This is the hardest task I have set myself in ages. I am supposed to be trying to sell you some books but I decided to investigate our Flying Saucer material. I think this material is supposed to be secret and hidden to only the most advanced adepts. It is tricky stuff…
Daniel over at Dark Journalist, a must see YouTube experience every Friday Night, coined a phrase that I feel is very important in understanding how the Flying Saucer phenomenon plays such a unique role in the Mystery School development. He describes a category of strange reality distorting effects that surround contact with the Flying Saucers as Apotheum.
I am a firm believer that absurdity is a foil for some of the most disturbing Apotheum effects (or is it that absurdity itself is an Apotheum effect?).
In classic UFO reporting things get sort of silly. I imagine if one were to panic it could get pretty weird. I don’t think you get into this business unless you sort of like things getting weird. Novelty?
T Allen Greenfeild, in his crucial text Cipher of the UFOnauts, discovered that the silly names from UFO contactees seem to have a marvelous response to English Qaballah. Something about the “revelation” process makes the language/information malleable to qabalistic style investigation.
Boring and awkward are marks of low level contact. Something is there but the message just can’t quite be got at. Ideas can be teased out by the use of Gematria and in particular the Cipher of the UFOnauts.
I have diverged from my regular program of writing from the pile of books on the desk and have instead tried to focus on a rare collection of Riley Crabb lectures that I call the Crabb’s Flying Saucer File.
Riley gives us a glimpse of how to apply Western Mystery Tradition to the flying saucer mystery.
The odd thing is that this file seems almost guarded. It is hard to penetrate. It has a lot of Apotheum. The information gets silly and absurd quickly and one loses one’s bearings, where just moments before the signal was getting clear.
The message is hard to track and to make matters worse, as I was saying, the “absurdity” of the Cipher of the UFOnauts IS the lens that allows us to make connections and establish contact.
I have spent a few days meeting two new friends, Eddington and Jeans, I had no idea about last week. These gentlemen were introduced from the Riley Crabb Lecture…
Grox says, “Sir Arthur Eddington and Sir James Jeans were prominent British astrophysicists in the early 20th century, known for their significant contributions to understanding the structure and evolution of stars.”
“Eddington and Jeans engaged with the concept of consciousness through their philosophical inquiries into the nature of scientific observation and interpretation. Eddington, in particular, was known for his philosophical musings, famously exploring how the mind influences our grasp of reality in works like “The Nature of the Physical World,” where he proposed that the universe might be fundamentally mental rather than material. Jeans similarly pondered the role of consciousness, suggesting in his writings that the universe could be more akin to a vast thought than a machine, highlighting how human consciousness shapes our scientific models and understanding of cosmic phenomena.”
It was the connection to Eddington and Jeans and the “Purple Garment” that the Apotheum got really intense for me. When key information is found on Chinese spam-site you know things are getting weird. One would like to think that the ET communication tech was a little better than the appearance of random spam pages…but, we jest, and poke fun at the Etherians a little. Like the President, we like to troll a little…it’s actually very interesting.
This random Chinese spam-site frames the entire conversation: “Either God exists and is the Creator of the universe as scientists like Eddington and Jeans assume or matter is eternal or it has come out of nothing.”
Absurdity piled upon absurdity is when we understand that the best contactee material from the 50’s and 60’s is sort of atemporal, it is living information, outside of time and continues to leak signal from the original broadcast. Yet, often it is goofy with goofy names and nonsense accounts.
It is due to this multidimensional atemporal quality to the language used that allows it to be deciphered with the Cipher of the UFOnauts.
The phrases “the road of travel of Tow’-Sang, the solar phalanx (our solar system)” and the “Vela Sector System” arise and go a long way to establishing a conversation about astrophysics.
Tow’-Sang = 65 = host of, globe,
solar phalanx = 97 = company, sphere,
Both terms refer to the solar system as a host of globes and a company of spheres!
On the surface they are attempting to give us a lesson in geography trying to explain where we are. The “where” and the “why” and the “how” get all mixed up if we move too fast.
We get some pretty good straight forward material about the choice and then a very cryptic message that could be taken to allude to our 47th President:
“Those who do make the choice in complete faith in the Everlasting Light shall not be touched by anyone who would harm them. No jail shall hold them. Their blood shall not flow from wound of foe. When we pledge our assistance in the Light of Understanding we stand on our oath.”
“Flying Saucers and the New Consciousness” a lecture from Riley Crabb introduces us to Eddington and Jeans and they go hard on astrophysics once they take the stage. I am not sure I can parse it…but hopefully you can…
Two key ideas we picked up from Eddington and Jeans are “the crucial role of radiation pressure in maintaining stellar equilibrium” and “the outward flowing radiation may thus be compared to a wind blowing through the star and helping to distend it against gravity”.
In context it seems to suggest these ideas to understand the dynamic interplay with the world of the Etherians.
Par for the course, in Flying Saucers and America’s Destiny, things get exo-political, and touch on our Galactic sovereignty.
In my exegesis, the Sons of Adonai adorned in Purple Garments represent the sovereignty of this star system and all star systems “the all things stand created through him and unto him” ( Col 1:16 ).
I am not sure I can make much more sense of this but if you read along the path it should be clear if you are getting any of this signal in the first place.
The Flying Saucer file is now available at 2015 prices. I will point out that reading a digital copy will not provide the same contact that the physical book will have.
I did not follow up every lead. If you find something interesting send me an e-mail.
Flying Saucers and America’s Destiny
“In the words of Jehovah and his Angel Ambassadors, a Sacred History of the Dominions of the Higher and Lower Heavens on the Earth for the Past Twenty-Four Thousand years.”
That’s what it says on the flyleaf of my 1891 edition of Oahspe, and 900 pages of strange and wonderful information follow, all typed through the mediumship of a Now York dentist in the late 19th Century. His name was John Ballard Newbrough. The first edition was published in 1881. Ray Palmer, in the June, 1959 issue of “Search,” says that this first edition was recalled from public circulation by the United States and British governments and the second edition was printed and distributed at government expense. Ray says he can’t understand why Newbrough yielded to government pressure, He is now threatening to publish a photo-offset copy of that first edition of Oahspe.
John Ballard Newbrough = 198 = my secret house, the innermost
Oahspe = 68 = jesus, palace, dine,
“Anyhow, on page 603 of our copy of Oahspe is this curious drawing, Plate 71. The caption says that from A to A is the road of travel of Tow’-Sang, the solar phalanx (our solar system). B and B are deviations from a straight line. C,C,C,C are vortices of other symptoms (2?) of worlds. From D to D is 3,000 years. The open space in B (arrow) indicates the place of the Serpent (our solar system) in this day. It occurred to me that this drawing in Oahspe illustrated the vortexes of the Vela Sector System in Van Tassel’s “Proceedings.”

GroxAI: Metaphorical or Mythological: In a more abstract or literary sense, a “solar phalanx” might symbolize a group of individuals or entities united under a common goal related to solar energy, enlightenment, or even a narrative involving a battle against darkness or ignorance, with each member representing a ‘ray’ of the sun.
Tow’-Sang = 65 = god of war, host of, globe,
solar phalanx = 97 = ra-hoor-khut, company, sphere,
Vela Sector System = have star & star system
“In searching about for a message with which to close this talk I found it in George Van Tassel’s “Proceedings,” a telethought message received by him from Contamarra, from Arcturus, on July 16, 1955:”
“Since we have arrived near your solar system, we greet you there on Salon Shan. We recently tried to contact you from our system, recognized by your people in the skies as Arcturus. We are known in the Confederation as the “Sons of Adonai.’ We have come on a volunteer mission, to do service to the people of your planet.”
“Our craft is sitting here in space, outside your Solar Vortex, This craft will carry close to twenty-five million people; and we have just discharged thirty-eight thousand of our smaller ships from it, It is difficult for minds such as yours, that function by the brain, to comprehend the magnitude of our operations throughout the Universe. We never do things on a small scale. We only serve to our greatest capacity as servants and instruments of a greater capacity.”
“You have always had the right to choose, since your birth and in all generations of your humanity. You have not chosen wisely; because under your social and economic systems, and under your religious administrations, you have been subject to custom and to class distinction.”
“So we have come. You Will be awakened in great numbers, not to a service, not to any great Knowledge. You will be awakened to a choice.”
“Great multitudes of you will suddenly discover that there are two ways to go, and you will have to make a decision. If you decide to become servants in the Light of an Everlasting Love then you will be guided. Some of you will be directed, following a strong inspiration that will change with each moment. This we have come to do for you and with you. We can only influence and direct those who make the choice to serve humanity in every possible way.”
“We do not especially like this assignment. It should never be, that any people should have to be directed and guided to bring about their own survival!
“In addressing you at center “C“, as we understand your point has been designated, each one of you this night has either made a choice or is about to make one. To those whom we see have made a choice, we pledge to you in the Living Light that we shall not at any time lead you or direct you in any way detrimental or injurious to your individual person.
“In this service to your people, in this great crisis of your system and your planet, we understand the failures of your civilization. We have come to help you. We shall move in with protection, with power, with Light and Truth, and surround and guide everyone who makes the choice rightly.
“Those who do make the choice in complete faith in the Everlasting Light shall not be touched by anyone who would harm them. No jail shall hold them. Their blood shall not flow from wound of foe. When we pledge our assistance in the Light of Understanding we stand on our oath.
“So, from the system of our sun, Arcturus, we the ‘Sons of Adonai’ are in your skies. We are watching individuals; we are waiting for your decisions.
“I leave you by extending the love of our people. I am Contamarra,”
Contamarra = 106 = the ordeal, revealed, starlight
Sons of Adonai = 108 = fortress, garment, purple
Arcturus = 101 = the body, the child, the dove
Flying Saucers and the New Consciousness
“It is pretty difficult for us to conceive the appearance, the purposes of a being of pure Mind. Yet some of our leading philosopher scientists are approaching that point. Consider the words of Sir James Jeans:”
“A review of modern physics has shown that all attempts at mechanical models or pictures have failed and must fail. For a mechanical model or picture must represent things as happening in space and time, while it recently became clear that the ultimate processes of nature neither occur in, nor admit of representation in, space and time.”
“And Sir Arthur Eddington has stated: “Modern physics has eliminated the notion of substance, Mind is the first and most direct thing in our experience. I regard Consciousness as fundamental, The old atheism is gone. Religion belongs to the realm of Spirit and Mind, and cannot be shaken.”
“Here you have two scientists of world renown stating clearly the revolution in their own consciousness, saying that physics has become metaphysics More recently it has been echoed by the biggest of our national magazines, Life, in an editorial in the Jan. 28, 1957 issue.
“…old fashioned metaphysics, so far from being irrelevant to an age of science, is science’s indispensable complement for a full view of life. Metaphysical speculation is becoming fashionable again. Set free of materialism, metaphysics could well become man’s chief preoccupation of the next century and may even yield a world wide working consensus on the nature of life and the universe, This metaphysical quest must of course be compatible with the latest proven truths of science, and it is one in which scientists can he useful – but it is not confined to them. It is also a quest for philosophers and laymen and all who feel the challenge of the eternal mystery…”
Vela Sector System = 219 = have star & star system
Being introduced to these gentlemen I did some research and discovered some text that seemed to resonate…they go on in some detail.
the crucial role of radiation pressure in maintaining stellar equilibrium
“4. Here at the outset we must deal with a criticism urged by Nernst, Jeans and others. It has been argued that this procedure for calculating the outward flow of radiation is necessarily doomed to failure, because the star’s output of heat energy is determined by entirely different considerations. The supply of heat replenishing that which the star radiates into space must come from the conversion of other forms of energy; and
since the star remains apparently steady for exceedingly long periods of time, the radiation of the star must be just equal to the amount of energy converted in the interior. It is now believed that this conversion process is the liberation of subatomic energy. The critic contends that, since the outflowing heat represents the energy liberated by subatomic processes, the amount can only be calculated if we know the laws of liberation of subatomic energy, and any procedure which evades this difficult problem begs the question.”
“Now it is quite true that a theory of the rate of liberation of subatomic energy is a conceivable approach to the problem of stellar radiation. In the present state of our knowledge such theories are little more than guess-work and results are rudimentary. But it is unsound to argue that no other procedure is permissible. The amount of water supplied to a town is the amount pumped at the waterworks; but it does not follow that a calculation based on the head of water and diameter of the mains is fallacious because it evades the problems of the pumping station.
It may seem puzzling to understand how two radically different ways of calculating the theoretical radiation from a star can be made to agree.”
“11. Capella was discovered to be a spectroscopic binary in 1899 by Campbell and Newall independently. The two components are not very unequal in brilliancy, so that lines due to both can be seen in the spectrum; the two sets of lines are observed to shift to and fro across one another owing to the changing Doppler effect as the components approach and recede in their orbits. The period is 104-022 days. The full knowledge obtained for Capella depends on the fact that it has also been observed as a visual double star, and the elements of the visual orbit are believed to be well determined. The separation of the two components is only about 0″-05, which is beyond the resolving power of the largest telescopes adapted for this kind of observation; but in 1920 Michelson’s interferometer method of observation used in connection with the 100-inch reflector at Mount Wilson achieved its first striking success by measurements of the separation and position angle of Capella. “
a spectroscopic binary = 285 = the blue-lidded daughter, and the infinite stars
Capella = 70 = space
“Radiation Pressure”
“14. It is necessary to take account of a phenomenon ignored in the early investigations, which may have a considerable effect on the equilibrium of a star, viz. the pressure of radiation. It is well known that electromagnetic waves, including light waves, possess mass and momentum and exert a force on anything which obstructs their progress. Ordinarily the pressure of radiation is extremely minute and can only be demonstrated by very delicate terrestrial experiments; but the radiation inside a star is so intense that the pressure is by no means negligible as regards the conditions of equilibrium of the material. At a point in the interior the radiation pressure shares with the gas pressure the task of supporting the weight of the superincumbent layers of material. The radiation pressure is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature; it amounts to
2,550 atmospheres at 1,000,000°,
25,500,000 atmospheres at 10,000,000°.
“The outward flowing radiation may thus be compared to a wind blowing through the star and helping to distend it against gravity.”
I think we can get a gut feeling for what they are trying to tell us but to clarify things I brainstormed with GroxAI to parse it out and we came up with a pretty good analysis.
“The pressure of radiation in a star, which helps maintain its structure against gravity, can be compared to internal motivation in psychology, which drives individuals to act against external or internal resistances.”
“Radiation pressure is an internal force that supports the star. Similarly, internal motivation in humans (like intrinsic motivation) is an internal drive that pushes us to overcome challenges or resistances (like laziness, fear, or external pressures) to achieve goals or maintain personal growth. The intensity of motivation, like radiation pressure with temperature, can vary with personal circumstances or psychological states.”
“This analogy not only bridges the gap between astrophysics and psychology but also underscores the universal theme of balance and the complexity of internal systems in maintaining stability.”
Sons of Adonai = 108 = fortress, garment, purple
We did a search for purple garment and we must have left the “Eddington and Jeans” in the search because we got a very unusual link…this is the Chinese spam link. (…directly precipitated by the Etherians?)
Here are the unique google search results:
“… Eddington and Jeans. Usually in John z(9388) means spiritual life, but here … purple garment} (himation porphuroun). Old adjective porphureos from …”
“Either God exists and is the Creator of the universe as scientists like Eddington and Jeans assume or matter is eternal or it has come out of nothing. {Was} ((886e)). Three times in this sentence John uses this imperfect of eimi to be which conveys no idea of origin for God or for the Logos, simply continuous existence.”
“The author of Hebrews ( Heb 1:2 ) names God’s Son as the one “through whom he made the ages.” Paul pointedly asserts that “the all things were created in him” (Christ) and “the all things stand created through him and unto him” ( Col 1:16 ). Hence it is not a peculiar doctrine that John here enunciates.”
While the text we derived from Eddington and Jeans doesn’t explicitly state that matter is eternal, the implication of a continuous cycle of energy conversion within stars aligns with the idea that matter, in some form, has always been part of the universe, undergoing changes rather than having a point of origin from nothing. This leans towards viewing matter as part of an eternal cycle of transformation rather than having a beginning from nothingness.
The discussion of how radiation pressure contributes to the equilibrium of a star by counteracting gravity implies a system where matter and energy are in a state of balance, suggesting that matter within stars is not being created or destroyed but is part of a dynamic equilibrium.
The mention of radiation pressure as a significant force within stars indicates that matter interacts with energy in complex ways, further supporting the idea of matter being part of an existing system rather than emerging from nothingness
Sons of Adonai = 108 = fortress, garment, purple
“This later mock coronation (Mark and Matthew) was after the condemnation. {Plaited a crown of thorns} (plexantes stephanonex akanth(936e)). Old verb plek(935c), to weave, in the N.T. only here, Mr 15:17 Mt 27:19 . Not impossible for the mock coronation to be repeated. {Arrayed him} (periebalon auton). “Placed around him” (second aorist active indicative of periball(935c)). {In a purple garment} (himation porphuroun). Old adjective porphureos from porphura, purple cloth ( Mr 15:17,20 ), dyed in purple, in the N.T. only here and Re 18:16 . Jesus had beenstripped of his outer garment himation ( Mt 27:28 ) and the scarlet cloak of one of the soldiers may have been put on him( Mt 27:28 ).”
A little bit more help from GroxAI. Using AI to tune in what the Etherians are trying to say…sure. APOTHEUM.
“During the mock coronation, Jesus was given a purple robe by Roman soldiers as a form of mockery, symbolizing a false kingship. However, this act of mockery ironically foreshadows His true role as the “King of Kings,” highlighting a transformation from mockery to genuine authority.”
“Stellar equilibrium refers to the balance within a star where the inward gravitational forces are counteracted by the outward pressure forces, primarily from radiation and gas pressure, maintaining the star’s stability over long periods.”
“His transformation from a mocked figure to the King of Kings can be likened to the transformation of a star. Just as Jesus’ true nature as King was revealed despite the mockery, a star undergoes transformation from its formation phase to becoming a stable, radiant body in space.”
“A star’s journey involves transformation through different stages (protostar, main sequence, etc.), yet it maintains equilibrium through these changes, similar to how Jesus’ true identity was maintained despite the external mockery.”
I like to investigate unusual words. I have not been able to make sense of what message is being conveyed but the coincidence of the gematria allows me to leave it here. Something to do with the solar phalanx not having distinct joints?
Anarthrous = 97 = solar phalanx
Anarthrous means without an article or without distinct joints. It can be used as an adjective, adverb, or noun
From Chinese spam:
In the beginning (εν αρχη). Αρχη is definite, though anarthrous like our at home, in town, and the similar Hebrew be reshith in Genesis 1:1.
{In the beginning} (en arch(8869)). Arch(885c) is definite, though
anarthrous like our at home, in town, and the similar Hebrew _be