keyboard. The ether-body is thrust back as it were, and there are activities of a merely physical nature in the physical body, not permeated in the corresponding way by the ether body; and thus comes into existence what we call the sensations. Colors are experienced through the fact that the ether-body for the eyes does not permeate that organ in the regular manner, and that purely physical effects are enclosed within this organization. So it is with all the senses, that a domination of the physical body over the ether-body takes place.” Even within man, the “work-world” of the creative Beings and forces is partly left rather to itself, already permanently established in its structure, and partly subject to constant transformation.

Reincarnation as a Phenomenon of Metamorphosis
Price: $19.95

The Aether Pioneers: From Paracelsus to Riley Crabb [A Borderland Study Set]

“Why should you or anyone take the time and trouble to push through the veil which hides this invisible reality from us? Because the causes which underlie all physical events are found on these subtler planes. Learn of these causes, understand them, and you are much better equipped to deal with the problems of life. Psychic phenomena are one evidence of this hidden reality, but the student of occult science is not interested in producing it. He knows that he will survive the death of his body. If psychic phenomena develop, they are incidental to his main work. His first concern is the training of his mind for development of character and harmonizing of all aspects of his personality.” — Riley and Judy Crabb

The Invisible Reality Behind Appearances
Price: $14.95

“What was the motive behind the constant strivings, the never-failing patience in the unravelling of the mysteries, the tenacity of purpose in the face of persecution and ridicule though out the countless ages that led the alchemist to pursue undaunted his appointed way? […]

“The accounts of their lives almost without exception lead us to believe that they were concerned with things spiritual rather than with things temporal. Rather were these men inspired by a vision, a vision of man made perfect, of man freed from disease and the limitations of warring faculties both mental and physical, standing as a god in the realization of a power that even at this very moment of time is lying hidden in the deeper strata of his consciousness, a vision of man made truly in the image and likeness of the one Divine Life in all its Perfection, Beauty, and Harmony.” — A. Cockren, “Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored”

The Book of the Revelation of Hermes
Interpreted by Theophrastus Paracelsus
Concerning the Supreme Secret of the World

“Hermes, Plato, Aristotle, and the other philosophers, flourishing at different time, who have explored the secrets of inferior creation, all these have eagerly sought a means whereby man’s body might be preserved from death and decay and become endued with immortality. To them it was answered that there is a nothing which might deliver the mortal body from death; but there is One Thing which may postpone decay, and renew youth, and prolong short human life (as with the Patriarchs). Therefore, the above philosophers, and many others have sought this One Thing with great labor, and have found that which preserves the human body from corruption, and prolongs life, conducts itself, with respect to the other elements, as it were like the Heavens; from which they understood that the Heavens are a substance above the Four Elements. And just as the Heavens, with respect to the other elements are held to be the fifth substance (for they are indestructible, stable, and suffer no foreign admixture), so also this One Thing (compared to the forces of our body) is an indestructible essence, drying up all the superfluities of our bodies, and has been philosophically called by the above mentioned name.” — A. Cockren

Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Price: $19.95

“But it is very probable that his nervous current or discharge which is conducted from the nucleated cell along the protoplasmic filaments to the anucleated fragment of the contiguous cell, also passes across into the fragment even when it contains a nucleus and so also when replaced by an entire cell. This leads us to the conception that wherever intercellular protoplasmic connection are present , the various nuclear currents of discharge stream through these connections and so permit a general nervous flux throughout the whole network of these protoplasmic bridges, in the meshes of which the nuclei themselves would constitute the nodal points. In this way one would have a continuous circulation or distribution of nervous electrical energy throughout the entire organism.”

“These studies led to the conception that there is in the organism an energy-controlling or kinetic system, viz. the brain, liver, the thyroid gland and the adrenal-sympathetic system, which collaborate in the transformation of potential into kinetic energy to effect adapted responses- muscular action, emotional excitation, fever, etc. In spite of our array of facts, however, we are still unable to formulate any hypothesis that would explain the significant role of the liver. Yet if our cytological researches were of value, the role of the liver must be identified, for in our studies changes in the cells of the liver appeared equally and consistently with the changes in the cells of the brain and the cells of the adrenal glands.” — Dr. George Crile, “The Phenomena of Life. A Radio-Electric Interpretation”

“The works of the pioneers, particularly for those who have not had an opportunity to study them deeply are of absorbing interest. Their approaches to the development of healing techniques varied from individual to individual, but in the ultimate all were striving to a single end—that of alleviating the disabilities of mankind. In this chapter I have tried to give some brief and possibly unknown factors about the notable theorists who worked out their ideas, often at an inspirational level.

“What can one do in a few paragraphs to the value of men and women who have spent their whole lives experimenting and propounding new theories of healing? It is an impossible task and I can only point to the direction in which this revealing information can be found.” — R. Murry Denning

My Search for Radionic Truths
Price: $9.95

“Oxidation produces radiation energy.

“Radiant energy generates the energy that governs the activity of protoplasm.

“The normal and pathological phenomena of life are manifestations of protoplasm.

“Therefore the phenomena of life must be due to radiant and electrical energy.” — Dr. George Crile

The Phenomena of Life:
A Radio-Electric Interpretation

Price: $59.95

“The great secret of the Lamas was rediscovered by George Crile: ‘The state of mind and the state of consciousness are a result of radiation and electrical potential.’ The Eye of Revelation by Peter Kelder is not just a fairy tale but a transmission of an ancient electrical, etheric technology. By practicing the Five Rites one seems to have the potential of increasing the body’s ability to capture, create, and use the vital forces that underlie the amazing field of vibrations we call life. The Vortexes are the spinning etheric substance underlying the electrical activity of the brain and glands. These rites work on the very foundations of our beings.” — “A New Look at the Five Rites of Rejuvenation” (Journal of Borderland Research, Vol. 57, No. 01)

Do you sense the connection yet?

Aggressive UFO’s: 1960’s

Two reports come across our desk today from the Borderland Sciences of the early 1960’s. While both these messages are printed in 1994 editions of the Journal of Borderland Research, they are derived from the time when the psychic UFO investigations were pursued with vigor by both Trevor James Constable and Riley Hansard Crabb.

Early Alarmists? These men were among the first to draw more sinister conclusions about what was until then a contact with Space Brothers.

These two journals will give you plenty of material to explore and contemplate. This mystery remains for all these years and these early reports are a gold mine and also help shed some perspective about how long these observations have been going on.

This is a point of no return for my own hypothesis on how the mounds were build. Here I must add that Trevor was told that these astral entities often produced generalized failures in different kinds of planes produced (at the time he published the book, 1958, nowadays the situation may have changed—though to which amount of both quality and quantity, is not known…) to produce the death of anyone they deemed valuable that was traveling within (never minding the murder of everyone else) to have him/her kidnapped when this shocked entity was forced to leave the physical body.

 Trevor was told that “[the astrals] are in need of pilots for their craft…” and on his own research in the media to find out many reports of failed planes which the crew and passengers… This is no proof- this term as expressed in its judicial conception—to link directly what the entity Ashtar said about the origins and motivations of the inimical craft with the events researched in the media , but Trevor found proof of aggression from saucer shaped craft against planes and their crews in the manner Ashtar indicated and they were produced by people who had never before heard of what Trevor had experienced as telepathic communication. These unacquainted people went so far as to sign affidavits stating how the events unfolded, which are fully reproduced in They Live in the Sky.

From: A Book Review by Jorge Resines of “The Rebirth of Pan”, by Jim Brandon (Borderlands, The Journal of Borderland Research Vol. 50 No. 1, 1994)

The Lost Russian Astronauts

 In the “Fate” article Edwards says a pair of astronauts, man and woman, were launched from a Russian space base on May 17, 1961 and orbited for seven days. Tracking stations in the free world followed them and monitored the voices of a man and woman from the capsule. Reports from them were routine until the last day when they were reporting, on May 24th, the sighting of “something that at first startled them and then terrified them…the woman’s voice interjected:

“I’ll make it and hold tightly with my right hand! Look out the peep hole! Look out the peephole! I have it…”

A few seconds later the make voice yelled: “Here! Here there is something! There is something it is difficult…”

“At that point a Soviet station cut in to announce that it was 3 p.m. Moscow time. When the Soviet station ceased transmitting the hour the transmissions from the space capsule had ceased and were not renewed.”

In the same article Edwards reports the launching of Russian astronauts, male and female, on a voyage to the moon, October 17, 1961. Routine transmissions from this capsule ceased after seven hours, with no explanation. These two items sound like interception and kidnapping, especially the first one. Certainly there is something going on above us and we are finally getting equipped to find it out.

From: Flying Saucers on the Moon by Riley Hansard Crabb from a lecture given in Vista, California, June 9, 1962 (as reprinted in Borderlands, The Journal of Borderland Research Vol. 50 No. 2, 1994)


The Crossroads of Science and Spirit

Vol. 50, No. 1

First Quarter 1994




The Crossroads of Science and Spirit

Vol. 50, No. 2

Second Quarter 1994


Original Editions available for short time on eBay:

Send us an email if you would like copies of these issues which we have available as reprints.